My British Empire

Chapter 426: Ireland's sewerage

  Chapter 426 Sewage in Ireland

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  Using his personal connections, Geleshan invited two hundred senior weavers and their families to England, spending more than a thousand pounds, and finally completed the task deployed by His Majesty the King within a month.

  As the situation in the Netherlands became more and more turbulent, he did not need to spend money at all, and many senior weavers begged him to take it away.

  Actually, when he first accepted this task, Grashan understood the king's intention—to steal a teacher.

  Although the United Kingdom has a vast market due to its alliance with Spain, the textile industry has also begun to take off.

   But just like the later China, it only occupies low-end and mid-end technology, and is at the bottom of the textile industry to make money. The profits obtained cannot be compared with the Netherlands.

  For example, the production of high-grade woolen cloth, only the Dutch have this technology and sharp weapon, and every year the partner royal family imports a large amount of high-grade woolen cloth from the Netherlands to meet their own needs.

   Moreover, the same is true for silk. Not only does England have no oriental silk technology, but it doesn't even have European imitation silk technology.

  And when he came to the Netherlands, he shouldered the requirement of innovating technology for the country. When he thought of this, Geleshan felt that he had made an important contribution to the entire kingdom.

  So, while lamenting his contribution, Geleshan recruited hundreds of senior weavers for his factory.

   "With these people, I am afraid that the profit of my factory will double in the coming year!" After renting a merchant ship for three days, Geleshan returned to England with the weavers and their families.

   "If I knew the situation in the Netherlands was in turmoil, I should have brought more thank you boats! Alas!" Geleshan sighed as he looked at the crowded ships.

   Not long after he left with the senior weaver, the Governor's Office of the Netherlands got the news.

   "Your Excellency, an Englishman brought many people from the Netherlands to leave the country!" The young staff member bent down and reported respectfully.

   "Understood, don't worry about how many heretics leave, workers, Nederlando is!" The Duchess of Parma pondered for a moment, and ordered decisively.

  As the staff went down, she murmured softly: "That's fine, let those heretics leave. I hope that after those activists leave, the Netherlands will return to stability! It would be nice to continue to be a cow!"

  Until now, the female governor still can’t figure it out, these Dutch people don’t believe in Catholicism, so they have to become a heretic and return to the embrace of our Lord, isn’t it good?

  In the original history, since the turmoil in the Netherlands, more than 30,000 Dutch people came to England to escape the Dutch revolution.

   Their arrival made Elizabeth I very happy and received a very welcome.

  After the arrival of these textile workers, they greatly improved England's textile technology, making England's exports from low-end to high-end all at once.

  Thus, a solid foundation was laid for the rise of the entire empire on which the sun never sets.

  However, Queen Elizabeth has tasted the price for this.

  The arrival of these Dutchmen made England's technology advance by leaps and bounds, but it also allowed the original narrow Calvinism to expand wildly, forming a wave of anti-establishment religion all at once.

  Before she died, those Puritans were still clamoring for the reform of the state religion and the abolition of the bishop system.

  Damn it, the bishop system is a sharp weapon for the king to control his mind, if it is abolished, the kingship will be shaken.

   In terms of technology and religion, Edward has been entangled in his mind.

  England is not the United States. It cannot absorb immigrants regardless of the consequences. Inherent traditions and conservatism are the foundation of social stability. The arrival of immigrants will make the whole society a mess.

   What's more, His Majesty Edward is not willing to delegate power.

  His Majesty Edward thought for a long time, and finally decided to selectively accept some elite technical personnel, and after obtaining their technology, if they still don't believe in it, then they will be exiled to Ireland directly.

   Now, the young His Majesty the King finally no longer ideally turns Ireland into a land like England.

   Moreover, the existence of a large number of Celtics cannot be completely accommodated.

  Ireland is not treated as a colony like previous kings.

  Young His Majesty the King intends to make the island of Ireland the outfall of the United Kingdom.

  Let Puritans, Catholics, and all kinds of messy believers go to Ireland to feel the warmth of the Celtics!

  It would be easier to control if, by the way, it could also influence them and let them fall apart from the Catholic vortex.

   Soon, with the arrival of the merchant ship, His Majesty the Great King personally received these senior weavers, greeted them cordially, and praised them for abandoning their homes and coming to the United Kingdom for their dedication.

The senior weavers and their families, after being received by His Majesty the King, cried bitterly and patted their chests to promise that they will definitely train more workers for the United Kingdom and make more contributions to the entire United Kingdom. Thanks King, thank you government.

   Accompanied by the Kingdom's Prime Minister William Selsey, and other cabinet members.

   Closer to home, after this pleasant interview, His Majesty Edward directly arranged these people into several large textile factories under the royal family, where they were supervised to teach technology and not to spread religious messages.

  Afterwards, His Majesty the King received Cabinet Prime Minister William Selsey and asked him to draft a new immigration bill.

  The requirement is that anyone who does not believe in Anglicanism is not allowed to preach in the United Kingdom, and those who violate it will be exiled to Ireland and become immigrants.

   And draft again, unless they are state personnel, they are not allowed to instigate and agitate others, and carry out dissemination of non-state religions, and all offenders will be sent to Ireland.

  Several treatment of the missionary personnel and missionary activities of the returnees shocked the entire cabinet, but the cabinet quickly cooperated.

  The draft is submitted by the cabinet to the king. After receiving a positive reply, it is then transferred to the joint parliament. After approval, it is then handed over to the Supreme United Court for promulgation, and then the regional parliaments vote for approval. Finally, the highest courts in each region promulgate.

  After these processes were completed, a month passed, and the entire United Kingdom began to implement this strict law.

  In name, the parliament still exercises the legislative power, and the rights still belong to the people in name (this, everyone is familiar with it, I didn’t say it).

  Accompanied by the teaching of the textile workers in the Netherlands, the textile level of the entire England region continued to improve, and the shipment volume also recorded an increase.

   On the contrary, the Netherlands region still maintains a slight turmoil, with undercurrents surging, and its position in the entire textile industry slowly begins to decline.

   As a result, Edward believes that within five years, England will step on the Netherlands and become the first textile region.

  (end of this chapter)

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