My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

"Chasing the Wind! Chasing the Wind! Let go!"

Qin Ran reached back to grab Chasing the Wind, but Chasing the Wind's bloodline instincts reacted, and he clawed Qin Ran's shoulder, leaving Qin Ran at a momentary loss over what to do about Chasing the Wind.

"Chasing the Wind, your claws..." Qin Ran had no choice but to yell loudly.

Today there were scattered clouds, and the sun would occasionally peek out from gaps in the dark clouds.

By the lake pit, Chasing the Wind was pressed against a table by Qin Ran, his paws pried open to expose his claws, while Qin Ran held a large pair of scissors, trimming Chasing the Wind's claws.

Unfortunately, Chasing the Wind was a level 7 demon beast, and his claws, by another name, were the Ghost Shadow Tiger Claws. They were not something that could simply be trimmed...

As a result, Qin Ran broke several pairs of scissors without even trimming one of Chasing the Wind's claws.

"Master, just give up!" Li Shiyin came over for a drink of water and saw Qin Ran still struggling. She couldn't help but advise, "You can't cut through them."

Seeing Li Shiyin, Qin Ran suddenly had an idea. He picked up Chasing the Wind and said, "Use your sword qi to file them down. It's a good chance to train your control. If you make a mistake, Chasing the Wind loses a leg."

Hearing this, Chasing the Wind shuddered all over and struggled to escape.

"I won't do it!" Li Shiyin shook her head. "Chasing the Wind is so great! I can't bear to hurt him!"

"Great?" Qin Ran pointed to the claw marks on his shoulder and twisted to show Li Shiyin the bite mark on the back of his neck, "If my mortal flesh hadn't just been strengthened, I'd be dead by his jaws!"

As he spoke, he was still traumatized by what had happened that morning, so he gave Chasing the Wind's furry head another slap.

"Mm..." Chasing the Wind hugged his head with his paws and let out a wronged cry.

"Pretending to be wronged?" Qin Ran was enraged and held the furry head for a round of angry rubbing.

And it was while Qin Ran was rubbing the furry head that there was suddenly movement from the research building!

The first thing to arrive was an aura of terror from a high-level demon beast. Along with this aura came surging waves of heat.

Sensing the aura of the demon beast, Chasing the Wind flipped out of Qin Ran's hands, landing on the table facing the research building. In his round eyes, the golden irises stood on end, and an aura called King of Myriad Beasts emanated from him...

He would never allow any demon beast to be so arrogant before him!

But the aura didn't come from a demon beast. Qin Ran got up from his chair to look towards the research building and said, "It's Huang Feiyu. His transformation is complete!"

Having said that, his figure disappeared.

"Master!?" Seeing Qin Ran vanish into thin air, Li Shiyin cried out in surprise. She quickly summoned the Qingxing Sword, picked up Chasing the Wind, and headed for the research building.

Huang Feiyu woke up. He thought he would never wake again.

His last memory was of being blasted away by the Lionheart Flame Beast's deathblow palm strike, followed by a jet of lion heart flame spewing towards him as he was powerless to resist...

He thought he was dead, but he wasn't. He had crawled out from hell.

Huang Feiyu looked up to find himself in a cramped room with a pill furnace, a bed, and...Earth fire!

He realized he felt hot. His body was filled with explosive power. He looked down to see his body had disappeared. His body had turned into blazing lion heart flames!

He had turned into fire!!

He was alive, but...

"Ah!!!!" Huang Feiyu couldn't accept it and was terrified beyond measure.

He roared furiously to the sky. The flames on his body exploded outwards as endless flames erupted and rampaged through the tiny Earth Fire Chamber, crashing this way and that, about to blast the chamber open and reduce the entire research building to rubble.

Just then, the sound of flowing water rang out. Water gushed in from all directions, enveloping the flames and Huang Feiyu as well, compressing around them to form a gigantic sphere of water encapsulating the flames.

The water sphere burst through the wall to emerge outside the research building.

