My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 135: When will you enter the bridal chamber?

Chapter 135: When will you enter the bridal chamber?

Three days later, the sky over Jinyang City darkened once again.

In these three days, Hei Tan Tou and the second brother successively reached the sixth rank of the Divine Martial Realm.

At the same time, with Qin Feng’s growing proficiency in medical arts, the damaged meridians within Liu Jianli’s body were also gradually repaired.

Initially, he estimated it would take ten days, but now it seemed that with about three more treatments, the damaged meridians in Liu Jianli’s body could be completely restored.

Moreover, whether it was his imagination or not, since that night of thunderstorm, although Liu Jianli outwardly treated him the same as before, their relationship seemed closer.

Continuous good things kept happening, and Qin Feng should have felt happy, but for some reason, he always had an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

Looking at the clearing sky with a frown, he said, “It’s going to rain again? I hope there won’t be thunder.”



The sound of rain hitting the leaves continued.

In the mountain forest, a man and a woman approached.

The man had a strong figure, dressed in wide black sword pants, draped in a red cloak. The right half of his chest and arm were exposed, and a scar extended from his chest to his back, looking quite shocking.

His hair was reddish, tied behind him, and he carried a silver-white long knife about six feet long on his left shoulder. At the handle, a red wine gourd hung.

Beside him was a woman with closed eyes, looking heroic and elegant.

With short hair reaching her earlobes.

She wore a long blue dress, with a slit that was not conservative like an ordinary woman’s, but rather large. With each step, her long, strong, and white thighs were revealed, shining like a white python.

Her upper body had no sleeves, revealing two sections of smooth jade arms. A black silk belt was tightly wound around her waist, outlining a graceful figure.

On both sides of her waist hung two slender swords, about two feet long and two fingers wide. The purple patterns on the sword handles indicated they were extraordinary.

These two individuals walked in the rain, yet not a single spot on their bodies got wet.

As the raindrops fell, when they were about an inch away from their bodies, they were mysteriously blocked by an unknown force.

Suddenly, a deer leaped out from the side of the mountain forest, landing on the mountain road less than a foot away from the two.

If an old hunter were to witness this, he would surely be extremely surprised. Forest deer are known to be afraid of humans, let alone being within a foot’s distance – even ten feet away, they would usually flee on all fours.

However, this particular deer seemed oblivious to the two people. It continued to graze on wild grass by the mountain path.

Even if the two brushed past it, the deer remained completely unaware.


A hard object was stepped on.

The red-haired man looked down, and it was a half piece of a token, vaguely showing the character for “patrol.”

“Which unlucky patrol hunter died here?” the man said in a deep and resonant voice, like the tolling of a bell.

The short-haired woman lifted her head, still without opening her eyes. She sensed the surroundings and suddenly flashed to the edge of the bushes.

Bending down, her fair right leg was fully exposed. When she stood up again, she held a tattered piece of fabric in her hand, with bloodstains not entirely washed away by the rain.

“The body must have been eaten clean by the forest monsters. The residual aura is very faint, but it can be confirmed that the enemy is strong,” the woman said calmly, her voice clear.

“To become a patrol hunter, one’s strength must be above the Red Lotus Two Stars. And there are no obvious signs of a fight here.”

The man quickly reached a conclusion, “Victory or defeat is only a matter of inches. An enemy who can quickly kill a patrol hunter in a short time is undoubtedly strong.”

Even though he knew it was a formidable enemy, there was no worry or fear in his tone.

After a moment, the man touched his forehead and grinned, “During the last invasion of the city walls of Qiyuan, I killed a Ghost King with a Seventh-Stage Calamity Cycle power, 6,000 miles away and couldn’t participate in the action in time.

I heard that several strong enemies appeared that time, even the Spear Immortal couldn’t detain them.

I hope this time I can encounter a few opponents like that, to let me enjoy the kill.”

The woman, expressionless, said calmly, “Don’t underestimate your enemies.”

“A lion pouncing on a hare still uses its full strength. I understand this principle naturally,” the man raised an eyebrow.

He tucked the broken patrol token into his pocket and proceeded towards the city of Jinyang with the woman.

There was a rule in the Demon Slaying Department that if a colleague died while away, their belongings should be brought along.

“Either seek revenge for it, or bring its soul back to its hometown.

And judging by the appearance of the man, it was clearly the former.

It was lunchtime, and Qin Feng was having a meal with his family in the lobby.

The second brother had reached the sixth rank of the Divine Martial Lineage. Even though two days had passed, the family was still very happy.

While eating, Qin Feng watched his family enjoying themselves, feeling very warm.

But as the conversation continued, it turned to him.

Suddenly, the second mother asked, “By the way, Feng’er, how is the girl from the Liu family? Can her injuries be healed?”

Dad and the second brother, upon hearing this, also stopped eating and looked over.

Qin Feng swallowed his food and replied, “It’s not a big problem. There are still some meridians that need to be repaired, and several more treatments are needed.”

The Second Mother smiled knowingly, That’s good, that’s good. That girl is also pitiful. She can’t sit in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.”

“Rest assured, Second Mother. After all the meridians are repaired, she will be able to stand up again.” Qin Feng smiled, took a bite of his food, and chewed.

“Once her body is better, can you have a bridal chamber? I want to hold a grandchild while I’m still young.” the Second Mother’s eyes sparkled.

Cough, cough!

Because he was too shocked, Qin Feng choked. He quickly took a bowl of soup from the table and drank it to catch his breath.

As he looked at the expectant expression on the Second Mother’s face, unsure of how to answer, Dad stepped in, “Jianli, that girl, is devoted to the path of the sword. She may not have considered such matters of men and women for the time being. Why are you in such a hurry, my wife?”

The Second Mother frowned and exclaimed, “Why am I in a hurry? Feng’er is not young anymore, and Jianli is just the right age. When I gave birth to An’er, I wasn’t even at Jianli’s age.”

“How can this be same?” Qin Jian’an helplessly said.

“What do you mean? How is it different? You clarify it for me.” The Second Mother raised her eyebrows, looking like she was about to get angry.

“Madam, I didn’t mean that.”

“What did you mean then?!”

The second brother was on the side, eating and watching the lively scene.

Qin Feng originally wanted to watch the show, but Dad had just helped him.

So he spoke to calm things down, “Second Mother, Jianli has experienced a traumatic experience before. Even if her injuries are healed, there must be some lingering concerns in her heart. We can’t rush it.”

Hmm, I can’t rush it. Qin Feng silently added in his mind.

“That makes sense.” The Second Mother nodded slightly, glared at Dad, and stopped dwelling on this matter.

Seeing this, Qin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But just as he was about to start eating again, the Second Mother put down her chopsticks and asked, “By the way, what about that girl Ningshuang?”

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