My beast Emperor System

Chapter 140: Its not all about strength!

Chapter 140: Its not all about strength!

Seeing a hundred men charging forward, Lucien didn't feel flustered, instead, he clasped his hands together as his ghastly body drifted backward and with huge beams of mana shot towards the enemy.




Just like before the attacks just hit an invisible wall and failed to breakthrough! Further boosting the morale of the small army as they kept charging forward relentlessly!

"Such insolence!" Lucien growled as lightning surged violently around him and without casting a spell, he released countless bolts of lightning surging towards the incoming army!


Lucien was not only stunned by the power of the lightning he casually released which could rival tier three spells but he was also stunned by the fact that it cost so little energy! The lightning attack was no different from an AOE spell cast to bring down twenty to thirty people all at once and to his greatest surprise, it did!

These people charging forward were expecting the protection of Zhao Li so they didn't bother to defend themselves. While about ten people were protected the others were struck by the lightning spell, causing them to fall to the ground and tremble greatly. While the spell may be able to rival a casual tier three spell, its destructive capabilities are far below that of a basic tier three spell! At best it will only leave them shocked for a short while but this didn't matter to Lucien. His original intention when casting the spell was not to kill the enemy but to spot the loophole in the martial technique of Zhao Li!

'His base element is the force element and his martial technique allows him to hide his force abilities from plain sight but thanks to my spirit sense I can see it clearly the main reason for this little experiment is to know how many force walls can he conjure all at once! And now I have seen it Just ten, that explains why he can block the attacks from all eight magic towers and still have two shield walls to protect himself!: Lucien muttered in his mind.

He is no fool! There is no way someone like Zhao Li would spend all his abilities on protecting nobodies and leave himself open. The fact he can spare ten shields for his men, simply meant he should have at least two more force shields placed on standby!

Lucien had no time to remain lost in thoughts! This is war and a moment of distraction should be enough time for the enemy to take his life! The moment about half of the enemy forces crossed his borders, a sinister grin appeared on Lucien's face!

" Reactivate the border defenses!" Lucien growled as the ground lit up with several magic runes and a transculent barrier rose from below, cutting anything above it in two as it quickly converged and formed a dome shaped defensive wall, preventing the other half of the army from entering while trapping those inside!

"Deactivate city barrier, focus all energy on strengthening border defenses!" Lucien said calmly.

[Affirmative!] The system responded as its energy spread forth, strengthening the dome. The barrier set up at the walls of the city crumbled instantly as well.

Back then all hundred mortal and warrior realm experts joined hands and could barely bring down this dome but now the dome has strengthened and they only have barely half of their original strength positioned outside!

"To think you will stoop so low as to use a silly trick!" Zhao Li growled viciously as he felt the threat of death looming over his head. He had charged in first to show his power, in a bid to boost the morale of the people, yet he got caught in Lucien's little trick.

"In war, it is not all about strength I simply used what I have to even up the playing field!" Lucien growled as he shot towards Zhao Li

While he is able to keep them here, Lucien knew his advantage won't last for long. With the help of the two spirit realm masters outside the barrier, it is only a matter of time before they break the barrier. By the way, with the creation of his spirit Martial technique that no one is familiar with. Lucien knew nothing about his abilities because he hasn't gotten the chance to explore and find out more about his abilities. Right now he can only depend on his old abilities to face the enemy.

The moment Lucien made his move, the ghastly versions of his assimilated magic beasts dashed forward , shooting past him at an incredible speed!


The nightmare demon growled as it threw its shadowy claws forward, slamming into the enemy forces without restraint! While this happened Argo, Kasir, Lanka, and Abok jumped into action as well. With four king-tier magic beasts on his side and many more general-level beasts, Lucien's forces were strong enough to keep the enemies busy while he made his way towards the enemy with killing intentions visible in his eyes!

"Show me, what you are capable of!" Lucien growled as the silver formless creature shot out of his body and quickly took the form of the azure blue Chinese dragon!

"I will get rid of you and this will all end!" Zhao Li growled as he charged forward as well, taking Lucien by surprise.

He had assumed Zhao Li was dedicated to the role as a support mage, so he wasn't expecting him to charge at him recklessly!

"Reckless! Azure dragon flame!" Lucien growled as he took a deep breath and he and the azure blue dragon spat out massive waves of scorching blue flames.


"Tear!" Zhao Li roared as he didn't attempt to block or dodge, instead he swung his hand recklessly at Lucien and suddenly the flames surging towards him began parting continuously. A normal person won't notice what was happening but Lucien could see the transparent blade piercing through his flames and heading towards him.

"You can attack?" Lucien barely finished those words as his body turned into a cluster of gray mist as he quickly fled the location. For some reason, his instincts kept telling him that if he takes this man's power head on, he would lose. This conclusion is not because he is lacking in strength but simply because his enemy's martial technique is too strange.

Just like the magic tower beams, everything seems to disintegrate the moment they come in contact with the shield. He realized his attacks were not even shaking the barriers neither was it affecting it.

"This!" Lucien frowned as he was forced to constantly retreat from the invisible blade chasing after him. He watched as the army outside constantly attacked the barrier making little progress but judging from the rate at which it is going, he knew they would break through before his beast assimilations can deal with the foot soldiers!

[It is not blocking your attacks, instead, it is just negating abilities!] Rakzuen said with a shocked tone in his voice causing Lucien to frown even more.

Martial techniques come in various forms and carry various effects. For it to be able to negate attacks simply shows how amazing Zhao Li is. The only word that came to Lucien's mind is the word 'Absolute defense' but he quickly rid himself of that thought and focused on the task at hand.

He finally realized why they dared attack his territory!

If the enemy can negate any ability, he can simply send his shield toward his barrier and with his power it will just deactivate, forcing him to face three spirit realm masters and a hundred man army. Yet he hasn't done this, maybe to show his strength?


Lucien could tell that Zhao Li was truly flustered and he is still flustered even now which means, there is a catch attached to his ability. What if it can only repel offensive abilities meaning that any defensive and support ability cannot be affected by the shield. Just like Zhao Li, Lucien had little information about his foe so he spent more time speculating rather than fighting. The two kept circling each other and throwing random attacks while observing the other.

While Lucien was pondering on how to bypass this unbreakable shield, Zhao Li was extremely flustered and could barely stay calm. His ability allows him to create absolute barriers that can block both physical and spiritual attacks without any issue. He has lived long enough to see countless enemies try and fail so he had a solid understanding of the way martial techniques work yet he has never seen a martial technique like the one Lucien is using.

He could smell both physical and spiritual aura emanating from it and he couldn't tell whether Lucien was holding back or not!

Be it the seemingly immortal ghastly magic beasts he released upon his people or the silver formless spirit beast that can take any form, he was left utterly confused! Nothing about the enemy followed the laid down laws of cultivators giving him a mysterious and unfathomable vibe that can make even the greatest experts uncomfortable!

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