My Servant System

Chapter 931 930: Journey Home

Chapter 931 Chapter 930: Journey Home

"That... was both incredibly long, and rather short. But it was undoubtedly really lucrative all things considered. In the experience we gained, the materials we earned and harvested, the things we managed to learn... all of it was well worth the effort. Don't you agree?"

Jahi leaned back in her seat and looked over each of us, her eyes landing on Anput, Leone, and I one after another as she got comfortable in the carriage, which was traveling in the middle of the large convoy of carriages headed for the Capital of the Empire.

We were on our way home after a long time spent inside the Terracotta Grottos, and the end results were well worth it; like she had said, the materials alone made this worth it dozens of times over with how many different resources we had mined up or harvested, and for me, the sheer increase in my level also made this an invaluable use of my time.

I had leveled up quite a bit since we left the Empire, and the things I had learned and grasped were strengthening my foundations even more, preparing it for the pillars of strength that would replace the old ones; my dagger proficiency would be replaced with the proficiency with the Khopesh, the gaining of the wand replaced the slower, weaker spell casting with just my hand, the acquisition of Lust Mana - albeit in a limited version - was a new pillar all together...

All of that was learned in a measly few weeks, and I was able to continue on learning more and more even as I grew accustomed to certain ways of doing things; though I will admit that I was rather stubborn and stuck in my own way, which was why it usually took quite a bit to convince me to shift to something new.

Either way, with everything that had happened, all the revelations I had come to and the newfound wealth that was entirely our own and not linked to the Marquess or Countess - or even the Empress - I was confident enough to say that this was by far the most impactful stretch of weeks we had had together as a group, and hopefully we could mould something great from what had happened.

And whether or not we could begin something soon or we would need to divert our focus once more to a new thing when we returned to the Capital was yet to be seen, the head of the Beliali Clan still refusing to tell us what it was that was waiting for us back home, only smirking at us and letting us know it wasn't pressing enough to require our immediate presence.

"I don't know how long in total we spent, but... those last four days after Nua'Fel seemed to stretch on forever, didn't they? The exhaustion and sudden lack of any real threats seemed to just... take everything out of me. I mean, I wasn't even that excited to see the giant vein of Earth Mana Crystals and Gemstones! Or that giant Ore Golem thing that we fought! Everything just seemed less... lustrous, I guess."

My mate's words made Leone and I nod as we shared a look, with the Vampire adding "And the continued deprivation of proper housing, sunlight, the ability to just relax and be in an enjoyable area to do so... all of it was draining. I want to be back home already, honestly... or at the very least, inside a true bedroom with a real bed and soft pillows..."

"And have a proper kitchen stocked with real ingredients of a large variety... that carnivore diet was beginning to grow old for me. Ah, and the makeshift desserts that I had to bake using primitive methods... I just want a tub of sugar and a jar of honey, really."

Jahi chuckled as she continued to look at each of us, taking in our tired states and obvious relief at being 'free' from the Grottos for a few moments more, eventually saying "I understand that, but I do hope you realize that there is a good chance we are going to be on the move almost as soon as we return, right? It might not be pressing, but I doubt that whatever is important enough to have Belian sent to personally tell us is going to be something we can allow to keep waiting for any longer..."

I groaned softly at that, the idea of being told we needed to head out right away again making me visibly shudder as I pulled my knees towards my chest, hugging them close and warming myself up as I shook my head and said "I sincerely hope not... I want a good pot of tea, some cakes, and a warm bed for a day or two!"

The other three smiled at me, before their smiles stiffened as I asked "I've been meaning to ask anyways, and now that I can move the topic away from that horrid idea, might I ask just what Cali looks like to each of you..? I don't think we ever really assumed she would look different for each of us, but..."

On cue, the Arch Fiend in question appeared in the middle of the carriage, sitting criss cross in the center and looking between us all as she grinned widely, asking "Are we talking about me~? I love~ talking about me!"

I rolled my eyes at that, and when she turned to me to ask "And Kat, my lovely puppy, are you sure~ you want to hear about the form I take with each of them~? It is different for each of them, and based upon their deepest, darkest vices you know... you might learn something you don't want to hear, or you might just become jealous at what it is that they want~!" I just frowned, my gaze leaving the pink skinned Arch Fiend and traveling up to the others, who were all also frowning as they stared intently at the woman.

