My British Empire

Chapter 431: inspect the army

  Chapter 431 Inspecting the Army

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  At the end of 1561, the cabinet headed by William Selsey had been in office for five years, and had served as the Speaker of the Privy Council of England for five years.

  So, in view of William Selsey's outstanding achievements in governing the country in the past five years, the stable development of the British Kingdom's economy, and the unstable situation in France, this made His Majesty Edward decide to remain a member of the cabinet.

  So, on December 8th, William Selsey officially started the second term of the Privy Council of England, and the next day, he started the second term of the prime minister of the coalition government cabinet.

  Subsequently, Scotland continued to be regent of Scotland by the Earl of Argyle, and Faris Alexander served as the regent of Wales.

  As for the post of Governor of Ireland, it will be held by the outstanding Baron John Perot.

  As for the command of the Irish Army, Edward also dispatched a minister after discussing with the cabinet.

  It is located in Calais and Brizigne in France. The cabinet also drafted a list and presented it to Edward. After considering his ability and background, His Majesty Edward chose to agree.

  Afterwards, new parliamentary elections were held in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and even Calais and Bouzygne.

  This election is different from the past.

  In the past, the members of the parliament were basically elected from the municipalities, and there were only a few seats in ordinary counties.

   Since the abolition of municipalities, the source of parliamentary elections has been cut off.

  In this way, in order to better unite the interests of the broad masses of the people and make the elite a vested interest group, His Majesty the King announced that each county has five places for election.

  In addition, every city with a population of more than 5,000 can elect two councilors.

  However, as for the qualification line for having the right to vote, His Majesty Edward did not decrease much, but increased a little difficulty.

  For example, some cities stipulate that adult men with a family property of 100 pounds have the right to vote and be elected. On this basis, His Majesty the King has drawn a line: 200 pounds.

  Only adult men who have a property of two hundred pounds, have no criminal record, and belong to the United Kingdom will have the right to vote and be elected.

  In this way, by the end of December, before 1562 came, the local council elections had been successfully held.

  On the first day of the new year, His Majesty the Great King did not stay in the palace, accompanied by his wife and children, and came to the outside of London in a carriage.

  United Kingdom Army Garrison, located five miles outside London, on the banks of the River Thames.

  Located on the Thames River, it can not only transport food and water nearby, but also quickly advance to London and other cities around the Thames River. It has excellent geographical conditions.

  In the early morning, the rain has already washed the ground. In this winter, there are still a few drops of water on the grass. After walking a few steps in shoes, it will be soaked in a short while.

   Then the slightly cool cold wind blows, this kind of sourness, not to mention how vigorous it is, coupled with the wet soil, it is wet and heavy, ordinary people will not come out under normal circumstances, and suffer this crime.

   But the soldiers in the army were very hard. The sun had just risen, and there was a faint ray of light, so they had to pull down the quilt reluctantly and get up quickly under the call of the wake-up call.

   "Boom, boom, boom!" There was a burst of footsteps, as if urging, making other people who were not well yet anxiously speed up their pace, get up and wash.

  As the team leader, Opa naturally has the responsibility to make his soldiers wake up, wash and eat together.

   You know, the time for washing and eating is only twenty minutes.

   That is to say, get up at 6 o'clock, and have to come to the pasture before 6:20 to conduct the same queue training. On the playground, the training officer has already been waiting there, ready to spot check.

   After yelling a few times, the guys who were about to stay in bed were urged up, and then Opa and the whole team began to wash and eat.

   After drinking a few bowls of porridge, they arrived at the playground on time for boring queue training.

   "Go, go, go, turn left, turn right, turn back!"

   Words like this kept ringing out on the playground. Each team formed a row of twenty-five people, and the team leader stood at the first position and was responsible for shouting.

  Then, the ten teams formed a company and stood in the same small square for training.

  Afterwards, several companies were combined together, and each regiment was integrated for integrated training.

  Every month, there is one more day of general training. Several regiments are divided into two parties for battle training.

  Including barbers, flag bearers, and musicians must be trained,

  In the afternoon, live ammunition training is basically necessary. Stepping on drums, filling gunpowder, shooting, and cleaning the barrel, all have to be trained over and over again.

   And learn the meaning of different flags and the meaning of music played by musicians.

  In the evening, the pastor read the Bible aloud to explain doubts to the soldiers.

   This is the training content of infantry.

  The artillerymen were not so troublesome.

  Bronze cannons showed great prowess in the Italian war, and His Majesty Edward immediately ordered the royal arsenal to manufacture them.

  So the most common exercises for artillerymen are loading and unloading shells, cleaning the barrels, and conducting live ammunition exercises.

  Even if they know that sulfur is very expensive, there is no way to do it. For technical arms, only continuous practice can truly improve the level.

   Moreover, under the influence of Napoleon in the 18th century, in the next few hundred years of war, the strategy of artillery as king has always been the pursuit of armies of various countries.

  In this European continent, the current understanding of artillery is not enough, it is necessary to vigorously develop artillery and start the role of artillery in advance.

  In a corner unknown to many soldiers, His Majesty Edward is holding a binoculars, inspecting the training of these soldiers.

   "Your Majesty, these soldiers train every day and are already very familiar with the Spanish phalanx, which is completely different from the inadaptability of the Guards!"

  The Guards were accustomed to the old-fashioned combat methods. Since they retrained the Spanish phalanx, none of them adapted to it. After a few years, Edward also gave up.

   We had to change the guards into cavalry. Among the 6,000 people, there were 4,000 cavalry, 1,000 infantry, and more than 1,000 logistics troops.

  Although Knight Alexander is getting older, his appearance is still online. He still looks so personable and handsome. His skin does not appear rough because of joining the army, but is as smooth as before.

  Edward couldn't help but admire him for being so well maintained.

   "Of course, Mr. Knight, I am very convinced of your ability!" Edward turned his head and said affirmatively.

   "What is the current army size?"

   "Including the logistics staff, there are about 16,000 people, six regiments, each regiment has more than 2,500 people!"

   "How is the combat effectiveness?"

   "You can go to the battlefield at any time!"

   "Compared to the Spaniards, how?"

   "This—" Knight Alexander pondered for a while, then said solemnly:

   "Your Majesty, there has not been a formal collision yet, but I am sure of a tie!"

   "Okay, I believe in you, knight!" Edward looked into his good-looking eyes and said solemnly: "Starting today, let the army be ready to go to the battlefield at any time. I think the opportunity for actual combat is coming soon!"

   "Your Majesty, is this true?" Alexander asked in disbelief. After staying in the barracks for so long, he wanted to go to the battlefield for a long time.

   "Yes, a very long war!"

  (end of this chapter)

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