My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 609: Is it still possible to change personnel now?

Chapter 609: Is it still possible to change personnel now?

The moment the verse was shouted, a deafening cheer erupted.

Even though the duel hadn’t started yet, the human race already believed that they had won this battle!

The phrase echoed silently in the prince’s mind, causing goosebumps to involuntarily rise all over his body.

How magnificent!

Anya gazed at the dark figure, her eyes shimmering with emotion, and deep within her, a trace of emotion rippled.

Emperor Ming raised his eyebrows slightly with a strange look on his face: “This boy really dares to say anything, but his literary talent is really amazing.”

Listening to the cheers around him, Qin Feng’s nervousness faded and his confidence multiplied: “To the end of the sea, with the sky as my shore, in literary talent, I am at the top!”


“Master Qin, say another one!”

The crowd applauded enthusiastically, but they were too excited to pay much attention to why it was literary prowess and not martial prowess.

The National Teacher of Heavenly Tower glanced at the poem indifferently, then looked away.

Elsewhere, observers like Xu Lexian, Yang Qian, and Fei Xun all wore slightly grim expressions.

The members of the National Academy gritted their teeth in anger.

“Arrogant and presumptuous!”

“The audacity of this brat knows no bounds!”

Of course, Qin Feng, caught up in his own excitement, was oblivious to all of this.

The cheering in his ears grew louder and louder, fueling Qin Feng’s enthusiasm as he continued to utter all sorts of pretentious words.

Gathering the Righteous Qi under his feet, he gathered his strength and leapt high into the air, landing inside the boundary barrier.

“The rolling Yangtze River flows eastward, washing away heroes with its waves. Right and wrong, success and failure, all become empty words in the end. The green mountains remain, and the sunset glows red again and again.”

“White-haired fishermen on the riverbank, accustomed to watching the autumn moon and the spring breeze. Sharing a glass of wine brings the joy of meeting, with countless stories of the past and present, all ending in laughter!”

This was his last resounding declaration of brilliance in front of others, and Qin Feng was prepared to receive the most enthusiastic cheers from everyone.

But to his surprise, everything suddenly fell silent, as if you could hear a pin drop.

Qin Feng’s expression froze. What’s going on? Could it be that this poem is too sophisticated, unlike the previous simple and domineering ones, so they don’t understand it?

He looked around and saw everyone looking stunned.

‘They must be stunned by my poetry!’ Qin Feng was convinced.

However, he didn’t know that everyone was thinking the same thing – could it be true that Master Qin (Young Master Qin) is the one chosen for the final battle? The fate of the human race is doomed…

“This…” Eunuch Li’s eyes widened. “How could the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower send Young Master Qin?”

Emperor Ming’s eyelids twitched slightly.

Deng Mo, Liu Tianlu, Lie Ying, Su Tianyue, and others all showed complex expressions.

At this moment, someone in the crowd who was bold enough shouted loudly, “Master Qin, it is enough to take the initiative outside. You don’t need to go inside, that’s the place for the duel”.

As these words came out, voices of agreement echoed one after another.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng opened his mouth, his face alternating between red and white.

At this point, he finally understood why everyone had fallen silent, why the atmosphere was so eerie. It turned out that they didn’t believe that he was the one chosen for the final battle!

As the saying goes, a gentleman can be killed, but not humiliated.

The initial tense atmosphere had been replaced by an eagerness to prove himself, as well as shame and anger. Qin Feng shouted loudly in the direction of the Asura Clan, “Qin Feng of the Qin Family has come specifically to find out which of you will be sent to fight!”

On the side of the Asura Clan, a slightly immature voice sounded, “Father, how about leaving this battle to me?”

The four great war kings looked over to see a half-sized indigo girl, her eyes shining, her long ponytail tied behind her head, exuding a sense of heroism.

They immediately said respectfully in unison, “Young King,  why do you need to take action personally to deal with such a person?”

Indeed, this Asura Clan girl was none other than Heaven Killing Asura’s daughter.

Born only twelve years ago, she had already reached the peak of the Sixth Calamity Cycle!

It was rumoured that due to her overwhelmingly powerful bloodline talent, she had accidentally absorbed her mother’s life force at birth, causing her to die shortly thereafter.

Among the younger generation of the Asura clan, there was no one who could rival her.

That’s why the Four War Kings, who value strength, liked to call her the Young King.

She has earned that title!

Heaven Killing Asura looked over and said, “If you want to fight, then fight. Take responsibility for your own life and death.”

For the Asura Clan, trials of life and death are inevitable. If one’s skills are inferior, then death is the consequence, and there’s no regret in dying.

The young girl nodded, jumped up and flew into the barrier.

Watching this scene, everyone was stunned. Who would have thought that the Asura Clan would send such a beautiful girl to fight in the final battle of the bet?

Everyone exchanged glances. If the opponent was this person, would Qin Feng actually have a chance to win?

This is absurd… Qin Feng gritted his teeth. The Asura Clan was clearly looking down on him!

I will make you understand why the flowers are so red!

“Tell me your name, I do not kill nameless individuals!” Qin Feng shouted angrily.

“Nameless individual…” The girl’s eyes flashed with murderous intent. “Asura Clan, Pablo!”

As her name was announced, Emperor Ming suddenly stood up, a look of shock on his face.

The Heavenly Tower’s National Teacher and Father Qin’s expression also changed.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere, Liu Jianli was curious. “What’s going on?”

Father Qin explained in a deep voice, “In the Asura Clan, the name Pablo means great strength.”

“It’s more of a title than a name, a kind of honour,” Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan exchanged glances upon hearing this, their eyes betraying concern.

The special meaning behind this name is known to only a few people in the human race.

As such, the spectators had yet to realise the seriousness of the situation.

Including Qin Feng himself!

But what followed was like a sudden slap in the face, making everyone’s heart skip a beat and cold sweat run down their backs.

“Young King, your weapon,” Evil King Bimala shouted as he threw out a huge bone spine that resembled a long spear.

The spine was snow-white all over, about ten feet long. As it flew through the air, it stirred up a gust of wind, indicating its weight.

But the girl called Pablo lifted it effortlessly with her right hand.

The contrast between the length of the spine and the girl’s stature was striking.

It was hard for ordinary people to imagine that someone with such a physique could really wield such a weapon with such ease.

Of course, that wasn’t what startled everyone.

The focus was on Evil King Bimala’s address to the girl – Young King!

Qin Feng swallowed hard as he realised the gravity of the situation.

His dissatisfaction and former arrogance gradually faded away as he cautiously asked, “Um, so if he’s calling you Young King, what’s your relationship with Heaven Killing Asura?”

Pablo scowled, “Lowly human, who gave you the right to address my father by name?!”

Holy cow… Qin Feng’s expression froze. He had thought that the Asura Clan had underestimated the situation by sending out a clown, and he even felt that victory was within his grasp.

He never expected that the clown would end up being himself!

As the saying goes, like father, like son. The daughter of Heaven Killing Asura, hailed as the young king by the Asura Clan War King, how could she be simple?

Qin Feng turned his head and looked at the Heavenly Tower National Teacher outside the boundary.

The expression on his face seemed to ask, “Is it still possible to change personnel now?”

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