My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 205: The Birth of a Famous Knife

Chapter 205: The Birth of a Famous Knife


As soon as these words were spoken, the originally crimson face of Liu Jianli blushed like the autumn maple forests, spreading a red hue that made ones heart wander.

She avoided Qin Fengs burning gaze, her eyes revealing a hint of embarrassment, panic, and a joy she herself couldnt fathom.

Clearly, she was someone who never flinched in the face of countless thunderous serpents, formidable monsters, and horrifying heavenly tribulations.

Yet, under Qin Fengs words and tenderness, she couldnt help but want to escape.

Whats wrong with me?

Liu Jianli questioned herself, a question that naturally had no answer.

But for her, whether there was an answer didnt really matter.

She just felt that if time could freeze at this moment, it would be perfect.

Outside the window, Lan Ningshuang secretly watched this scene, her face also blushing. She immediately hid under the windowsill, leaning against the wall.

Indeed, the stories in books had no comparison to real-life experiences.

The love words of her master were more moving than those spoken by the male protagonists in the books.

At this moment, for the sake of the private world of the master and the young miss, she should, as usual, tactfully leave.

However, there was a voice in her heart constantly tempting her, urging her not to leave but to keep watching.

What should I do, after all? Maybe Ill just watch a little longer? Yeah, just a bit longer! Lan Ningshuang successfully convinced herself. She turned around again, cautiously peeping out her head, and then her face froze in amazement.

In the brief moment she turned around, Qin Feng had already arrived at the window, looking at her with a playful expression.

On the other side of the room, her young miss lowered her head, her face not clearly visible, only the exposed ear tips still blushing.

Ningshuang, what are you doing here? Qin Feng asked knowingly.

Master, I Lan Ningshuang hesitated in her words, not knowing how to answer. She could only smile awkwardly.

Just as Qin Feng was about to tease her and dig deeper into the matter, suddenly, the entire Jinyang City shook.

In the direction of the Demon Slaying Department, a powerful aura pierced through the clouds. A terrifying pressure swept over the surroundings like a tidal wave.

All the knives in the city kept trembling continuously, seemingly bowing down to a king.

Even the sword weapons were affected, emitting a crisp sword hum as they resisted futilely.

The sword at Lan Ningshuangs waist reacted strangely,  and the sword box she carried with her also had lines on its surface flowing at this moment, making the sound of rushing water into the sea.

Miss, this sword sheath Lan Ningshuang called out.

Hearing this, Liu Jianli made a gesture, and the sword sheath flew into the room. She gently touched the surface of the sword sheath, calming down the agitation of the Cold Water Sword.

However, the flowing water-like sword hum never stopped.

A famous weapon has been born. Liu Jianli sensed the reason for the Cold Water Swords movement and said softly.

Qin Feng nodded, showing a joyful expression. After waiting for so long, his younger brothers personal knife was finally completed!

He was getting a little impatient.

At the same time, at the gate of Jinyang City, a woman dressed in black and white sword attire slowly entered the city gate.

She also sensed the commotion of a famous weapon being born and raised her head.

And on the chest of her clothes, there was a pattern, depicting a mountain peak with a floating sword above it.

That wasthe emblem of the Myriad Sword Sect.

Qin Feng quickly arrived at the Demon Slaying Department with Lan Ningshaung.

At the entrance, Huo Yuan of the Divine Workshop had been waiting there for a long time. As soon as he saw the visitor, he warmly stepped forward to greet.

Along the way, Huo Yuans mouth never stopped, always chatting and asking about this and that, making Qin Feng quite uncomfortable.

Qin Feng began to miss the arrogant attitude of the other party who stopped him and demanded more money before.

Approaching the location of the Divine Workshop, Qin Feng, unable to bear it any longer, spoke up, You have been talking about insignificant topics all the way. Brother Huo, do you have something specific to say?

Huo Yuan was startled, then secretly glanced around. After confirming there was no one else, he quietly asked, The old master has been busy forging the knife you requested, so he temporarily borrowed your physics book for us to read.

The content inside is truly extraordinary, opening our eyes. However, some parts are really obscure and hard to understand. Despite contemplating and pondering, we cant grasp the essentials. Now that youre here, can you take some time to explain it to us?

Qin Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, he really showed his kindness for nothing.

It turns out it was for the knowledge points in that physics book.

What specific parts do you not understand?

Upon hearing this, Huo Yuans face brightened. Immediately, he pulled out a prepared white scroll from his bosom, densely filled with characters.

Qin Feng took a glance. The white scroll was about the size of a regular book page, and he couldnt help but feel amazed: These people are indeed the most formidable in the Great Qian Blacksmithing, with such advanced knowledge in the physics book. After reading it, they have so many doubts.

But just as this thought emerged, Qin Feng widened his eyes.

Just because Huo Yuan took out the white paper, it was clearly just the tip of the iceberg of the long paper in his arms!

Under Qin Fengs astonished gaze, Huo Yuan kept pulling out the white scroll, and the length of the paper, initially a foot, gradually increased to a yard.

When all the scroll was pulled out, it had wound up to the position of his knees. Roughly estimating, it had reached an astonishing ten feet!

Huo Yuan picked up one end of the white scroll, looking excited, and asked a series of questions without stopping: In the wave-particle duality of light, what exactly are waves and particles? Why can electricity in Joules law be converted into heat? Also, the gravitational acceleration, why are the values different in different places?

He continued reading for the time it takes an incense stick to burn, but only a third of the questions on the scroll had been read.

Qin Feng felt as if he had a splitting headache just listening. Although the contents of these books were written by him, he remembered them. However, remembering is one thing; whether he could explain them clearly to others was another matter.

Seeing that Huo Yuan seemed to be going on endlessly, Qin Feng immediately interrupted, The main reason I came today is to obtain the knife that the elders have forged for me. As for your questions, let me answer them one by one after I get the weapon. Is that alright?

Huo Yuan paused and scratched his head awkwardly, I was too abrupt. After we finish with the weapon, you must explain it to us thoroughly.

Thats natural. Qin Feng agreed with a full mouth, but in his heart, he had already made other plans.

After getting the weapon, he would use the excuse of going to the restroom to slip away secretly.

Joking aside, if he explained everything at once, how could he continue to take advantage of you guys in the future?

What is this called?

This is called a gradual and steady approach.

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