My System Academy

Chapter 48 Zumfiel Noble Household

Alderian Terrestrial Sanctuary.

Zumfiel Noble Household.

As one of the founding households of this empire, the Zumfiel garnered huge respect and fear from the public.

They were also a secular family, away from the political conflicts of empires and factions. Their strength was second to the Erezars whose existence remained a mystery to the common man.

With the increasing conflict against their rival, the Winxys Noble Household, such arrangements were bound to change sooner or later.

And that time was near.

"Come out there, you bastards from the Zumfiel Household! Do you have no honor? You dared to assault my son and killed tens of our men publicly before you left as if it does not concern your dignity as a secular family!", a tall bald old man dressed in wizard robes shouted.

Behind him were similarly-dressed people, with some of them wearing tight-fitted metal armor, carrying large weapons in their arms.

It was as if they have come here to wage a war on the people on the other side of the huge wooden gate.

Three men walked out and approached them. The leader was an unusually muscular elf. His wizard robes would confuse people even more.

Was this guy a knight or a wizard?

"Zirigma, your voice is so loud. I could actually use your help in waking up our servants on time.", the burly elf mocked, "Unfortunately, that privilege belongs to the Winxys Household. What a waste of an opportunity for us, Zumfiels'."

"Norton Zumfiel, I'm not here to listen to your humor. Where's your daughter and that man alongside her that hurt my son?!", Zirigma angrily retorted.

Norton was surprised, "Your son was hurt? You have my deepest condolences. I will ask one of my servants to call a doctor to treat his wounds then."

Zirigma's patience ran out. An explosive aura burst from him, cracking the high stone walls behind Norton.

Norton's presence suddenly turned cold and domineering. Zirigma's aura was overshadowed. No, Norton destroyed it and repaired the walls in the process.

"Zirigma, I think it's been years since I have shown you my capabilities as an archmage. I guess today is a good day to remind you of that."

Everyone from the Winxys Household felt a chill in their spine. Norton's aura locked them in place, unable to move an inch with their bones and muscles.

One wrong move and they might not be able to leave this place in one piece, dead or alive.

He calmly approached the frozen Zirigma and tidied up his collar.

"Listen, your suicidal son has always caused trouble to my daughter and my family over and over again. Did I ever ask you to handle him as a proper parent does?"

"No, I did not. And here we are, when someone finally teaches your son some good manners, you can't seem to handle it and call assault like the shameless piece of shit you are."

Norton softly slapped Zirigma's cheeks.

"Do not make me lose patience, Zirigma. Or else I will finish what that man has started unto your son.", giving him a meaningful look, "And pass it on your entire household if I am in the mood."

He turned around and waved his hands dismissively.

"Your place as a secular family is already questionable in the eyes of many people. Without your ancestral efforts that established you as one of the founding fathers of the Sanctuary, I would have sent you crawling to the streets at night with everything your son had done."

"Be grateful for what you have today, Zirigma. You never know when you will lose all which you treasure, including that rotten-spoiled son of yours."

The wooden gate was shut hard, leaving Zirigma and the rest of the Winxys household members outside.

"Sir Norton, what do we with them next?", asked one of Norton's servants.

"Leave them alone, and where is Haera? Didn't she return yesterday in the evening from Nirulva City?", Norton asked.

"She is currently in the training yard, Sir Norton."

Norton searched for his daughter.

Haera was his most favored and loved child. Her magic root was supreme, her talent was also unparalleled. She even inherited her mother's beauty.

What more could a father ask of her?

Although her current realm was in the adept wizard realm, she could beat some older master wizards who were one major realm above her.

Because of that, she was appointed as an instructor in the Alderian Magic Haven at such a young age. Not even Vulture could hold a candle to her and he was wishing to court Haera in the most disgusting ways.

Luckily, Norton was a patient and understanding man.

He found Haera sitting on a bench, absent-mindedly staring at the pond in front of her. The calm environment deepened her thoughts.

