My beast Emperor System

Chapter 45: A glimpse of History

Chapter 45: A glimpse of History

"God of Forge? What's that?" Lucien whispered and waited patiently.

At this point, he stopped paying attention to the class and focused on the system, hoping for a meaningful reply.

[God of the forge is the title given to me, the creator of this system Back then I was a powerful forge master that far surpassed my peers in that act While my peers were still stuck at enhancing weapons with elements and giving them elemental properties, I had reached a profound realm where I could transmute the powers and traits of a magic beast into a piece of equipment At a point, I soon learned how to transmute the power and traits of other beast men and magic beasts into my self and that's how I came about the ability, Beast assimilation an ability I have passed down to you]

For the first time, the system was responding to his questions as a person. This time not only was the text written but a cold, detached voice echoed in his head as well, reading out the text for him. He was startled by this but tried hard to control his emotions, in hopes of not attracting much attention in class.

"Can you teach me?" Lucien asked in a low tone.

[My powers were considered evil so I was chased down by powerful beings. If you learn it, the same can happen to you You already possess my beast assimilation, going any further will just put you in danger I can only impact the knowledge of normal forge mastery the other part will come when you are strong enough]

Lucien was about to ask more questions but he suddenly felt a piercing pain infiltrate his head. Countless visions popped up repeatedly, making him shiver, catching the attention of people around. They watched Lucien grip his head, covered in sweat while shivering.





Lucien sat up with a face covered in sweat, the pain was gone and the dizziness with it. He looked up to see instructor Fei Lin's beautiful face, causing him to smile sweetly.

"I guess I haven't fully recovered but you don't have to worry, it's nothing but a minor headache" Lucien said.

Gazing at his face which was covered in sweat, Instructor Fei Lin found it hard to believe him but since he said it's okay, she didn't push the matter any further.

"Do you wish to return to your room and have a quick nap or maybe go see the healers?" She asked but Lucien shook his head in disagreement.

"I am okay I can hold out till the class is over" Lucien said while shaking his head.

With a nod, Instructor Fei Lin returned to the podium and continued her lesson but the only difference this time is that she and other students kept shooting a glance in Lucien's direction.

"What I did now was transfer my magic into the ring, allowing me to cast the spell through the item" Fei Lin explained.

"While more than just magic can be transferred, it is best to make we stick to just this at the beginner phase" She added.

"That ring you have there it's not normal right?" Lucien asked drawing the attention of everyone.

Based on the knowledge he just received from the system, he determined that forge mastery is more complicated than Fei Lin is making it look. Not only does she purposefully omit a lot of details in her explanation but she failed to inform the students that normal blades and spears cannot be worked on by forge masters.

Transferring fire properties to a steel sword will only make the sword melt upon activation, so there are some special types of metal and resources in this world that can be used.

"If this were a normal ring, it would have shattered by now the moment it came in contact with your mana or even melted when getting infused with your fire element" Lucien said as he left his seat and walked towards the podium below. With the overflowing amount of knowledge, he had received he wanted to test the forge mastery skills he just acquired and since he didn't have any special equipment that can withstand the process, he chose to take advantage of Fei Lin and use this opportunity to practice.

"Impressive I didn't know a fresher would have this much knowledge of forge mastery This is just an introductory class so I didn't want to bother these little kids with such complex information But I am curious Why did you learn all of this from? And what exactly do you want?" Instructor Fei Lin asked while she watched Lucien walk towards her.

"From a book back at the Raizen clan" Lucien casually lied about it and quickly diverted her attention to his next request.

"What do I aim to achieve? I want to give it a try I have read so much that I think I am ready but I lack the equipment to work on" Lucien said as he climbed the podium and was only a few feet away from the Instructor.

She was going to refuse outright but seeing the confidence in Lucien's face, Fei Lin couldn't help but agree. She too wanted to see how skilled Lucien is since the emperor declared him as one of the greatest allies of their family and ordered that he should be taken care of from the shadows.

"What type of equipment do you want? You don't have to worry, if you succeed you can keep it as a reward for your hard work" She asked sweetly.

This was an offer Lucien didn't expect, so he was taken aback a little bit and had to think hard for a while before replying. He already possessed speed and since Hex and Brian volunteered to join the guardian class, he was sure he won't be lacking defense. All that's left now is firepower and since he didn't have an offensive spell yet, he decided that an offensive weapon would be nice but what type of weapon.

"Try this out then" Fei Lin said when she saw Lucien was confused on what equipment to pick.

Lucien saw her throw a black dagger at him but he skillfully caught it by the hilt. Removing the black sheath which had the golden royal Phoenix crest embedded on it, Lucien saw a pitch-black blade that reminded him of Blink's silver blade.

With a nod, he proceeded to the forging table gazing a the magic forging symbol on it, and shook his head in disagreement.

"Imperfections" Lucien muttered but it was loud enough for Fei Lin to hear.

Placing his hand on the table, his eyes let out a silver glow and the spiral formation vanished instantly, leaving the Instructor stunned. Not only has the air around Lucien changed the moment he got to the forging table but seemed to know more than he said. It was like she was gazing at someone entirely different.


Lucien took the carving knife and carved a new symbol on the forging table. It was a large triangle at the center and three smaller triangles at the pointy edges of the larger triangle. Within those triangles was the eye symbol carved into it and then around the entire formation were series of ancient letters.

'what is he doing? The three spaces are for what? Does that mean he has three elements?' Fei Lin was confused by what she saw. She would have loved to rebuke Lucien, but the strange confidence in his eyes made her believe that Lucien knew what he was doing.

"Perfection" Lucien's eyes flickered as the entire formation on the table lit up. Placing the black dagger at the larger triangle.

"Charge" Lucien muttered as his lightning element appeared on one of the triangles.

"Flow" He muttered and his wind element appeared on another triangle.

"Roar!" He called out loud and the final piece of his enchantment appeared on the last triangle.

"This" Instructor Fei Lin said as she took a step back while gazing at Lucien with a hint of excitement and fear in her eyes.

The other students watched the last piece on the final triangle and could help but ask.

"Is this even possible?"


"You thought you could keep it from me but you made a mistake Having me reach the level of a master forger thanks to your memories, I had an in-depth understanding of your challenges and the way you overcame them with that, I had enough knowledge to at least attempt this" Lucien said as he watched at the miniature silver figure of the Raizen on the third triangle.

His words were directed to the system and for the very first time since he acquired this system, Lucien felt darkness looming behind him and within the darkness, a pair of bright blue eyes slowly yanked open gazing at him.

'I guess there is no such thing as free power but then, don't think I am so weak that you can toy with me however you want!' Lucien silently growled at the pair of eyes gazing at him, fearlessly.

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