My beast Emperor System

Chapter 239: Victory?

Chapter 239: Victory?

"We can't destroy an entire anomaly with some sort of hidden strength or something... Right now all we can do is damage the anomaly or find her" Lucien said with a frown.

He could understand why Derik would think this way since he is used to destroying everything in his path without fail, so destroying another person's anomaly was the first thing that came to mind.

"I hate you" Derik said casually before charging forward on the lightning bird.

For the first time since this battle began, he blocked out all other thoughts and focused on the task at hand. Unlike before, he is fighting within the domain of the enemy. His soul has completely fused with this body, binding his cultivation level as well so he didn't have the advantage he had in the past. When he destroyed his domain, just to harm the gods of this world and put them out for long, Derik ended up destroying his original undead army which resides in that world, so he didn't have any godly figure amongst his undead army that can help him overpower this enemy.

"I guess I will have to call on everyone's help for this" Derik felt thrilled by the fact that he was making a powerful opponent like the ant queen go all out!

In this situation, he wasn't completely helpless but his situation wasn't that bright either. The victor of this battle is yet to be decided and anyone can claim victory in this battle if one is careless!

These are the things that excite Derik in a fight!

This is what a real battle looks like!

Clasping his hands together, Derik's eyes sank in as he jumped off the back of the lightning bird and into the air. His aura surged dangerously but this time it wasn't death aura but something more dangerous. It was an aura that carried a strong presence that will make anyone frightful. Black markings appeared all over his body as a tiny black sphere appeared in his hand.

"I wasn't joking when I spoke about destroying the anomaly... Keep the army at bay and let me do my job!" Derik shot Lucien a glance and smiled.

"GRAVITY MAGIC: BLACK HOLE!" Derik growled as the small black orb hesitated off his hand and into the air!

Suddenly a powerful suction force erupted, pulling everything within it. The ground shattered and the air seemed as if it would crumble as the suction force got stronger!

Amongst the ant army are powerful once capable of temporarily resisting the suction force and those are the people Derik was worried about. The thing about the black hole spell was that it got stronger with time and right now his main goal is to stop anyone from destroying it!

Soon it will get strong enough to make the anomaly crumble from the inside!

"You are not ready for what is to come!" Derik said as he gazed at the skies waiting for the ant queen to make an appearance.

Images of the original owner of the ability, Kuen flooded his mind. Back in their world, he had a history with this person and they made a considerable amount of memories together. From bitter enemies, they became allies and fought alongside each other for a while. Kuen served him well until his last day!

"This feeling is a bit overwhelming" Lucien muttered as he focused on the figure approaching at an incredible speed. He no longer bothered himself with the battle happening below, he could only trust Lucien on that.

"COME AT ME BOY!" Derik growled revealing his fangs as he lunged at the figure shooting towards the black hole.

While approaching his facial expression darkened as he saw the ant queen was hidden in something like a silver armor! Right now her aura was more intimidating than when she wore a golden armor!

"She was holding back on us?" Derik gasped in shock but it was too late to retreat!

Secret technique: Werewolves Roar!

Derik's eyes revealed killing lights as he was shrouded in the dark aura that took the shape of a powerful werewolf! He struck forward violently but the silver figure just shot through him like a beam, leaving a huge hold both on the werewolf's chest and on his upper body was severed from his lower body!

"Damn you!" Derik's visage turned cold as his severed upper half sprouted black angelic wings, allowing him to turn in mid-air and shoot towards the silver figures!

There is no way he was going to let her reach the developing black hole!


Derik's eyes revealed a terrifying silver light as he vanished and reappeared in front of the black hole with his hands clasped together! His eyes were blood red and a sea of blood surged around him dangerously, increasing in size by the minute!


Smashing into the sea of blood the ant queen suddenly felt a strong sense of danger! Not only was her movement completely slowed but she could feel the blood surging into her body from the small openings everywhere! Slowly moving became even more tasking as she noticed red markings appearing all over her body!


Derik yelled with terrifying blood-red eyes as he clasped his hands together and the blood dispersed, leaving the ant queen stationary and unable to move!

"I win... Checkmate!" Derik said as the body vanished reappearing in front of the ant queen.

His eyes were filled with so much darkness surging in it it felt like two black whirlpools surging violently!


His lips locked with that of the ant queen and the darkness around him spread forth, consuming both of them! At this point, the anomaly began trembling and Lucien who was busy fending off against countless ants was stunned!

"He won already?" He muttered in shock as he gazed up only to see two figures with their lips locked in!

"The fuck?" Lucien screamed in shock, almost throwing up at the spot.

With the power of the ant Queen getting drained, there was little that could hold the realm any more, making it easier for the black hole to swallow it up!

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