'What is up with this girl to daydream all of a sudden?'

Norton hadn't seen her daughter act like this before. He narrowed his eyes and thought of one possibility.

Was this girl in love?

Nothing else but that could entangle Haera in an endless pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Also, she didn't greet her father when she returned. That usually shouldn't happen unless another man resides on her mind.

Norton sneakily approached Haera and eavesdropped.

He wasn't strict when it came to the personal love affairs of his children. He would let them do as they wished as long as it made them happy.

That didn't mean that he wasn't the type to gossip about his children's love of their life, nor would he not interfere when it matters. The most dumbfounding thing was that this man was the biggest eavesdropper in their family.

Haera, unaware that her father was nearby, picked up a flower and started her ritual.

Norton held his laughter after seeing this.

'He loves me, he loves me not. This mischievous girl is truly in that phase.'

He couldn't stop himself from grinning. Finally, someone was able to make his daughter lovestruck after all the troubles that happened.

A never-ending line of suitors was rejected by her and Norton became numb to it.

Now, he was curious about the identity of this person. Surely, it wasn't Vulture, right?

He remembered that that bastard of a noble child was humiliated by someone Haera was acquainted with and that she was also sent to Nirulva City for a mission.

Haera was about to pluck the remaining flower petals when two household guards interrupted this serene scene.

Norton was angered but hid for now. He would teach these guards a lesson another day.

"Miss Haera, General Zukov Peldante from the Alderian Terrestrial Corps is looking for you. He's waiting in the headquarters.", one of them reported.

"The Alderian Terrestrial Corps?", Haera and Norton were confused.

Did something serious happen?

Haera went to the headquarters of the elven army barracks located near the base of Mount Eredia, the mountain where the Alderian Nature Palace was situated.

Stationed alongside the main elven army was the Alderian Terrestrial Corps.

"I am sorry for the sudden summoning, Miss Haera. However, this right here is a very important matter that concerns Empress Aelin's mission to you.", General Zukov handed out a parchment to Haera.

"This is?"

"A few days ago, an unknown party surfaced in the Leeveria Forest with intentions unknown. Just now, four of those six people were spotted near the Dark Forest.", General Zukov explained.

"The scouts have reported an increase of magical cultivation strength from three of them. It is quite a quick progress if compared to the rest."

Haera raised her eyebrows, "And? What does this have to do with me?"

General Zukov slammed his desk, "Everything, Miss Haera. Empress Aelin has been awaiting of news with regards to the matter several days now."

"With this discovery, we can capture those four under the nose of that masked man and inquire their identities and intentions before reporting to Empress Aelin with good news."

Haera's expression darkened, "I thought that Empress Aelin has forbidden any aggressive actions. Are you disobeying her orders, General Zukov?"

"She won't know if we act decisively quick, Miss Haera.", General Zukov leaned over her and spoke softly, "I am letting you in on a marvelous opportunity, Miss. You should know better than that."

Haera laughed, mocking General Zukov's stupid plan.

"Nice try, General Zukov, but it is unfortunate that you will be swimming on your glory alone. Thank you for wasting my time with this nonsense. I will be leaving now."

She turned around and smirked on her way out.

What an idiot. This old man's pursuit of her heart still wasn't over despite the numerous times Haera rejected his advance.

Now, he dared to use the lives of innocent mages in order to court her? What atrocity was this?

He was willing to go that far just for a foolish and selfish wish-fulfillment of his ego?

Haera wouldn't let anything happen to those four students even if she antagonized the entire Alderian Terrestrial Corps.

Empress Aelin strictly reminded them to peacefully communicate with this mysterious party whom she long realized to be the Heavenly Magic Academy.

The empress didn't spread that information easily. Haera was her trusted subject so the lucky girl was able to know more of the matter at hand.

'General Zukov. Empress Aelin has been suspicious of your intentions a long time ago. You have just fallen on her trap.'

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