"Ah, you know what~! To hell with it! Here, I'll just go ahead and show you~! Let's start with... ah, the Jackalkin! Here we go~!"

Anput just blinked before watching as Cali was shrouded with a pink mist, the Jackalkin glancing up at each of us for a brief moment before looking back at Cali when she stood up, striking a few separate poses in her new body.

The pink skin and snake hair remained the same, but otherwise... now, instead of her seductive and jovial face, the Arch Fiend wore a cocky grin that resembled Anput's far too much, whilst the slender figure and toned muscles were entirely different from any of us; Jahi was chiseled and rather bulging, whilst I had some definition, but not enough to compare to Cali, and Leone was 'softer' than I was...

"Hm... rather traditional for the Sultanate, isn't it? Though I guess for a Begum who could have anyone, perhaps having a fair maiden who isn't afraid of biting the hand that feeds her would be amusing enough~? The body isn't what attracts you that much though, is it..?"

Cali grinned at Anput, who blinked once before her lip curled up slightly as she sneered at the Arch Fiend, making Cali chuckle as she ran her hands over her slender figure one more time before slipping into that cloud once more.

"I personify your twisted pleasures primarily, which usually means I would have a personality of some kind that sparks your deepest, darkest and guiltiest desires, so the physical form does it little justice..."

Her muttering made me glance at Anput, who was still sneering as she watched the Arch Fiend closely, before she met my gaze with her silver eyes, the complicated emotions that ran through them confusing me slightly, especially when she turned back quickly to watch as Cali revealed a new version of herself.

"Oh? Ah, yes... Again, I believe the luster lays within the personality for this one, but I also believe the implications are relatively clear..?"

Looking at Leone, Cali smirked as she stood tall and flaunted her petite figure to us all, whilst the snakes that nested atop her head couldn't hide the long, sharp ears, and the way her skin continued to whorl and thicken made us all blink in shock before staring at Leone, who was just as confused as us.

"No need to be confused~! This is your 'deepest, darkest and guiltiest desire' made manifest, something that you yourself might not be aware of... interesting~! A case of 'mother issues', perhaps? A yearning for a different kind of love from a maternal figure~?"

Snickering, Cali's twisted grin and shining eyes made it clear just how much she was enjoying this, and considering she refused to let any of us speak - our lips sealed and unable to be opened as she waved her hand - it would seem she was determined to let this play out, to go ahead and reveal things we would have likely wanted to keep hidden.

"Next~! The Demoness~! Though, I would imagine everyone here knows your darkest desire, no~? You try it every so often, after all... just not in the way you actually~ crave deep down inside your soul..."

The pink mist rose and fell swiftly, replacing the slender Elven Cali with a curvaceous, yet muscular woman who was kneeling and grasping at her chest painfully, staring up at the Demoness in fear.


Despite being 'clearly afraid' of Jahi, Cali spoke normally, her features remaining the same as she said "So it isn't exactly the same, but instead a mixture~? A... concoction of all three of your women... the body of the puppy, the muscles of the other puppy, and the regality of the Vampire~! All in a package that utterly fears you and hates you, yet cannot help but crave you... fascinating~! Yet not surprising, right? We all knew your desires... you wear them on your sleeves, after all..."

Chuckling, she ignored Jahi's snarl and golden eyes as she turned around to stare at me, enshrouding herself in mist once more, though her own eyes were still visible, narrowed in such glee as she whispered "Which form should I take for you~? You seem to have a few separate dark desires in there, Katherine... oh, perhaps we should stick with the person they know, hm~? Yes... does this one seem familiar~?"

The mist fell, revealing the tall, muscular body of an Elf who sneered at me with an arrogance that was far uglier than I remembered, whilst her overall posture reeked of control and narcissism.

"The one who would have turned you into nothing but a true slave for her lust~! What an interesting dark desire to have, Katherine~! Truly, what a fascinating peek into your mind, hm~? Well, wasn't this just informative and a valuable use of our time~? Ah, but I imagine you want some time to yourselves now, hm~? Ta ta~!"

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