My beast Emperor System

Chapter 235: Dragon inheritance

Chapter 235: Dragon inheritance

Hearing Derik's words the King-tier soldier ants seemed to understand Derik's words as they made some strange sound while aggressively gazing at the invaders. If it were in the past world, Derik would have made the first move and wiped out all thirty of these beasts at once but in this world, he was not feeling as invincible as usual. He could feel the cold gaze of the enemy pinned on him and for some reason he felt like using his death aura won't work here.

"This will definitely not end well" Derik muttered but he did not retreat.

He kept taking bold steps forward, making Lucien wonder if he was high on wine or something.


One of the soldier ants could no longer take this insult and screamed loud before charging forward at Derik! It could be considered extremely fast but Derik dodged it properly! His body spun uncontrollably until he stepped on the wall of the cave but by that time, three figures around him.

"INSECTS!" Derik growled as the death scythe in his hand lit up and his body spun quickly, creating a perfect arc as he slashed all three enemies at once.


His attack only shoved them back, leaving no crack on the black shell armor of the ant men!


The three ant soldiers let out a roar as they all struck forward at once, aiming for Derik's skull!

"COCKY!!" Derik growled as the there enemies were engulfed with a green aura and for a moment, the three ants paused!

"TIME MAGIC!" Lucien exclaimed in shock but what was even more shocking was the bright orange aura, overlapping his green aura!

"BRILLIANT SUN!" Derik growled as three massive suns appeared in front of the three ant men and struck them hard!

Everyone watched as the there ant soldiers struggled against the miniature suns until they were smashed into the wall behind the queen who remained calm.


Derik dropped to the ground with a frown. He didn't seem exhausted but even more annoyed than ever.

"These bastards will be hard to deal with" Derik said with a frown on his face as he watched the there ant soldiers emerge again but this time their armor had cracks on them.

To think all that for just this level of damage... What will happen when all thirty of them attacks at once?

"This will be tricky" Lucien nodded in agreement to Derik's words.

"Just as I suspected... You two possess power surpassing that of a spirit realm master... You may be powerful but it is obvious you cannot win here" the ant queen said and Derik chuckled in response.

He only said it would be difficult and never claimed it would be impossible. He didn't know why this ant queen was eager to get rid of them peacefully but he wasn't buying it! Now they are here, only one side can leave this place alive!


Lucien waved his hands slowly and in a circular motion, forming what looked like a massive black fog of corrosive death aura. The fog kept expanding and rising and to his greatest surprise, the ant queen and the soldier ants did nothing to stop him. They just gazed at him as if he was some sort of idiot.

"Don't blame me for being ruthless then!" Derik growled as he threw his hands forward, sending the entire corrosive fog forward. He and Lucien watched attentively and slowly the fog cleared and apart from the three soldier ants whose armor had been damaged no other person was killed.




[King tier ant-man Killed]

[Beast assimilation successful]


Seeing the notifications Lucien wasn't impressed. In the past, he would be ecstatic about having gained the power of a new king tier magic beast but that's just a thing of the past right now. Right now, only an emperor tier beast assimilation could catch his attention.

"I guess this will end badly if we don't take them seriously" Derik concluded with a frown.

He didn't know how possible it is but their armor is capable of resisting his corrosive death aura. He performed the last move to confirm after he realized his death scythe couldn't cut through them or even leave a mark.

"Luckily I have over a million abilities to choose from" Derik said coldly and Lucien nodded.

They have already wasted too much time and honestly, he saw no reason to hesitate anymore. So what if they have thirty king-tier beasts on their side, so what?

In this case, they are the predators and not the prey! He really has to stop spacing out and act like one!

"Dragons wrath" Derik muttered as he took bold steps forward, with each step sinking deep into the ground.



Each step he took made the ground tremble and shatter under his weight. His aura became fierce and the air around him turned wild in an instant. His blue dragon scales lit up brightly and for some reason, he felt an unexplainable rage surging within him!


Letting out an incredible roar, Lucien charged forward! As he moved his body was shrouded in blue Dragon flames, increasing in size as he moved! Soon he looked like a massive blue ball of flames surging forward but even then ant magic beasts showed no sign of fear! Two ant men took bold steps forward to intercept the attack.


The earth trembled badly on both sides and surprisingly, the fireball stopped the moment it hit the two ant men!

"They stopped him?" Derik said in shock while gazing at Lucien!

He didn't expect to see something like this?




Heavy heartbeats kept echoing loudly in the underground cave making the place tremble slightly. The source of the heavy heartbeats was Lucien as he struggled with the two ant men in a test of strength.

Originally he was getting pushed back but suddenly he stopped moving and finally he began taking steps forward! The heartbeats got harder and beat faster! The faster it got the stronger Lucien became!

"Could this be the strength of an inheritance leading to the destructive authority?" Derik was stunned as he watched instead of fighting. With the little he has seen, he quickly understood the true nature of the dragon's inheritance.

It is purely fueled by rage and the longer a person fought the more powerful they become. Slowly they are consumed by the rage forcing them to become even more reckless and daring but in exchange, they get stronger. They may be no limit to how angry they can get but one thing is certain. If the user is unable to channel that rage properly or falls too deep into the feeling, they will ultimately end up losing themselves and go on a killing spree, becoming the embodiment of destruction itself.

"Powerful but not reliable... I guess I should join in and prevent him from falling too deep into the anger" Derik yawned and stretched first before making eye contact with the ant queen.

"Your soul will be mine!" Derik sneered before lunging forward.

He shot into the air and for a moment he seemed to be running on the air. Gazing closely, one noticed the red liquid slowly appearing around him, surging uncontrollably, and soon what seemed like small balls of liquid soon became a small river of blood surging around him!

Like a fierce beast, Derik charge into the army of King tier magic beasts and no matter how much they tried, they could never break through his blood sea to reach him!

Images of Kira, the blood mage in his old world appeared on his mind constantly as he kept using the power, disturbing him greatly! Controlling one's emotions as a necromancer is very important but when he is forced to relive his moments with a person when using his ability, Derik found it extremely tasking just to keep his cool.

His eyes reflected the blood sea surging around him and when the images got too intense, Derik threw his hand forward and the blood sea surged around him, pouring forward instantly flooding the pit!

It's forcefully pulled the king-tier ants off their feet and dragged them restlessly around the room!

"WE END IT TOGETHER!" Derik growled as his eyes let out a golden flash and Cyrus' image appeared behind him.

A bitter smile appeared on his face as he raised his hands above his head and a massive great golden broadsword appeared above them twice the size of the massive ant queen!

It could barely fit into the pit and its existence already made the entire pit cave in from the sides!

"Even now, I still need you buddy" Derik said with a sad smile.

Gazing at the massive golden blade radiating intense life aura, even Lucien was shocked. Who would have thought someone using death magic can steal and use the power of life?

"Together then!" Lucien growled with blazing blue eyes as the faint image of a massive blue dragon appeared behind him and his neck expanded!

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