My British Empire

Chapter 471: Orleans at stake

  Chapter 471 Orleans in danger

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   The artillery bombarded the front, and the infantry behind began to attack the city. For the city of Orleans, what a disaster!

   In desperation, enduring the huge boulder above their heads, the Protestant soldiers, encouraged by the priests, began to bravely show their heads and fight back against the Catholic soldiers who ascended the city.

  For a while, the entire city of Orleans was busy.

  Ordinary strong men and women kept sending stones and hot oil to the city wall as auxiliary soldiers.

  But the Catholic soldiers under the city wall, with fanatical expressions on their faces, climbed the long ladder under the cover of the boulder, going up step by step.

  Some of them were wearing thin leather armor and were burly, or holding a small wooden shield, and then rushed upwards recklessly, scaring the guards with their indomitable momentum.

   Most of them were wearing thin clothes, yellow and thin, holding a smooth long spear tremblingly, followed the group of strong soldiers, and climbed up the city wall step by step.

  At the same time, a few hundred steps away from the city gate, a huge, five-person-high collision car slowly moved forward with a huge siege weapon.

  I saw that there were four wheels covered with iron sheets under it, and then a huge wooden pillar was erected on the car, which was as thick as a person's waist and five meters long.

One of the ends is sharp and wrapped with iron sheets. The wood is tied with circles of grass ropes, and the middle part is hung by iron chains. Over there.

  The sharp side is facing the city gate, and the soldiers behind are constantly swinging and bumping back and forth. If the time is not limited, the iron city gate will not be able to resist it.

   This kind of huge collision, because it is too simple, was learned by the Europeans from the Ottoman Empire, and the Arabs learned it from the Mongols, although the invention of the mortar made it almost useless.

  However, the city wall of Orleans was constantly being built, and the artillery alone was not enough to collapse it. The city gate became the only breakthrough, and the car crash entered the stage of history again.

   Under the push of the soldiers, they moved towards the city gate step by step from the uneven ground.

  In this way, when the archers on the city wall saw this big killer, they couldn't care about so many soldiers attacking the city anymore, so they hurriedly drew their bows and shot them, trying to shoot down the soldiers who were passing by, so that the charging car would become a waste product.

  However, although soldiers were constantly shot down by arrows, a large amount of blood poured out to soak the ground, and there were a few howls, there was no delay in catching this huge siege weapon.

  As soon as one fell down, two other soldiers were forced to run over behind them, and continued to come to the side of the car, pushing desperately.

Even though arrows rained down constantly around them and above their heads, these soldiers were not affected in the slightest. Even though their comrades around them kept falling down, they still pushed forward the huge and shocking crash unswervingly. , step by step to the gate of Orleans.

   And just behind, the Duke of Guise held a telescope and watched the balance of war tilting towards him, with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

   "It seems that the city of Orleans will be back in our hands in a short time. This is really a pleasant day!"

  Even if he stayed in the pergola, but felt the wanton heat of the sun, King Navarre and Duke Vendome, His Excellency Antoine de Bourbon, felt that his body was about to evaporate, so there was no joy to speak of.

   But the news that the war was about to end did drive him away a lot of enthusiasm. He suppressed his irritability and said in agreement:

   "Indeed, the Huguenots are about to disappear in France, and the heresy in France is about to disappear. Today I am afraid that I will be blessed by the Almighty Lord! Amen!"

   "Amen!" The devout Catholic Duke of Guise, hearing this, also made a prayer gesture, and then looked at King Navarre and the Duke of Vendôme, and said viciously:

   "From now on, on behalf of my lord, I will severely punish these betrayers and these hateful heretics. Only by returning to **** can they return to the light of the world and let the glory of our lord shine on France again!"

  Hearing such a naked declaration of terror, the Duke of Vendôme, who has always been a centrist, shuddered. Looking at the fierce battle ahead, he couldn't help but sigh:

   Compared with the massacre in the future, the war at this time is probably nothing more than this!

  Under the scorching sun, soldiers on both sides are still fighting **** battles.

   One side mustered up courage, and with religious and material encouragement, they repeatedly climbed the city and climbed the wall with red eyes, and even pushed and crashed the car in one go. Regardless of the casualties, they wanted to break through the city that had blocked them for many days.

  As the defensive side, the Huguenot soldiers looked even more tragic.

  Father’s spiritual encouragement, as if needless to say, is definitely not comparable in material terms. The reason why they can hold on so firmly without collapsing is the violent attack of the Catholic allies.

  Even if the generals didn’t make any publicity, they could still understand that the city of Orleans, which had hindered the Catholic Allies for such a long time, was bound to be massacred to vent the desire of the Catholic soldiers.

  Most of them are either from the city of Orleans, or they are located in the urban and rural areas near the city of Orleans, and they deeply understand the consequences of the destruction of the city of Orleans.

   Moreover, Prince Condé did not hesitate to publicize it, making their fearful hearts even more frightened.

  In this way, the powerful force of fear and the responsibility to protect their families made them explode with great strength.

   Just as the war was leaning towards the Catholic Allies, the English soldiers on the side were also besieged.

  The Duke of Guise used a large amount of people's power in order to concentrate his forces on breaking the city of Orleans.

  Overnight, around the English camp, large pits were dug one after another, as well as countless small pits and depressions, and some traps were also arranged.

   And also built a knee-high low wall just to stop them from attacking.

   Moreover, the Duke of Guise was still not at ease, and still sent more than 2,000 infantry to guard them, or it can be said to delay them.

   is to have time to break through the city of Orleans.

  Baron George stood tall in the camp, squinting his eyes, looking at the large and small potholes in front of him, as well as the wounded and howling soldiers in front of him, with a serious expression on his face.

  If these potholes are filled regardless of the damage, it will take a day, and you have to beware of the guarding soldiers of more than 2,000 people.

   Within two days, 3,000 of them might not be able to support the city of Orleans.

   "So, I'm afraid the Duke of Guise is attacking Orleans regardless of any damage!"

   Baron George looked at the city of Orleans, which was under heavy artillery fire in the distance, and thought in a depressed mood.

   "So, wouldn't my trip be in vain?"

  (end of this chapter)

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