My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1395: What a good husband! Bah!

Chapter 1395: What a good husband! Bah!

When Yun Zhao found out that the meal box that was given to him held rotten food, he was stunned. If he wasn't sure that no one was bullying him, he would have thought that he was being targeted!

Because it was only his meal box that had rotten food and no one else's did. When he found out that it was only his meal box that had rotten food, he was furious.

Of course, he went to the supplier who brought the food box and quarrelled with him. The supplier like the grocery supplier of his family, had no idea how the meal box turned rotten in just a few hours when he had cooked and packed the food not too long ago.

However, the smell of the rotten food was clear and even if he wanted to deny that the food was not rotten, it was impossible.

Song Yan's eyes flickered. She asked, "Has it been the same ever since then?"

"No," Yun Zhao shook his head and then replied, "The meal that I ate with Brother Xie Ming doesn't taste rotten," even though Liu Xie Ming was the cause of his tragedy, Yun Zhao was glad that his presence was somewhat useful.

Or else he would have fainted because of starvation.

He turned to look at Song Yan and asked, "Sister Yan, why is it that I couldn't eat a proper meal alone but when I was with Brother Xie Ming, I was able to eat properly?"

"It is because Xie Ming has better fortune than you," replied Song Yan. Though Yun Zhao was born into a decent family and had limitless opportunities in front of him, he was not as fortunate as Liu Xie Ming.

Liu Xie Ming was still in his growing phase but sooner or later he would become an identity that no one would be able to offend in the entertainment industry.

Yun Zhao on the other hand, was mediocre in comparison to Liu Xie Ming. He was neither good nor bad. If he was to inherit his family business he wouldn't let his family down but at the same time, he wouldn't bring his family business to greater heights either.

He would just do a pleasant job.

Unlike him, Liu Xie Ming was a man who knew what he wanted and was willing to face hardship and risks for the fulfilment of his goal.

So of course, Liu Xie Ming's aura was stronger than that of Yun Zhao. Even if he couldn't suppress the ghost-like Fu Yu Sheng, he could at least suppress it a little.

When Yun Zhao heard that Liu Xie Ming had better fortune than him, he was so angry that he wanted to jump. Why was this man who was the cause of his suffering, luckier than him?

Liu Xie Ming glanced at the man who was glaring at him and then turned to look away from him. Why was Yun Zhao glaring at him?

It wasn't as if he was the one who asked the ghost to come and possess Yun Zhao! "Sister Yan, can you find out who this woman is?" Yun Zhao said with a frown. He did not know who this woman was nor did Liu Xie Ming and her appearance was completely ruined, they couldn't even see her true appearance anymore because of her face and her body having multiple stab wounds.

Her face was sliced by something sharp leaving nothing but a single pupil of eye behind.

So of course, it would be impossible for anyone to recognize who this woman was.

"We can only wait for the woman to remember her memories," stated Song Yan with a calm voice. "If she doesn't recall who she is and who made her like this, then there is no point in searching about her."

Many people suddenly disappeared into thin air in the capital. And from the looks of it, the murderer of this woman was most likely her husband.

So it was simply impossible for her husband to file a complaint about this woman going missing and even if he did, with no idea about the appearance of the woman, where could they look for her?

Yun Zhao wanted to say something but before he could, Song Yan glanced at him and stated, "Instead of worrying about the ghost, you should deal with the cause of this situation. If not for the two objects that were handed to you after being taken out from a grave, then the ghost might not have possessed you."

When Yun Zhao heard Song Yan's words, he swallowed his words back. She was right, he did not have the time to worry about the ghost when three demons were waiting for him at home.

Seeing that he seemed to have understood what he needed to do first Song Yan nodded and took her leave with Fu Yu Sheng.

The two of them did not speak much as they returned home because it was already too late and they were tired after dealing with the Lin family.

Once they returned to the mansion, Fu Yu Sheng arched his back and yawned, "I don't know how long we have to deal with the Lin family... the mistake that Uncle Lin made this time is not a small one, if not for Grandpa filling up the pit, the losses could have amounted to billions."

"I don't think that he would just give up after not getting what he wanted tonight."

Fu Yu Sheng was certain that Uncle Lin would come looking for him tomorrow morning as when the man left, he had looked at him reluctantly before his expression changed to a more determined one.

"Don't worry," Song Yan walked out of the dressing room while dressed in a silk black nightdress. She climbed into the bed and lay down on the mattress before saying, "The Lin family will be very busy very soon. They will have no time to bother you."

As she spoke she couldn't help but snicker when she heard Fang Yanli relaying what happened at the hospital. She expected that Nan Jin would hold back a bit more but it seemed like that man was indeed nothing compared to Old Master Lin.

A few words from Old Master Lin and the man was angered to this point, it seems like he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.


Song Yan was indeed correct. With Old Master Lin making a move, Nan Jin was suppressed like a bullied little wife.

Because Nan Jin did not want to accept that he was going to become a limp, he wanted to try everything possible. However, medical resources needed money, a lot of money-- Nan Jin was naturally not willing to take out his own money so he pleaded in front of Lin Xiaoyue.

In the past, Lin Xiaoyue would have agreed without a single second of hesitation but this time she couldn't. She could only go and ask her grandfather as he was the one controlling all the


As a result, Nan Jin was scolded bloody by Old Master Lin.

"Nan Jin, oh Nan Jin. I never said anything when you did not help the Lin family when we were in trouble and watched everything like an onlooker but there is a limit to being shameless!"

"You and your mother bought a hundred million manor just a few days ago, right? Clearly, you have money but you do not want to take it. Why is that? For what reason are you saving money and leeching on the Lin family? Is there something that you are hiding from us?"

Nan Jin would of course not tell the truth to Old Master Lin. He could only make some excuses and end the call.

However, once the call ended he was so furious that he threw the phone at the wall opposite to his bed, causing the phone to crack and the pieces to spread all over the place.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoyue was also stunned by the things that her grandfather said to her husband. Even though she was slightly dissatisfied with Nan Jin, she did not like the way her grandfather pressed down on her husband's head.

"Grandpa, there is no need for you to treat Brother Jin like this right? He is so nice to me, if you treat him like this what will happen to me?"

"Nice?" Old Master Lin coldly snickered. He picked up the information along with the DNA test between Nan Jin and Han Yao's son and threw it at his foolish granddaughter's face. "Open your eyes that are covered with lard and look at this report carefully!"


Hi my little fairies with stardust sprinkled on your wings, can you send Fairy a few golden tickets or gifts? Pretty please? Kowtows. My awesome readers let me hold your golden thighs, please!!! A super gift will help this poor author so much!

[please take a look at my new book: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched By His Rival. This is my first time trying such a genre! I hope that you will support me, my dear readers!


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