My British Empire

Chapter 461: synod of bishops

  Chapter 461 Synod of Bishops

  London, Whitehall Palace, in the meeting hall.

  The huge curtains have been pulled up by the servants, and the thin sunlight penetrates through the brightly colored glass with difficulty, bringing warmth to the dark room.

  A long table is placed in the center, on which the servants carefully arrange flower and fruit platters. It looks very pleasing to the eye against the dark red long table.

  The Archbishop of Edinburgh, Hobbs, was ushered into the meeting room by the waiter. As soon as he looked up, he saw such a bright scene. The few pots of flowers carefully decorated in the room made the whole meeting room a little warmer.

  Seeing this, he froze for a moment, then nodded again, and was led to a position before he sat down safely.

  After that, the Archbishop of Wales also came in. He was a chubby old man who looked very kind.

   Hobbs nodded towards him, and the Archbishop of Wales did the same, and the two showed kind smiles.

   After that, several people came in one after another, all wearing purple cassocks, archbishop level.

  The Archbishop of York looked cold, with an expression of indifference.

  He is the deputy of the Archbishop of Canterbury in England. After the Archbishop of Canterbury took charge of religious affairs in the United Kingdom, the Archbishop of York became the head of religion in England.

   Then there is the Archbishop of Dublin from Ireland, who is in charge of the religious affairs of the island of Ireland. His most conspicuous place is that there is a mole near his chin, which is extremely conspicuous.

  The entry of the Archbishop of Canterbury made all the bishops stand up and salute. As the leader of the religious essence of the entire United Kingdom, he deserves everyone to do so.

  The Archbishop of Canterbury also returned a friendly salute, showing a smile, and then sat calmly on the right hand side of the lord, with no expression on his face.

  After everyone arrived, the servants filed in and placed a cup of green tea in front of their table.

  What is good at the top will be effective at the bottom.

  His Majesty the King likes to drink tea, and the nobles and officials also fell in love with it overnight, which suddenly makes the expensive tea even more unacceptable.

  After seeing the strong demand for tea from the English, tea merchants flocked to it and made a lot of profits.

  Although the tea leaves change three times a day, it just tickles the itch of nobles and officials.

  The more expensive, the more sought after.

   As a result, in less than a few years, drinking tea became popular in the upper class of the entire United Kingdom, and gradually penetrated into the middle class.

   Facing the tea on the table, several archbishops tasted it shallowly, their eyes lit up, and after taking another sip, they put it down, closed their eyes, and began to savor the beauty of it.

   "Sure enough, the tea from Wang's royal family is better!"

  Everyone sighed in unison, filled with emotion.

  As there are only a few hobbies left, His Majesty the King certainly cannot destroy them.

  After paying a lot of money to buy a few packs of Chinese tea seeds, I selected several misty alpine and hilly areas and carefully cultivated them for several years.

  Finally, three years ago, a tea species suitable for England was cultivated, and then the planting area was slowly expanded.

  By this year, the tea tree area of ​​the royal family has reached 2,000 acres, and the annual harvest of ordinary tea is 200,000 pounds. Among them, the annual production of high-grade tea is only more than 5,000 pounds, and the top-quality tea is only about 50 pounds.

   Just after the spring of this year, the royal tea garden officially launched the white rose series of tea, which was very popular in the market.

  After so many years, the habit of drinking tea has been cultivated. It is conservatively estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the entire United Kingdom.

  And these people are either merchants or local gentlemen and aristocrats. Even if the merchants deliver a lot, the high price and small volume cannot meet the needs of many people.

  The 200,000 pounds of tea leaves released by the royal family were sold out in less than a month at a price of ten pounds per pound.

  Among them, most of them were rounded up by the English, and the rest were bought by merchants and rushed to sell in the Europa continent.

  Tea alone brought an income of two million pounds to the royal family, which is the three-year income of the royal family in normal years.

  Therefore, His Majesty the King became more enthusiastic about cultivating a nationwide tea drinking movement and wantonly expanded tea plantation.

  The nobles saw the profit, and began to enter the tea garden industry one after another. The tea industry became the hottest money-making industry in the United Kingdom for a while.

  Ordinary tea was drunk by gentlemen and squires, while high-grade tea was the daily drink of noble officials.

  Extreme tea, except for the royal family and the nobles who have been specially rewarded, is really not available to ordinary people.

   Off topic.

  After the archbishops were in place, His Majesty the King arrived late.

   "Your Majesty—" everyone stood up in unison and said respectfully.

  Edward glanced at the five of them, then nodded and sat down.

"Everyone should have received the news. The Council of Trent, under the auspices of Pius IV, recently announced that all Protestants would be regarded as heresies, and our Anglican sect is also a member of Protestants. Do you have any suggestions? ?"

  His Majesty the King looked expressionlessly at the several senior religious leaders of the United Kingdom sitting here, and announced an important news.

  When the archbishops heard the news, they didn't show much surprise on their faces. Instead, each of them showed a pensive look.

   "Your Majesty, and other archbishops, I think we must respond to the actions of the Roman Church!"

   Hobbs, the archbishop of Edinburgh, who has always been indecisive, was the first to speak, and he also spoke fiercely, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations, including His Majesty the King.

   Then, after everyone thought about his Catholic background and the situation in Scotland, everyone suddenly realized.

  Scotland was originally a Catholic camp. After it could not submit to the Anglican sect, it became the most anti-Roman region in the entire United Kingdom.

  For example, after the traitors took refuge in the Japanese invaders, in order to gain trust, they even intensified their cruelty to the Chinese people.

  After feeling everyone's collective gaze, Archbishop Hobbs sat down slowly, but his face still maintained the original resolute expression.

   Afterwards, the entire conference room fell silent again, so everyone turned their attention to the seated Archbishop of Canterbury—Matthew Burke.

  The skinny archbishop felt everyone's attention, and had no choice but to stand up and speak:

   "Your Majesty, Bishop Hobbs' opinion is correct, and I support his suggestion!"

   As he spoke, he looked around for a week, looked at the expressions on everyone's faces, bowed to His Majesty the King, and continued with a blank expression:

   "I propose that our Anglican sect should unite with the Huguenots in France, Calvinism in Switzerland, and Lutheranism in Germany to jointly express our dissatisfaction and opposition to the opinions of the Roman Council."

   At the end, he made a deafening voice:

   "Also, let's kick the pope out of the church together!"

  Kicking out the pope's membership means that Protestantism has truly parted ways with Catholicism from now on.

  ps: After reading it, you big brothers, please vote for encouragement!

   I don’t understand why chapter 470 blocked a few paragraphs. Others are more straightforward than me, but it’s still fine, so someone must have reported it, alas! ! have no choice.



  (end of this chapter)

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