My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 85 - The Second Layer of Illusion

Chapter 85: The Second Layer of Illusion

Mike walked towards the girls.

Looking at the naked girls, Mike felt a sense of regret.

Mike took some clothes from his backpack and handed them to the girls.

“Put these on quickly! All these bandits have been killed by me!”

After hearing Mike’s words, the girls did not act as Mike had expected.

They looked at Mike in fear before rushing over towards Mike.

“Brother! Please let us live! As long as we live, you can do whatever you want to us!”

Upon hearing their words, Mike was completely shocked.

‘It looks like they have been tortured to the point of losing their minds!’

As these thoughts ran through Mike’s mind, he let out a helpless sigh.

Then, he said again, “Don’t worry! I won’t do anything to you! I’m here to save you!”

“Save us?”

The girl in front of him looked at Mike in astonishment.

When she heard what Mike said, she couldn’t help but tear up.

“Go home! It’s all over!”

As Mike said that, he put away the dagger in his hand.

He looked into the distance. It looked like all the bandits in the Nuuk Army had been wiped out by him!

“Let’s go! It’s time to go back!” Mike said to the girls in front of him again.

After hearing Mike’s words, they remembered.

It looked like Mike really was here to save them.

At once, all of them said, “Thank you, big brother! Thank you!”

Upon hearing the girls’ thanks, Mike finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“We should get going! Don’t get caught by these bandits again!”

Upon saying that, Mike then began to walk to the foot of the mountain.

After leaving the base camp of the Nuuk Army, Mike finally came to the foot of the mountain.

The old man was anxiously waiting for Mike’s return.

When he saw Mike return safely, he immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

“Young man, what happened? Those guys, did you really annihilate them all?”

Hearing the old man’s inquiry, Mike smiled in relief. Then he said, “Of course!”

After receiving Mike’s reply, the old man also smiled.

“Young man! You really are our hero!”

The old man was in tears as he spoke.

He was about to kneel down when Mike grabbed him.

“Old man! What are you doing?” Mike asked.

He did not feel good as he looked down at the old man who was about to kneel down to him.

Fortunately, the crisis had been completely resolved.

“Young man! I really can’t think of any way to thank you!

“I really, really thank you!”

Mike looked at the old man in front of him and started to laugh.

“There’s no need! Old man, it was nothing! There’s no need to thank me!”

Just as Mike finished his sentence, the sky suddenly changed drastically.

The old man in front of him started to disappear from his vision.

“What… What’s going on?

“Could it be that those Nuuk Army guys have made a comeback?”

Just as Mike was thinking, his brain became violently dizzy again.

“What’s wrong with me? Why does my head hurt so much now?

“Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah!”

Just as Mike was feeling puzzled, he could hear a voice calling.

“Mike! Mike! Wake up! This is a trap that has been set by the Thunderstorm Battle Eagle! Wake up!”

“Ka… Cartier? Is that you?”

Vaguely, Mike seemed to be hearing Cartier’s voice, but he could not help but ask to make sure.

“Yes, it’s me! There are many layers of illusions in the Sea of Thunder and Fire. You have completed the first layer of the challenge! Now the Thunderstorm Battle Eagle is about to teleport you to the second layer of illusions!”

After listening to Cartier’s explanation, Mike finally understood that everything that had happened earlier was merely an illusion.

“I didn’t expect the challenges in the Sea of Thunder and Fire to be like this! I finally understand!”

As he said that, Mike’s vision suddenly turned black.

He then fell into a coma again.

When Mike opened his eyes again, he found himself in a dark forest.

He looked around and couldn’t find a way out.

‘What is this place? Why am I here?’

Mike, who had just woken up, was clearly in a daze. He continued to look around.

His memory also seemed to be a bit vague at the moment.

He heard Cartier’s voice again.

It was then that he finally remembered everything that had just happened.

“Oh, yeah! I’m in one of the illusionary realms of the Sea of Thunder and Fire that has been set up by the Thunder Battle Eagle!

“I wonder what kind of challenge it will be this time?”

As he spoke, Mike started to survey his surroundings again.

This time, he seemed to be in a vast forest.

Apart from the many trees that he saw, he could not see anything else.

“This place is really strange!”

“What the h*ll is this place?”

Although he was a little confused, Mike still planned to walk out of this forest first.

Using the faint moonlight to light his way, Mike slowly moved forward.

After walking for a while, a fire finally appeared in front of Mike’s eyes.

“It looks like the danger point of the second layer of illusion is up ahead!”

Mike smiled. At the same time, he braced himself and prepared to move towards the fire that was up ahead.

When he came closer to the fire, Mike finally realized that what was ahead seemed to be a camp.

However, why would the camp emit such a light at this time of the night?

The closer he got to the camp, the more intense the fire became.

It was as if a fire had broken out in the camp.

Mike then heard the sounds of fighting.

Finally, Mike came to the camp, but the scene in front of him surprised him.

It should have been a quiet night, but the sound of endless shouting and crying seemed to cut through the night sky.

Blood flowed freely on the streets.

There were corpses lying on the side of the road in a disorderly manner.

The outer walls of the buildings on both sides of the street had originally been white but were now stained red with blood.

There were countless flashes of knives and swords. The sound of weapons clashing resounded through the night, which was supposed to be quiet.

On a street corner, there were three to five scruffily-dressed children who were holding a blunt sword as they slaughtered the well-equipped soldiers in a frenzy.

There were women and children in shackles who were also shouting and pushing the soldiers who had come to stop them.

The normally well-trained soldiers were caught off guard by the sudden riot.

They did not even have time to resist. Some of them had even been killed by the prisoners who suddenly appeared as they were sleeping.

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