My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1377: Swallowing Yang

Chapter 1377: Swallowing Yang

Wang Yi was still terrified of the things that happened at the training centre. When he recalled the things that happened, his expression turned solemn and he couldn't help but shudder. That incident had completely changed his worldview. If he was not brave enough to continue walking and dodging the things that kept appearing out of the grudge field, then he would have died like many others. He could still remember the loud cracks that resonated in the air whenever one of his classmates fell into the hands of those monsters. And their tragic deaths! The sight was still fresh in Wang Yi's head.

But no matter how brave he was, Wang Yi knew that without the celestial masters and the police officer who came to rescue them, he would have probably died in the same manner. His head would have been smashed open and he would have died without leaving an intact corpse behind!

When he thought about this, Wang Yi's lips turned pale and he started shaking violently. After a while, Wang Yi stammered out weakly, "It's... It was our teacher! Ye Xiyuan... she ...she was the one who killed everyone. She was not a human but a demonic entity!

Fortunately..fortunately, a very powerful celestial master came and saved us all. If not I wouldn't have lived to tell the tale!"

Wang Yi was not exaggerating at all, Song Yan's arrival was like a relieving surprise. If not for Song Yan, he would have definitely died.

"A very powerful master?" Wang Yufan was surprised. He couldn't help but ask, "Whats the name of this master? We need to thank him."

"It's not him! It was a woman, a very beautiful woman," Wang Yi was like a fanboy as he praised Song Yan. "She was really young and good looking, however, she was even stronger than those tall and strong men who were fighting that evil spirit. You don't know cousin when that woman was not at the training centre, everyone was having a hard time but the second she arrived, everyone was safe! Tell me is she not like a heroine!"

If Wang Yufan did not understand his cousin well, he would have thought that he was in love with the woman who saved him. The way his eyes lit up was simply unimaginable.

However, the more Wang Yufan listened to his cousin, the more he recalled a brave figure in his memories. He couldn't help but pull out his phone and show Song Yan's image to Wang Yi. "Cousin, are you talking about this woman?" Wang Yufan asked with his phone in his hand.

Wang Yi took a look at the beautiful woman's face and his eyes widened. A second later he exclaimed, "Brother! How do you know this master? It's indeed her! She was the woman who came to help us on that day!"

"I have been looking for her but I cannot find anything about her on the Internet."

Wang Yufan curled his lips and stated disdainfully, "Of course, you couldn't. She is an actress, after all, you must be searching for her under the tag of the celestial master."

Wang Yufan knew that Song Yan did not want to disclose her other identity which was why no one knew what she did and couldn't find her even if they tried their best.

When Wang Yi heard that Song Yan was an actress his eyes widened. He couldn't believe that such a powerful woman was an actress! What was she doing in the entertainment field with that strength of hers?

"It's the easiest way to dupe others," Wang Yufan explained the matter to Wang Yi. A few months ago, he had the same question as Wang Yi and had asked Song Yan. The latter had simply quirked her brow up and stated, 'It's easier to fool people this way. If someone tried to poke their nose in my business, I can simply say that I was practising for a role... it's really fun to see them go speechless and embarrassed.'

Of course, Wang Yufan did not relay the latter half of the sentence to Wang Yi lest the poor guy's admiration was stuck with a tad bit of embarrassment.

"Brother Yufan, can you bring me to see my saviour? I want to meet with her and thank her for her life-saving grace, if not for her... I would have lost my life yesterday!" Wang Yi really wanted to meet with Song Yan. If not for the fact that he did not know who she was, he would have gone to her by now.

Wang Yufan was amused by the actions of his cousin. He flicked his forehead and said to him, "Don't be like this. She is married and her husband is a very jealous man. If he sees you acting like this, he will definitely create trouble for you."

Wang Yi was not a young child. He understood such things as liking someone, when he heard Wang Yufan's words, he immediately flushed red and glared at his cousin. With his ear lobes turning red he stated, "Cousin don't be like this...naturally... I ... I have no such ideas!"

Song Yan was naturally very pretty but she was older than him. How could he even have such ideas as having a crush on her? It was just that he admired her a bit.

"Alright, alright. I got it, don't worry," Wang Yufan was amused at the sight of his cousin's flushed face. He said, "I will bring you to her, don't worry."

Wang Yi's eyes lit up as he thanked his cousin.

On the other hand, Song Yan had no idea that she had gained another fanboy. At the moment, she was bent double on the bed with her hands on the mattress, she could feel her moistened lips quivering as she turned to look at her husband, "Stop teasing me. You have been punishing me for days, aren't you happy now?"

"Happy?" Fu Yu Sheng thrust three fingers inside Song Yan's core and hit her sensitive spot. The thrust was enough to make Song Yan's eyes roll back as she let out a mewling sound. "You ba..." Song Yan gasped for breath as she felt Fu Yu Sheng thrust inside of her in a rhythm. The squelching sounds followed by the hammering of his fingers inside her core echoed in the room. The treacherous and erotic sounds made Song Yan's cheeks flush in shame but as her body reeled in the yang energy that oozed from Fu Yu Sheng's body, Song Yan did not feel any discomfort.

If anything, she felt a warm current flowing in her body causing her to moan endlessly. However, this was not enough. She needed more. She glared at her husband while gasping for breath and stated, "Stop doing this.. and give it to me."

"What do you want me to give to you?" Fu Yu Sheng teased, his eyes brimming with excitement. As he stared at the woman in front of him, the sight made him smile as his heart thumped with joy. It was as if the treasure that he had been waiting for centuries was finally in

his arms.

Unbeknownst to both of them, Fu Yu Sheng's back was covered with purplish golden scales that gleamed under the dim light. It caused the Yang Energy inside his body to flow even intensely causing Song Yan to gasp with need.

"Do it.. just do it..." Song Yan trembled. She never thought that she would behave like this but the surge of Yang Energy made her pliant to her soul mate. She glanced at the man whose body was covered with a golden aura with specks of purple and sighed in desire. "Give it to me Sheng..." she said with a hint of purr in her voice causing Fu Yu Sheng to tremble.

He glanced at the little minx who was moving close to his body and curled his lips slyly. He flipped her on her back and covered her body with his as his member brushed against her opening causing Song Yan to tremble with need as she curled her arms around his neck.

"Do you know that you are an enchantress?" Fu Yu Sheng gasped huskily, just now he almost lost all his rationality.

Song Yan smiled at him as she curled her legs around his strong waist and stated, "Don't speak like you don't like it."

"I like it," Fu Yu Sheng confessed as he tore the packaging of protection and covered his member with it. He looked down at Song Yan and grinned with a haze of lust in his eyes, "I like it so much that I wish I could swallow you whole!"

He exclaimed before burying his member inside Song Yan's core in one breath, causing Song Yan's back to arch off the bed as she let out a muffled groan.

Good.. it felt so good.

[please take a look at my new book: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched By His Rival. This is my

first time trying such a genre! I hope that you will support me, my dear readers!

and if you like this book, please do leave a golden ticket, power stone or gift.]

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