My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1347: Arriving at the Kang house

Chapter 1347: Arriving at the Kang house

Second Madam Kang was not happy with what was happening, the position belonged to her husband as the company was not established by her brother-in-law but by her father-in-law. True that it was her brother-in-law who strengthened the company, it did not mean that he could push her husband out of the company.

Though she knew that it was because of her brother-in-law being possessed, Second Madam Kang still did not like what was going on in their family. However just as she was going to say something, her gaze fell on the small opening underneath the door and her eyes widened. She then changed her words and said to her husband, "Maybe you should look for another job?"

She originally wanted to tell her husband that he did not need to worry since Master Song was coming to their house tonight and that the ghost would be taken care of, but when she saw the shadow from the little opening under the door, she knew that her brother in law was standing outside. She pursed her lips and turned to her husband who seemed shocked by the change of her words.

Second Madam Kang noticed that he wanted to say something but she hurriedly shook her head. She then tipped her head at the door and Father Kang turned to look at where she was pointing. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the shadow of someone standing outside the door and gulped.

Didn't his brother say that he was too tired and going to sleep, why was he standing outside the door?

He turned to look at his wife whose face was sombre and swallowed back his words. He did not say anything while their daughter chimed up from the side, "Dad, Mom is right. How long are you going to slave under Uncle? Just because he is older than you, he treats you as if you are his servant. Even though he holds more shares of the company, you hold yours as well. But it's clear that uncle does not respect you at all. Look at this, he pushed you out of your position despite you being half the owner of the company, can't you see that he doesn't respect you at all? Just because he is grieving and angry, he is taking it out on you."

Kang Jiu harumphed angrily. She had yet to stand up for herself since it was not her idea to go to the forest and the training centre, it was her aunt who took her there and it was Kang Qiao who ran to that place without knowing anything causing this trouble to haunt their family.

They were yet to bring that matter up yet her uncle was rushing to cause trouble for their family.

It was as if the thief was scolding the police officers for patrolling in the same street on which they were stealing.

Outside the door, Master Kang was standing really close to the surface of the door. His eyes were popping out of their sockets and red veins stretched across the whites, once in a while they would roll back before coming back. Master Kang's lips moved to one side as his skin twitched and moved with the constant movements of his lips.

He stared at the door for a long time before shuffling his feet and walking away.

Only when he left did the Kang couple heaved a sigh of relief, the two of them turned to look at one another and felt their legs turning into jelly. They really thought that they were going to die right now, never did they think that the stupidity of their daughter would come in handy for them like this.

Fortunately, they did not tell Kang Jiu that her uncle was possessed or else she would have caused trouble for them.

Second Madam Kang patted her chest as she could feel her heart thumping, she really wished that Song Yan would come and deal with this ghost as soon as possible because she could really not take it anymore. If this continued any longer than a Second Madam Kang was worried that she would end up going crazy.

Fortunately, Song Yan who promised her that she would turn up at her home around 11:30 pm in the night, did not let Second Madam Kang down. She arrived at the Kang household with a smile and a bag in her hands and rang the doorbell.

The second, Second Madam Kang heard the doorbell, her eyes brightened and she immediately rushed out of her room to welcome Song Yan. In fact, if not for the fact that she couldn't fly over to the threshold of the house, she would have done that as well.

But who would have thought that before she could arrive at the bottom of the stairs, the door would be opened by Master Kang who was now looking at Song Yan with a polite yet stiff attitude.

"And who might you be?" He asked with his cold voice.

Song Yan looked at the man in front of her, his entire face was covered with a death aura with a reddish hue, which was enough to relay to Song Yan, that the death of this man would be really tragic.

She smiled at him and answered, "I am Second Madam Kang's friend. Is she at home?" Second Madam Kang noticed that Song Yan did not attack her brother-in-law right away, but instead acted politely on the surface. This made her feel weird as well as worried, was the evil spirit that was possessing her brother-in-law that strong that Song Yan was also holding back?

Though she was confused and terrified, Second Madam Kang did not say anything. Instead, she smiled and said to Master Kang, "That's right, she is my friend."

Second Madam Kang did not know why Song Yan was introducing herself as her friend but she was willing to play along with her. Earlier Song Yan had warned her that the thing which was possessing her brother-in-law might harm them if it was to sense that they were aware of its existence.

She had been careful and now that Song Yan was introducing herself as her friend, Second Madam Kang thought that there was a reason for it.

Master Kang turned to look at Second Madam Kang, his eyes were unusually cold which caused Second Madam Kang to stiffen as she looked at her brother-in-law. Her eyes flickered left and right while smiling at her brother-in-law who turned to look at Song Yan.

His eyes were unfriendly but he still looked at Song Yan with a smile on his face.

"I see," the man nodded as he stretched out his hand for Song Yan to take. "I welcome you, Madam--"

"Song Yan," with her hand stretched out took Master Kang's hand. No sooner did she take his hand, than Master Kang's pupils contracted. His face twitched violently and black smoke started to seep out of his hand. He immediately shook off Song Yan's hands and hid the hatred and strange chill in his eyes while looking at the woman in front of him.

His eyes fell on the bracelet that Song Yan was wearing on her wrist and his expression worsened.

Song Yan was not surprised that the man had flung her hand aside, she raised a brow and looked at him with a smile on her face before saying, "Did something happen, Master Kang?"

"It's nothing," Master Kang replied even though his face was moving inhumanly. His gaze fell on the bracelet once again and he remarked, "That is one pretty unique bracelet." For the sake of avoiding suspicion from the start, Song Yan had used one of her useless tools to suppress her cultivation from the evil spirit but at the same time, it was enough to protect her from the attacks of this Malicious spirit.

Song Yan smiled at Master Kang and responded, "Well indeed it is, it's something my

grandmother gave to me."

Second Madam Kang had no idea what was going on, she could sense that there was some trouble brewing between Song Yan and her brother in law. Her eyes were filled with worry and she immediately pulled Song Yan aside with her, leaving Master Kang to stare at the two women with a murderous glint in his eyes.

He stared at their back while licking his lips. When Second Madam Kang suddenly turned around and saw the expression on the face of her brother-in-law, her eyes widened and she almost slipped down the stairs as she had not expected her brother-in-law to look at her with such a sinister expression!

However, Song Yan held her hand and patted Second Madam Kang. She calmly smiled at

Second Madam Kang who in return heaved a sigh of relief.

That was right, why was she feeling nervous? With Madam Song standing next to her, was there anything that she needed to worry about?


[Please check out my new work: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched by his Rival. I will be

grateful if you do, it's a wonderful story if only you give it a try.]

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