Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 533 - Jean reveals her secrets to Greys...part 3

Chapter 533 - Jean reveals her secrets to Grey's...part 3

"I think Jean Grey is the culprit here. It’s been a week she took this position and during this week, we have undergone very important phases of every project and all the plans to be submitted has been finalized."

"Except for CEO and vice CEO, no one are aware of which plan has been finalized. As the plans are stored under tight security no one can hack them or steal them. Someone from inside should have done this and the culprit I can think of is my niece." Vanessa said.

"I agree with Mrs. Grey. Who will do this except for her. It is only our CEO and vice CEO who knows everything about the finalized plans." One of the Vanessa’s lackey supported her.

"Why will Ms. Grey do this do this? The plans that are leaked to our opponent companies from our company are actually the companies whose CEO’s are very close to Ms. Grey. What is the profit in this for her? She will be officially becoming Mrs. Summers next week" one of the director siding with Jean asked and Vanessa scoffed.

"There are some of other companies which have invested a great fortune in some of the projects with us. What will you say about that Mr. Drake. If you are talking about Summers Enterprises, Cyphers, Blacks.....who knows what she have in her mind" Vanessa asked.

"What Mrs. Grey is actually trying to explain is right. We still have Valdez’s, INA, Origin and other two banking companies tied up in partnership with us. They hold same status and importance Mr. Drake." The same person from Vanessa’s side fired up.

He exactly know what happened. Vanessa had her people steal all the finalized plans before selling them to opponent companies. If those companies inform the other party of contract, the NDA will be breached. As Vanessa sold information and plans of this mighty projects, the consequences will be very adverse

But she hopefully pushed blame on Jean who is not at all aware of how cruel this business world is...

Becoming close to hotshot CEO’S and other legendary tycoons will not make her eligible to this position. He knew she will start crying as soon as she come..

By seeing this.....her love stuck fiancé and over doting brothers will melt and show some mercy on Grey corporations. Her over loving in law’s and other families like Black’s, Herren’s will also come to her aid.

But what about INA, Valdez’s, Origin, Keller’s and other two companies...

INA is the rival of Summers so it will not show mercy at all...

Origin(The company found by Jean and all her seven friends) is a rival of Cyphers, so it will not come down for her...


They are legends and as well as very particular about everything...

So it is next to impossible to pacify them though they are well acquainted with Summers...


Jasor Keller is the person who tried to marry Jean and ended up becoming her sworn enemy...

He might be waiting for this he will fire up too.

And other two banking companies...they are from country X and are of same range as INA and Cyphers. They might not back up too... .

In one or other way, Grey corps will be bankrupted to pay this hefty penalty.

It is when Vanessa and her brother will show up with their kind hearts to help them...

As Vanessa is the one who leaked the information, she have enough money to save the company.

Now, Jean will be thrown out of the Grey corps and family while her position in both company and family will skyrocket like anything...

She might even become Madam Grey now.....

And then help her brother to bring down all the Grey’s and their close relatives except her family of three.


The directors and other executives started taking up sides and in no time the conference hall resembled local market...

Adam couldn’t help but feel frustrated....

Even he couldn’t help but think Jean is a culprit. Yesterday evening when they are storing all the important stuff related to the projects Jean asked him to give her all the information about it.

She asked him to believe her and he couldn’t deny it. Because this time he wholeheartedly wanted to believe her....

But who would have thought that she would backstab him like this by leaking them to the opponent companies.

He never thought she would destroy the company her father built with his sweat and blood.....

He never thought she would be really this ruthless. His stupid mind totally forgot the fact that she don’t want anyone to rely on...

Her husband is filthy rich and so is her in law’s....

He sighed and pinched his nose feeling helpless. But this time he didn’t respond impulsively.

He decided to wait and see what his niece is up to...

She is full of surprises and he couldn’t help but feel she have some tricks rolled up in her sleeves.

"ENOUGH! This is not the time to quarrel. This is the time to work together and solve the problem. Jean will be here anytime soon and then we could sort it out. Now, pull up all your strings and try to find how this happened" Adam shouted.

Cassandra couldn’t help but smirk. She is waiting for some action...

Hopefully Jean didn’t betray her in order to take revenge for what she did to her in childhood.


After some minutes....

Everyone are wrecking their brains to find out a solution but no one succeed. They have to do something by the end of the dusk...

Otherwise, the company will have to pay hefty amount for breaching the NDA.

"Sir, we tracked the IP address and apparently it seems this is done by Ms. Grey itself. The IP address belongs to her office computer" their Chief security officer said.

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