My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 79 - 78: Involution!

Chapter 79: Chapter 78: Involution!

Translator: 549690339

Mu Yuan’s army is full of promising soldiers, albeit unremarkable at their current levels.

Of the over a hundred and eighty rare class soldiers, a vast majority are still below level 6. Nonetheless, even at low levels, they could easily kill apprentice-level ordinary class soldiers.

If the Skeleton Warriors were to launch coordinated charged attacks, even formidable beings like Dead Bone or Duo Lai would have to retreat. ’ “It’s no problem if the majority of my forces are low-level, but it becomes troublesome when the core troops can’t level up.”

He had recently purchased a batch of pure crystal dust to help Dead Bone absorb Soul Sand at a faster rate.

Dead Bone, that brat, is expected to break through tonight and enter the first order of professional level.

Given his extravagant setup, which surpasses many seasoned lords’ leaders, once he steps into the professional level, he will experience a dramatic power boost!

Or rather, breakthrough isn’t the right word, it’s more like Emperor Dead Bone is ‘unlocking’ more power.

His progression is being hindered by his low level!

“Bone Two and Bone Three only broke into LV9 a couple of days ago, no matter what, they won’t be able to catch up unless I heavily invest in cultivation aids, but that’s just not worth it.”

Not just him, many second generation Whales also face the problem of having their rare class soldiers not growing fast enough, just like the rare class soldiers that Mr. Tan sent out yesterday, two of them were only at level 7.

For these players, their trump cards remain their initial rare class soldiers… As if!

“The big young master of Baijiang Property has invested a huge amount of money in purchasing cultivation materials, claiming that he will upgrade more professional super soldiers to dominate the list before the trial begins!” “The son of the Wang Clan from Beiting, a top second-gen, has trained two rare profession soldiers, claiming it’s just the beginning.”

“The head of Red Lotus Group revealed that they have invested far more resources than previous years to train this term’s newly signed individuals.” “Recently, the prices of cultivation materials have skyrocketed. Experts are advising against excessive competition.”

This level of competition is unprecedented. Even the top second-gens never received an endless supply of resources in the past.

It’s not cost-effective to do so.

However, this year with the appearance of the Red Mist and the early trials, seasoned lords and great lords who are privy to more inside information are anticipating an incoming wave.

New lords in the future will face more difficult and dangerous situations, but with greater opportunities as well.

So they increased their investments.

Even if some parents or elders think it’s unnecessary as long as they can pass the trial, they can’t resist the pressure when all other lords are investing. If they don’t compete, doesn’t it look like they are inferior? They would lose face! “All these second generation kids are so fiercely competitive, how could we, the poor and weak commoner lords, survive! Damn it!”

“Oh well, they’re just at professional level. Emperor Dead Bone and General Duo Lai can effortlessly beat quite a few of them.”

He certainly wasn’t wallowing in envy, really!

Mu Yuan continued preparing for his war resources. His blacksmith’s shop was operating 24/7, producing boxes of arrows and bone spears.

For things like energy recovery potions and supplies, he had to buy from external sources as he couldn’t produce them himself.

He had to prepare a lot so that his Skeleton Warriors and Strong Shooters could release their firepower without restraint.

He wouldn’t let any of the daily tasks of exploring and hunting monsters slip through.

The second-generation players were all spending freely, so as a common player, he had no choice but to grind his way through.

There’s still over three days left. While it’s tough to cultivate professional super soldiers, it’s feasible to acquire some rare blueprints or war weapons which could significantly increase my territory’s combat power. These could be even more useful than average professional super soldiers during a city defence…”

Mu Yuan’s gaze was set on the snake man tribe located deep in swampy land and the mysterious, awe-inspiring temple buildings nearby.

He has been surveying the Snake Man’s tribe several times through his Hurricane War Hawk these days.

The conclusion he had drawn was it was mighty and vast.

While facing the Goblin Camp outside of the Secret Realm’s Gate, he dared to control the Hurricane War Hawk to intrude and take a glance, but he didn’t dare to do so at this snake man tribe, which was at the tribal level of collection.

If Jun went m forcefully, it would definitely mean certain death. Don’t ask how he knew because he’d learned things the hard way.

The snake man tribe frequently harassed his territory as well, and the exploration team led by Emperor Dead Bone would inevitably be ambushed by snake man if they dared to enter the southwestern swamps.

In short, their grievances had been entwined for several days, but it would end soon.

He stated!

The night was deep, and from time to time hoarse roars echoed from the swamp. The Snake Man tribe in the distance lit up bonfires to illuminate their surroundings.

They are the dominant powers in the surrounding region, and no foolish monster dared to provoke them.

In the deep darkness of night, a slime dropped from the sky. The Hurricane War Hawk, acting as the transport plane, waited in the periphery. Duo Lai, who had been airdropped, transformed into a small pigeon, gazing into the distance in the cover of the night.

Before the conflict began, Mu Yuan had airdropped Duo Lai, intending to survey the situation once more, taking advantage of Duo Lai’s small size.

The innate talent of a spiritual link connected his and Duo Lai’s thoughts. Of course, the spiritual link could only vaguely sense the surroundings of the linked party, the observation is not as clear as sharing the vision.

But Duo Lai wasn’t stupid-it had eyes and wisdom to describe what it saw, which was enough.

This was General Duo Lai!

“Coo coo coo…”

There were snake men who looked like this, snake men who looked like that, and there were huge snake monsters.

Having heard Duo Lai’s description, Lord Shepherd fell silent for a while. In future, when he had some free time, he would definitely subject Duo Lai to nine years of compulsory education. No, he could completely start a school in the territory and extend compulsory education. The Skeleton Warriors could also study.

Duo Lai’s description was quite abstract but Mu Yuan was still able to discern to some extent that the snake man tribe was not only crowded with various types of monsters but also prowled by a giant snake.

It seemed to be some kind of weapon of war, generally stayed in the marshes and came out occasionally to take a breath. Duo Lai also had to hang around for a while before spotting it.

However, Mu Yuan did not dare to let Duo Lai delve too deeply and only permitted the creature to edge along the perimeter to observe before leaving. After some thought, he asked Duo Lai to go towards the mysterious temple not far off.


Duo Lai received the order. Its whole body turned into a grayish puffball, and it rolled with a “thump thump” sound, quickly reaching the old, mysterious temple next to the tribe.

Mu Yuan had also observed this special building from afar before. The temple wasn’t located within the snake man tribe, but the tribe’s elite snake men were always guarding in front of the temple.

They brandished scimitars and prowled in front of the temple to block any prying eyes.

However, a very inconspicuous, half-palm-sized gel looked around sneakily from one side, slowly making its way into the temple.

The space inside the temple was vast, with thick pillars on both sides of the road, each requiring two or three Duo Lais to encircle. It seemed that there were some god statues at the end of the temple.

But they were in damaged form.

This was what Mu Yuan concluded after hearing Duo Lai’s description and racking his brains to visualize it.

Not only that, right after sneaking into the temple, Duo Lai noticed…

Several snake men were standing in front of the god statue, chattering about something. The next moment, mysterious, radiant light descended upon them, and their bodies noticeably strengthened..

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