My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 50: Episode 50 Strangers

Chapter 50: Episode 50 Strangers

In episode 50, when Li Tian was depressed, Shen Feng's eyes suddenly saw the book on the ground and bent down to pick it up.

Hey, what kind of book is this?

Shen Feng, who took it in his hand and glanced at it, flipped through a few pages, and his brows suddenly furrowed, your.

Shen Feng looked at Li Tian in surprise and said.

Li Tian hurriedly nodded, well, brother, you are too cultured, you can understand this tadpole text.

Brother, I really admire you.

Shen Feng said as he handed the book he had drunk to Li Tian.

Li Tian laughed, hehe, I drank too much last night, and I was ashamed again.

Shen Feng smiled and walked to the side and washed his face with water.

Li Tian didn't say much, just carefully packed his book in his backpack.

He cherished this book very much now, and after washing his face, Shen Feng said to Li Tian, brother, eat some breakfast early.

As he spoke, he took Li Tian and walked outside, originally Li Tian wanted to say to Shen Feng that the thing he was going to leave was after all, and it was not a matter to follow Shen Feng like this, and he didn't even know what Shen Feng was doing.

So I didn't have a chance to say that after following Shen Feng out, the sun had already reached the place overhead, today's weather was not bad, there were quite a lot of pedestrians outside, coming out of the alley, and then Shen Feng took Li Tian to the front.

Brother, do you have a job?

Shen Feng looked at Li Tian and asked Li Tian, I just resigned, in this way, if you don't dislike it, let's mix together first, anyway, I'm quite idle, and it's boring to be alone.

Shen Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Shen Feng say this, Li Tian was slightly depressed, and thought to himself, what can he do with such an unemployed vagrant?

Li Tian, who just wanted to speak, heard Shen Feng continue, I, I belong to the kind of person who sees the right person in temperament, 100 hearts, just like you, brother, but if I see someone who doesn't go well beats me to death, and I don't associate with him, maybe this is the fate of the legend.

Brother, if you don't mind, we'll be together in the future.

Shen Feng put his arm around Li Tian's shoulders and said with a smile.

Li Tian saw that Shen Feng was so arrogant, and he still had concerns in his heart, but at this moment, he also disappeared without a trace, anyway, now he is a person who has nothing, since people are so affordable, he can't help but give face to others.

So Li Tian said, okay, okay, from now on, the two of us will be brothers.

The two of them said as they walked towards the small restaurant where the snow was falling.

The small restaurant in the snow still looks a little deserted.

When Shen Feng walked in with Li Tian, there was only one table of guests eating, and Xue was standing at the front desk.

There was a ledger in front of it, as if it were settling accounts.

Today's snow changed into a new outfit, a pink tight T-shirt, the hair was tied yesterday, but today it is draped over the shoulders, and the black hair hangs down on the waist of the little man.

Underneath it was still the same pair of slender jeans.

Li Tian didn't know what was going on, and he seemed to be anxious to see the snowy beauty in his heart, but after following Shen Feng in, his eyes were focused on the snowy face, Shen Feng walked in with a smile, senior sister, morning.

Xia Xue heard Shen Feng's cry, raised her pretty face slightly, and glanced at Shen Feng with beautiful eyes, It's still early, it's almost eleven o'clock, it's still early, you are a pig.

Xia Xue said with a smile.

Shen Feng smiled shamelessly and said, Oh, hey, the senior sister scolded me Shen Feng If I don't listen to the senior sister scolding me for a day, I will feel uncomfortable.

Xia Xue giggled, her smile like a flower.

Li Tian also smiled, what are you eating?

Xia Xue looked at Li Tian and said to Shen Feng, whatever you want.

Shen Feng said, well, okay then, you sit over there for a while.

While saying.

Xia Xue walked inside, Li Tian and Shen Feng in front of him found a place, and sat down slowly, brother, senior sister, okay.

Shen Feng in front of him suddenly smiled evilly and said to Li Tian, it is indeed very good.

