My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1455: Staying at the Lin family

Chapter 1455: Staying at the Lin family

Thank you for letting me know that I messed up the relationship between Director Lin and Lin Wei, they are cousins, not uncle and nephew.


Song Yan turned to look at Director Lin and questioned, "I asked you to look into the matter of your aunt's past. Director Lin, did you investigate what happened back then?"

Director Lin was still reeling in the fact that his cousins had been betrayed by their spouses and that Ruan Bei whom they had treated like a respected and loved elder was the one pulling the string behind the scenes---when he heard Song Yan question him.

He raised his head and blinked his eyes before nodding. Director Lin replied, "I did...I did look into the matter and there was something weird that I found."

"What is it?" Song Yan asked calmly. She already knew that finding the connection with the evil spirits with Madam Lin would be easy as Madam Lin would have never known that anyone would look into her past.

"There was a special assistant with whom my aunt got close," Director Lin didn't withhold any details from Song Yan and told her everything.

Turned out that Madam Lin used to support orphans, and her little assistant was also one of these orphans. This girl's name was Su Jun and she was abandoned by her parents as she was born a girl and her parents wanted a son.

Madam Lin took pity on this girl when she found out how the parents of that girl abandoned her, she picked her up and started sponsoring the child. From the tender of eleven to twenty- one, Madam Lin took care of Su Jun.

She was no different than Madam Lin's own daughter. Everything was fine...


"This girl revealed extreme possessiveness toward my aunt," Director Lin told Song Yan. However, when he spoke those words, his expression was rather complicated.

"Isn't that normal?" Jun Yue questioned with her head tilted to the side. "Every child shows some sort of possessiveness towards their parents, right?"

Jun Yue was also a mother, even though her unfilial sons were no longer staying with her and her husband, they were once adorable kids who loved to stick to her. She was more than aware of how some children could grow possessive of their parents when they were young.

Her second son was like that.

"You do not understand," Director Lin shook his head with a sigh. "When I say that the girl was possessive... I don't mean to say that she was childishly possessive her...her actions were really weird and sometimes cruel."

Director Lin then relayed some instances to Song Yan. He told her how Lin Sui once fell sick when she was really young, she was only five or four years old and Su Jun was sixteen.

Logically speaking, a child that old should know what was right and wrong but Su Jun was different from the rest of the children.

She didn't like Madam Lin paying attention to Lin Sui alone and tried to take her away many times but Madam Lin was Lin Sui's mother, how could she leave her sick daughter?

She simply asked Su Jun to wait and not to disturb her.

The girl didn't say anything back then and agreed but --

Three days later, Lin Sui's pet cat was found hanging by the roof. That was not all, it was skinned and stabbed countless times. If not for the fact that there was a collar tied around its neck, no one would have known that it was the pet cat Lin Sui was raising.

Jun Yue gasped while Song Yan's eyes narrowed.

"Was that girl punished?" Jun Yue asked.

Such a cruel girl, she should have been taught a good lesson but to her surprise, Director Lin shook his head. He replied, "No she wasn't. That girl had a perfect alibi which proved that she did nothing and so even if Little Siri insisted that it was that girl, nothing could be proved."

After that, he brought up another instance where Madam Lin's late husband wanted to bring Madam Lin on a couple-only hot spring trip. Everything was fine but then just before the day of the trip, Madam Lin's late husband fell in the bathroom and broke his spine.

Another instance was about Madam Lin's late son who once foolishly asked his mother to bake a cake for him. Madam Lin doted on her children so she naturally agreed but inside that cake, a dead rat that was rotting was found.

There was another situation where Lin Wei ended up getting into an accident because someone deliberately messed with the brakes of his car. Lin Wei however was smart enough to protect himself and installed a dash cam.

Su Jun was recorded messing with his car.

"However, she was a teen back then..six months away from turning eighteen," Director Lin sighed and rubbed his forehead. Just talking about that girl left him to be covered in cold sweat.

There was also the matter of Lin Wei driving the car while being a teen himself, thus they could not publicize this matter.

His aunt and his grandmother were never close so he did not know such details.

He only got to know them now.

"My aunt could no longer cope with Su Jun's terrible attitude. She knew that there was something wrong with that girl and immediately sent her to an asylum in the hope that Su Jun would get better but-- a few days later...there was a fire."

"The entire asylum burned down leaving nothing behind and unfortunately more than a hundred patients died in that fire including Su Jun..."

Song Yan now understood why Madam Lin was distraught enough to bring back the demonic spirit of Su Jun. It was out of guilt, she was feeling guilty because of Su Jun's death.

'But I am half certain that the fire was not coincidental...' Song Yan narrowed her eyes before saying, "Director Lin, I might be wrong but can you investigate a little more? Can you find out whether Ruan Bei went to look for Su Jun and met with her?"

"I have a feeling that the fire in the asylum did not start for no reason."

Given how possessive Su Jun was of Madam Lin, it would have been easy for Ruan Bei to control and manipulate that girl.

As soon as Song Yan said that, Director Lin and Jun Yue's faces changed drastically. The husband and wife looked at each other and saw suspicion and shock in each other's eyes. If Ruan Bei went to look for Su Jun and instigated her into setting the asylum on fire while knowing that the girl was mentally sick, she couldn't be just called cruel.

Director Lin immediately said, "Do not worry, Yan Yan. I will see what I can do."

Song Yan nodded and also decided to ask Fu Yu Sheng to look into the matter.

She had to know if Ruan Bei was the one who caused so many people to die, if the truth was just as she expected that would explain why Ruan Bei's aura was too dark.

This matter was too serious and no one took it lightly.

Song Yan then thought of something and said to Jun Yue, "Sister-in-law, I will be staying here today. I will have to trouble you to prepare a guest room for me."

She had a feeling that the demonic spirit was going to make her move soon. Now that her identity had been found out, she would not sit still.

When Jun Yue heard that Song Yan was staying at their house, she felt like she had gotten a pillar for support. So how could she not agree? She immediately agreed to clean up a guest

room for Song Yan.

Song Yan smiled at Jun Yue when she saw how enthusiastic the woman was towards her.

Once Jun Yue left, Song Yan turned to look at Director Lin and said to him, "Make sure no one leaves the house tonight, Director Lin. If someone steps out of the house, I might not be able

to protect everyone."

When Director Lin heard that something was going to happen tonight, his heart quivered. He was glad that he had asked Song Yan for help and even thanked his luck. If Song Yan had not come to the S city then he might have died while not even knowing the cause.

At the same time, he regretted letting someone like Ruan Bei stay close to their family.

Director Lin hurriedly nodded and said to Song Yan, "I understand, Yan Yan." After saying what she needed to tell Director Lin and his wife, Song Yan did not say anything else. Instead, she went around Lin's house and destroyed the things that Ruan Bei had brought with her. Because one of those things was inside the kitchen, Song Yan ran into Jun

Yue who looked at her curiously.

"These things are stolen from graves. They can help in strengthening the demonic spirit as

well as the soul connection array."

When Song Yan explained the matter she did not think too much but behind her Jun Yue almost fainted. Things stolen from graves? It was a good thing that Ruan Bei was not in front of her or else she would have beaten that woman up! How dare she!

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