My beast Emperor System

Chapter 38: First quest

Chapter 38: First quest

Turning to meet the voices, he saw two figures in black feather coats shooting towards him. 

'Come!' Lucien grinned in his mind as he took a step forward catching the hands of the two assailants in mid-air!

Taking advantage of the momentum this two gathered while flying towards him, Lucien chose not to stop. Instead, he spun to the left while holding them tightly, before letting them go and watch them crash on the ground violently since they had no control over their body.

"Don't forget that magic was not the only aspect of life which I surpassed you all in Both of you have always been inferior" Lucien said coldly as he took bold steps forward while looking at them.

"ST." Lucas Raizen was about to call out to the two youths, to stop and apologize since he didn't want to anger the emperor but Lucien interrupted.

"This is my first request, I wish to duel this two here and now The outcome of the duel decides nothing and nothing will be put at stake Since they took the initiative to attack me I believe it's only fair if we end our long rivalry here and now" Lucien said leaving everyone stunned once again.

The last time they checked, Lucien had lost his affinity to the elements!

His connection with the Raizen God beast was almost severed, yet he dared to challenge Raziel and Layla in a two-on-one death match! Even emperor Fei and instructor Han was shocked by this request since they also knew Lucien's physical capabilities have also dropped due to his injury. They couldn't understand what was going through Lucien's mind or why he would make such a request.

"If that's what he wants, let him fight them, my emperor, don't worry I will ask those two to go easy on him!" Lucas Raizen couldn't help but feel elated by this request.

In his opinion, although Lucien was far stronger than this two in the past, it's different now since he doesn't have his powers to back him up. He couldn't help but think of a better way to get rid of Lucien so easily and in a legit way too.

'This old man is really sly so sly I find it disgusting' Emperor Fei shot Lucas a glance before turning his attention to Lucien.

Gazing at Lucien he could tell that the kid's condition had improved but he didn't know how much it improved. He was also aware of the resentment in the hearts of the members of the Raizen clan and he was sure if he agreed to this, Lucien would end up dying at the hands of this two. But to keep his image as a man of his words Emperor Fei couldn't just say no. As much as he wanted to say no, he couldn't just reject Lucien's offer after the earlier declaration he made concerning the two promises.


Emperor Fei was prepared to decline, not caring about what the people may say but then he saw the confidence in Lucien's face and only one thought came to mind


Could it be that Lucien reaped some benefits from the power source and that's what was giving him so much confidence? If so then these two should not be a match for him. Shutting out everything and focusing his senses on Lucien, the emperor could tell that Lucien gave out a different vibe and he has recovered even more than expected but he was still slightly weaker than his peak state.

"Your request has been granted I will hereby oversee this two on one duel and may the gods bless the victor" Emperor Fei said after he took the decision to just play the role of an observer for now. If Lucien's life was at stake, he would just have to step in and stop it personally.


[New quest received]

[Defeat Raizel and Layla]

[Rewards unknown]

Seeing this a smile bloomed on Lucien's face since he didn't expect the system to have this sort of function. Since the system can give out quests, he didn't need to always rely on achievements for exp points.

"Thank you" Lucien bowed at the emperor leaving him stunned.

This was the first time Lucien was sincerely thanking him for something, this made it harder for him to understand why Lucien was very happy with the arrangements made so far.

'What the hell is that little demon hiding from me' The emperor couldn't help but let such thoughts run through his mind.


Hearing the emperor's declaration, Raizel and Layla didn't know what to say. They didn't know whether to laugh or cry when the emperor agreed to this. Their original intention was to impress the clan head enough for him to consider one of them the new clan heir but now they have the chance to do just that by killing Lucien, they couldn't help but feel threatened by his presence!

By the way, this was the person who has been looking down on them from the very beginning.

"It ends now!" Raizel was the first to act and bright blue star patterns appeared beneath his feet and the star paths began linking one after the other.

"Lightning magic: Lightning bolt!" Raizel cast basic lightning magic.


"This is the problem with the general spells, everyone knows how to counter them! The lighting element is known for possessing the fastest and most lethal spells yet it has one drawback The casters tend to be slow As long as I don't stay at one spot, your chances of hitting me are low since you always had a poor aim" Lucien said as his body moved.


Lucien began dashing to the side at an incredible speed that left everyone dumbfounded!

Didn't they say he was weaker now due to his injuries? He shouldn't be able to move this way!

"Strike!" Raizen roared as his palms let out blue light and the bolt of lightning shot out, striking a location Lucien had already left a long time ago 

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