Hey, who can marry a superb beauty like a senior sister in this life, but it is a great blessing for a lifetime.

Shen Feng in front of him sighed and said, Hey, brother, I won't tell you, I've been pursuing my senior sister for almost five years.

It's a pity, senior sister never hurt me to death.

Now I have figured it out, this relationship between men and women is really not something that can be achieved by hard work.

Brother, I don't have this blessing in my life anyway.

Saying that, Shen Feng shook his head and sighed, Li Tian couldn't help but think in his heart, ah, are you single in the snow?

How can such a beauty be single?

Why did Senior Sister Shen Feng open a small restaurant here?

Li Tian asked curiously.

Shen Feng shook his head, hey, in fact, I don't know, I was also quite curious before, and asked the senior sister a few times, but the senior sister didn't seem to be very happy, so she didn't ask again.

Shen Feng said, hey, in fact, everyone has their own secrets, and we don't want to ask too much.

Li Tian vomited, and didn't ask again, but in his heart, he was secretly thinking, what is the reason?

While the two were talking, Xia Xue had already walked out with a drawer of xiaolongbao.

What are you two talking about, are you saying bad things about me?

Xia Xue put the fragrant bun on the table, looked at Shen Feng with beautiful eyes and said, Shen Feng hurriedly smiled, No, we don't dare.

If you dare to speak ill of me, you will want to eat at my place next time.

Xia Xue said.

Shen Feng and Li Tian hurriedly nodded there and snowed, and then retreated.

Hey, women are really fucking Tiger Senpai, tigers of tigers.

Shen Feng said with a smile.

Soon, the bun was dried up by two people.

Then the two of them drank some more porridge, and while they were talking, a large crown drove menacingly on the street outside.

While thinking about driving this way, the sound of cars ringing the shrill horn resounded in the crowded small streets.

Through the ink-colored window glass, you can see that the man driving inside is a lewd man with a sharp head, his face is sallow, and a pair of mouse eyes are staring ahead and driving slowly.

In the back of the car, there sat a fat and bloated man, covered in fat, making his body look like a pig.

The head was round, the face was greasy, and the flesh ring on the neck looked like the tires of a car, and the platinum Rolex on the wrist was very eye-catching.

On the other hand, he also wore a bright gemstone ring, and a charming woman was held next to it.

The woman belongs to the kind of woman who is very charming, with a very thick costume, a very hot body, and a pair of plump white meat balls are vigorous and want to come out of the fat man's body.

The fat man hugged the woman in his arms, and a pair of dishonest hands touched the woman unscrupulously, and the woman seemed to enjoy such a ravage.

There was a series of subtle gasping sounds, who was this fat guy?

If you have been in this area for a while, you must know the name of Fat Lao, a rich fat pig who is an out-and-out bastard-level character.

In this area, a lot of real estate belongs to the fat man, so he is very arrogant here, sitting in the car, snuggled in the fat old man's arms of the charming woman, suddenly pushed away by the fat man, looked at the obscene man driving in front of him and said, today's bet is a few losses, two sorrows, three sorrows, the mouse-eyed man driving in front of him quickly replied.

After listening to this, the fat old man frowned slightly, well, yesterday it was one to four, and today it has become two to three.

Damn, hey, these bastards seem to be trying to make money.

The fat old man scolded in his mouth and said, hey, big brother, I heard that the opponent is a very awesome character today, I don't know if that kid can do it.

The mouse-eyed man driving in front of him suddenly said to the fat man, the fat man squinted his eyes, hum, who, how awesome.

The boxers from other provinces have heard that they are not small in the underground boxing world, and they have beaten people to death in the ring.

Rat Eye Nan said, yes?

The fat guy suddenly laughed, damn, people from other provinces dare to come to the underground black spring in Kyoto City to spread wild, and they are impatient to live.

Big brother, I think it's better for us to pay attention.

Lao Tzu knows that Shen Feng is still a good kid, so I'm more at ease with him.

The fat old man in front of him said suddenly.

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