My Servant System

Chapter 1017 1016: Bared Fangs (2)*

Chapter 1017 1016: Bared Fangs (2)*

My moans filled the room as I swung my hips like an idiot, unable to help myself as I buried my entire cock inside Anput's throat, the Jackalkin reluctantly giving me a blowjob after I threatened to choke her even more if she didn't start cooperating, which...

Well, was rather different then how I normally functioned as a person, but for some reason tonight I was feeling more... violent than normal; not angry, not murderous, but just violent, wanting to take the energy inside my body and use it to put this Jackalkin in her place by any means necessary.

It had been a slight nagging feeling during the fight, something that whispered at the fringes of my mind; it wasn't invasive either, nor foreign, but instead a part of me that I usually never heard from, a part of me that was silent, even during times of great duress.

That voice had asked me why I was alright with covering this Jackalkin's mistakes with no payment needed, why I was fine with letting her do as she pleased during that fight, letting her perform risk after risk before I had to protect her, all so that later that night she could try and gloat over me as we made love together or as a group.

The idea of Anput trying to top tonight just felt wrong to me on an instinctual level, and I had no real idea where this was coming from at the moment, but what I was a million percent confident on was that I really, really wanted to fuck her hard, and that I wanted to be the one on top and acting as the top.

After I got to taste her blood, that desire only heightened, even with the sweetness of Jahi's blood or the ambrosia that was Kat's blood, Anput's just felt like a delicacy that needed to be savored... and since it came straight from her, I felt a primal urge to ensure I could take it straight from the tap without any problems whatsoever.

In order to drink it straight from the tap, I needed Anput to understand that there was a hierarchy for tonight, and to do that... well, that was the simple part, since she was a Caninekin.

Dominate her and take what I wanted.

So, I was taking her for myself, and that currently meant giving her throat a nice, creamy coating as I buried myself to the root and started to cum, stuffing the Jackalkin full of my sperm and groaning as my balls clenched against her chin.

Looking down at her as I ejaculated into her throat, I groaned again as I caught sight of her obsidian eyes that were wet with tears; not sad tears, nor angry tears, but unwilling tears since she was gradually suffocating on my dick, which sent a thrill shooting up my spine.

"You're being such a good girl, Anput... in your place, doing as your told... such a good, good girl..."

Patting the back of her head, I let out a content sigh as my cum continued to pour out of my cock like water, pleasure washing over my body and tickling my head with each spurt of cum, and each choked gasp Anput let out as she tried to swallow it all down for me, and for herself.

When I was reaching the end of my ejaculation, I gradually began to pull out of her throat, coating the rest of it before flooding her mouth with my seed, only to then smirk down at her as I pulled out completely and ejaculated on her face, painting her white.

I didn't give her a second to recover as I pressed my advantage, knowing that her 'chains' had loosened during my orgasm and that if I let her recover, she would break free and begin fighting back, and I couldn't have that...

No, I most certainly couldn't have that, so I yanked her up and pulled her to the bed, tossing her onto it and swiftly tearing off her clothes, revealing her lithe body and supple curves, which drew a sharp inhale from me as I admired her olive skin and firm muscles.

"For a strong, proud warrior, you don't seem to realize how close to death you were out there, against that Fiend... Fighting like you had a life to spare, like you had a guarantee to win with no significant risk..."

The flames of lust inside me subsided for a moment, letting the other fire I harbored roar back to its full force as anger washed over me; I wasn't angry at Anpute explicitly, nor was I angry at anything in particular - I think, anyways - but still...

Leaning over her, I ran my hands over her body and eventually cradled her head, letting my mana creep over her soaked face as I removed the cum from her via my Fire Mana, ensuring she felt the heat and understood where she was laying right now.

"Do you understand, Anput..? Do you understand what you did earlier? How you took unnecessary risks and needed someone to back you up? We were supposed to fight together, Anput... I wasn't supposed to just be your safety net. Throwing yourself at a Fiend renowned for strength without so much as a warning... needing to be saved since you thrust yourself into a fire too hot for you to ignore..!"

I growled at her, belatedly realizing a part of me was actually angry at her, but still, I don't know why I was boiling as much as I was, not until her lip curled up slightly as she snarled back "You are my safety net, dumbass. I fight physically, you fight magically. Someone needed to take the lead there, and you weren't stepping up, so guess who needed to? Guess."

My fingers raked through her hair as I bared my fangs at her, but she didn't even flinch as she added "It was me! I stepped up, I took the lead, and I beat that Fiend in physical combat with your support! So yeah, I fought like I had a safety net, because you were my fucking safety net!"

The Jackalkin was still sneering at me like I was an idiot, so to get her to shut up I slammed my lips against hers, kissing her deeply and staring straight into her burning obsidians, not liking how this conversation was going.

Logically she was right, but logic could give me the same deep throat she did and I wouldn't care right now; I wanted to be illogical right now, and so I kissed her to shut up before pulling away and hissing "I'm not that angry at your wanting a safety net, but I am angry at how you brush aside my participation and act like you were the one who killed the damn thing! You didn't kill it, I did! You fought its first form, congratulations; it's second form was stronger!"


Lunging forwards to kiss her again, I sank my fangs into her lower lip this time and ignored her growling, focusing instead on the succulent metallic, citrusy flavor that exploded in my mouth as I began to feed, satiating my cravings for blood.

After a few seconds I pulled back and hissed again, this time with a grunt as I used my legs to part her own, revealing her dripping pussy and hard cock; on a normal night, I would be taking her to her knot and riding her until she orgasmed for minutes on end, but tonight wasn't normal.

Tonight I pressed myself forwards and gasped as my tip spread her pussy lips apart, before it slid right on in and began to delve deep into Anput's cunt, her tight walls clamping down on my cock as I made my way towards her womb.

"And... Anput, the 'and' here is that you were going to continue on like nothing happened..."

Still gripping her head tightly, I watched her features twist slightly in pleasure as I filled her up to the brim, my entire cock stuck deep inside her pussy and forcing her womb to house me as well, my slight movements sending jolts around her body as I toyed with one of the most sensitive parts of her.

"You were going to come into Khisba and parade around this win like it was primarily yours, despite it being mine..! You were going to try and place yourself at the top again, Anput, even though I was on the top for that fight..."

The scent of her blood trickling from her lips was overwhelming, but I still held back as she stared at me with narrowed eyes, trying her best to acclimate to my girth whilst also coming up with something to say, and out of curiosity I decided to remain still for now, simply basking in her tightness.

"So you were pissed I was going to act like I fought and wounded a Fiend? You aren't making any sense at all tonight, Princess... none at all..."

That made me hum slightly as I nodded, realizing that my actions and words were all so damn illogical, but still...

"Perhaps I'm not making any sense, but tonight... the only sense you need, Anput, is to understand that you aren't the only one in our group who is strong... you need to understand that you're as much of a bitch as I am..."

I leaned back down and stared closely at her eyes, which had widened slightly at my words - be it from anger or surprise, I didn't really care - and after getting right to her lips, I whispered "Tonight you need to realize that you're not the only 'predator' within our little group... tonight, you're just the 'puppy', not the Jackal."

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