Qin Ran floated in midair, controlling the water sphere. With a thought, he raised his hand and batted the water sphere into the lake pit before releasing control...


An explosion rivaling a high explosive detonation blasted flames sky high. The entire Dan Peak shook.

More white mist bubbled up from the lake bottom...

Qin Ran sighed, "Wasted."

"Master, how is he?" Li Shiyin flew over holding Chasing the Wind and asked.

"The conversion was very thorough. He's turned into fire and retained his cultivation level, but..." Qin Ran said, "Whether he can accept what he's become, that I don't know."

"A body wreathed in raging flames, how majestic! Why wouldn't he be able to accept it?" Li Shiyin didn't really understand.

Qin Ran gave her a look. With her mindset, it would be hard to explain it clearly to her.

Wait, Qin Ran suddenly realized there was an issue. Li Shiyin, Chasing the Wind...

"Where's Long Qiqi?!" he yelled.

Don't tell me she was still at the lake bottom!

"Huh? I don't know!" Li Shiyin replied.

She quickly realized and was about to go check by the lake pit.

"I'm over here!" Long Qiqi's helpless voice rang out.

Qin Ran and Li Shiyin looked down to see tiny Long Qiqi standing there, her face the picture of helplessness.

With such a huge commotion here, she was also a demon beast. How could she not react? Naturally, she would also come over to check out what was happening.

It's just that she didn't expect no one to remember her... When Qin Ran tossed the bomb into the lake pit, he didn't think of her either. This hurt her feelings a little.

"But without his body, won't he be unable to make babies or enjoy bedroom bliss anymore...?" But she quickly bounced back and noticed a blind spot. "How pitiful!"

As expected of a snake's lascivious nature.

Qin Ran looked at her despairingly. At such a young age, how could her mind be filled with these things?!

And then look at a creature like Li Shiyin who thought of nothing but eating, sleeping, fighting and brawling all day. No sign of awakening to matters between men and women at all.

Qin Ran shook his head repeatedly.

"What are you two feeling regret about?" Li Shiyin's wide eyes were full of confusion.

After the flames at the lake bottom subsided, Qin Ran flew over the steaming white mist, peering at the flickering gold and red fiery figure within. He called out loudly, "Feeling better?"

The rolling white mist was still for a moment before seething. The fiery figure rocketed up from the lake bottom to hover opposite Qin Ran. He looked at Qin Ran and asked, "This is your doing?"

"It's my doing," Qin Ran replied.

The flames on Huang Feiyu's body boiled as fire sprang from his eyes. Clenching his fist, he threw a punch at Qin Ran.

"So you want to attack the person who saved your life?" Qin Ran said, signaling for Li Shiyin and the others who had followed to stay back.

"Savior?!" Huang Feiyu clenched both fists, staring down at himself. He roared, "Can what I am still be called human?!"

"Then before you attack, there are two things I hope you know," Qin Ran saw Huang Feiyu didn't immediately charge over and was relieved to see he still had his rationality. As long as he was rational, there was no major issue.

"First, without your conscious will actively assisting, the flame transformation could not have been completed. Second, saving you cost a Lionheart Flame Beast's demon core and a Flame Crystal, as well as countless medicinal pills. Third, it was Tian Wenjin who gave his all to save you!"

Huang Feiyu froze in midair as his mind churned chaotically - the primal explosiveness of the flames, his inability to accept what he'd become, and some unspeakable complex emotions...

"Ah!!!" He roared furiously to the sky, turned, and flew off, vanishing into Dan Peak's airspace.

"He just left like that?" Li Shiyin came over to ask.

"What else could he do? Beat me up and then leave?" Qin Ran retorted.

Li Shiyin nodded, her face full of regret. He really should have beaten up Master before leaving.

"He won't get into trouble, right?" she said.

"This is Daomen Sword Sect. What trouble could he get into?" Qin Ran shook his head.

Li Shiyin hesitated, seeming to want to say more, but finally just murmured softly, "Wenjin must feel so wretched..."

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