My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1402: A small test

Chapter 1402: A small test

Xie Xiaoli sneered. She couldn't believe that the man had the face to say something like this. He was caught having an affair and yet the blame was shifted on the woman with whom he was having an affair, did he think that by pushing the responsibility on Xie Liang's head, he would be forgiven?

No! Instead, it would only make Xie Xiaoli look down on him even more.

"Seduced? Then how will you explain the child that you have with her?" Xie Xiaoli questioned angrily, causing Yun Tao to stiffen. He opened his mouth to say something but was smacked by the evidence that Xie Xiaoli had collected, making it impossible for him to retreat.

"H..Honey," Yun Tao wanted to say something but Xie Xiaoli didn't want to hear any more of his lies. She turned to look at her father-in-law whose face was ashen and said to him, "I will be taking my leave now. Since your son likes the daughter of my family's maid then let him marry her instead. I will not stand in the way of the two lovers."

Xie Xiaoli cleared up Xie Liang's identity at once causing the woman who was struggling on the ground to pause and glare at Xie Xiaoli who calmly glanced at Xie Liang.

Did this woman think that she could marry Yun Tao just because she slept with him and gave him a child? Too naive!

Father Yun was a man who didn't even marry the two women with whom he had an affair, instead, he stayed with Mother Yun till now. Why was it? Because a chicken would always be a chicken.

Even if it somehow occupies the nest of a phoenix, it doesn't mean that it would become one. Xie Xiaoli snorted and then walked away with her head held high. However, the words that she spoke caused quite a stir in the crowd.

"Maid's daughter? He actually left an heiress and had an affair with a maid?"

"Sure enough blood can never lie. His blood is that of a woman with low morals. So of course he would act so shamelessly."

"Those born with the blood of Xiao San can never live a respectful life!"

The discussion was enough to make Zhao Meng tremble with anger, Father Yun was no better. Even though no one said anything directly to him, why did they continue to mention 'blood', wasn't it because they were condemning him for having affairs with two women when he was married to Mother Yun?

In the words of the crowd, he had an affair with a women who came from a low background and had kids with them. Thus, Yun Tao was the same, he had an affair with a woman from a low background and had a child with her as well.

It was because of him!

Father Yun's face if possible turned even more ashen. He turned to look at Yun Zhao and Yun Tao before saying, "Is this much excitement not enough for you two? You don't need to return home even now?"

Yun Zhao shrugged and then walked past his father to stop next to his mother. Mother Yun patted Yun Zhao on the back of his hand, she was silently telling him that even if someone made things difficult for him, she would handle it.

Yun Zhao smiled at his mother and shook his head. He had prepared for this day after discussing a lot with Song Yan. There was no need for his mother to trouble herself, once he was done dealing with these three men, they would stay quiet for all their life.

The Yun family returned home, Yun Tao was basically dragged home by Father Yun as he was too furious.

"YUN TAO!" Father Yun roared as he glared at Yun Tao. "I don't believe that I have treated you badly, why did you have to do something so foolish? No matter how bad Xie Xiaoli is in your eyes, she is in the end an heiress why did you have to do something so foolish!"

Father Yun smashed his fist on the surface of the table.

Yun Tao lowered his head. He was grinding his teeth while cursing Yun Zhao in his heart. If that man had not poked his nose in his matter then nothing like this would have happened.

It was all because of him!

"Master, even if Tao'er did something wrong. There is no need to scold him right?" Zhao Meng felt her heartache when she saw that her son was getting scolded. "A man is used to having affairs, this is no reason to scold him. The blame should lie with the person who revealed the affair. If he hadn't done that then Xiaoli wouldn't have made a fuss and nothing like this would have happened."

She lowered her head and added subtly, "Our family's reputation wouldn't be harmed either

"Hah! I have seen shameless people but I have never seen someone as shameless as you," Mother Yun sneered as she looked at Zhao Meng. "Did you lose your shame along with your virtue by spreading your legs for married men?"

"Enough!" Father Yun was annoyed with the quarrel that was taking place in front of him. Not to mention the words that Mother Yun spoke were indeed too harsh.

Father Yun then turned to look at Yun Zhao and questioned, "Why did you do it? If you knew something like this was going on, you should have told me instead of making such a fuss."

Yun Zhao was not surprised by the reprimand of his father. In the eyes of his father, he was a useless man who only knew how to act while his three brothers were the ones who were holding the company for him.

He should be grateful for their efforts!

However, now Yun Zhao was not going to listen to such foolish remarks. He smiled at his father and said, "I will answer the question but first there is something that I need from my


He took out two boxes from the pockets of his jacket and walked over to the table where Father Yun was sitting.

When the three men in the room saw the two boxes, a bad premonition rose in their hearts.

They glanced at one another before turning to look at Yun Zhao again.

"What's this?" Father Yun asked as Yun Zhao opened the two boxes and revealed the jade bracelet and pen inside them.

When Yun Tao and the rest saw those things, their hearts dropped and their complexion turned pale.

"Oh this is nothing," Yun Zhao calmly as he placed the things in front of his father. "Just a little gift that someone gave to me." He then turned to look at the three men and said to them, "I will answer Father's question, in return touch these things with your bare hands." His request was not only weird but a bit strange. Father Yun turned to look at Yun Tao and the rest before saying, "Why are you hesitating? Pick it up."

How could Yun Tao and the other two pick those things with their hands? They knew where they came from and even knew that they had great resentment stored inside of them as told by the master whom they hired to deal with Yun Zhao.

"What's wrong?" Father Yun frowned as he turned his attention to the three sons who stayed put instead of holding the things in their hands.

He reached forward and picked up the pen that was sitting in the wooden box and said, "Isn't it just a pen, why are you hesitating so much?"

"That's right, it is just a pen," Yun Zhao sneered as he picked up the other box and placed it in front of Yun Tao. "All you need to do is pick it up."

How could he pick it up? Yun Tao refused to even touch it as he had seen the condition of the corpse in the grave from which this bracelet was taken out.

"What's wrong? Cannot pick it up? Or do you know from where these things were taken out from?" Yun Zhao's voice dropped and Yun Tao who stood in front of him snapped his head up.

Of course, he dared not to accept that he knew about it, so he could only pretend to be stupid. "What do you mean, Little Brother? I don't understand--"

"Then why don't you touch it? Like I said just pick it up," Yun Zhao said to Yun Tao who stiffened and looked away.

Seeing the interactions between the two, Old Master Yun understood something. He parted his lips and questioned, "From where this thing comes from Ah Zhao?"

Yun Zhao turned to look at his grandfather and smiled. He placed the box on the table and answered, "It was taken out from a grave, grandfather. A corpse was wearing it but somehow it ended up in my hands, what do you think the sender was trying to do?"


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[please take a look at my new book: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched By His Rival. This is my first time trying such a genre! I hope that you will support me, my dear readers!

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