Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 302 - Do whatever you have to do

Chapter 302 - Do whatever you have to do

The next day Jean woke up late and found Scott staring at her intimately, she pulled the duvet to her shoulders and sat up leaning on his firm chest. "Why are you looking at me like that, did I become old in overnight" she chuckled at her own joke as she caressed his cheeks.

Scott kissed her forehead and shook his head slightly. "Baby, if I tell you that someone has messed up your plans and revealed our relationship what would you do" Scott asked carefully. He know that would upset her but still it was inevitable for what that s.l.u.t did.

Jean looked at him and kissed his lips as she smirked. "Scott do you think I don’t know what Sianna did...of course I knew everything what happened"

Before four hours... (around at six in the morning)

Seline walked quietly into their room to wake up Scott. If it is any normal day she would have surely squealed or teased them for how they are sleeping in their birthday suits only with a quilt warming them. But for now...waking up her brother without disturbing Jean is the most important task in her hands.

When Scott saw his annoying twin in their room gawking at his wife, he is angered but after seeing her concerned expression he figured it out that they got to know about Sianna and her misdeeds.

"Wait outside I will come" he mouthed her and after she went out he detangled himself from Jean and got ready before leaving the room quietly.

As soon as Scott went down along with Seline whole his family is sitting in the living room including with Raymond. He could sense that they are disturbed by Sianna’s drama. Though it turned out neutral, there are still something’s that has to be done in order to not effect the family reputation.

It is his grandparents who are effected most, they thought Sianna is good woman but they never thought she could be quite opposite to what they have thought.

"Do you have any idea why she did that" Elder Summers asked, his tone is cold and raged. He couldn’t control his anger, not anymore after how Sianna talked about his grandson and granddaughter in law...

"She tried to seduce me but I retaliated back a little harshly and asked her to leave me alone. I think she is obsessed with me or lost all her rationality" Scott said the truth because he knew that if he lie in this situation it would not be good anymore.

"She is obsessed with wealth and power you have. She is nothing but a gold digger. I know her too well" Seline angrily spoke. If there is someone who have audacity to talk when Elder Summers is is her.

Elder Summers took the deep breathe and sighed. "How are you planning to face it Scott. Though that hacker helped you we are yet to prove your innocence with even more solid proofs" he said.

With the advance technology that blossomed in this world, it is not at all tough to fake the photos and videos. Though he knew that it was enough to prove his innocence by it, still why to loose some extra fun if you have already got the solid proofs .

Scott nodded his head. "Don’t worry grandfather. I do have a way to do it. But the problems here is that written agreement in between you elders" Scott started to initialize his plan.

"How did it go into their hands. Father you secured it in family locker right...someone from our own family member might have did this" Mr. Summers asked his father.

"Dad, it is Sean who did it. He had planned against me and that is the reason he helped her" Scott interrupted and showed his phone to both Elder summers and Stephen.

It is the footage from the hidden camera in which Sean is stealing the papers. "He was smart to jam the CCTV in the room but he forgot about this secret camera I installed few days ago" Scott told in his usual cold voice.

"That stupid grandson of mine...he is just like his father. I couldn’t even understand how I should punish him for doing this" Elder Summers yelled and throwed the nearby vase on to the ground.

He is so angry and that is what Scott wanted. But this is not enough....he wanted his grandfather to turn totally ruthless, so he added some more fuel to the scorching fire in his boiling heart.

"Grandfather, it is not only that. In every plan of her he helped Sianna. They are even having an affair" Scott said.

"HE IS NONSENSE...HE IS NOTHING BUT A SC.U.M" his grandfather shouted very loudly. He knew about Sean and his playboy nature. But he didn’t think he would be this stupid and greedy for that s**.

"Grandfather, I even have this proofs collected by one of my friend. But I don’t want this to effect our family nor give others a opportunity to look down on us." Scott added. "It is the reason I decided to not disclose these proofs. But we can only stop it up to some extent"

Taking a deep breath Elder Summers looked at Scott with pride and gratefulness. Even after spreading bad rumors about Jean he is still thinking about family and reputation. It is the exact reason why he selected Scott as next heir.

" Scott, do whatever you have to do. You should be the one to decide the fate of Sean for what he did" Elder Summers told his favorite grandson.

"Grandfather, anyway we still have that written agreement to fulfill and moreover these both are having a a punishment for what they did I think it is better to fix a marriage between them" Scott carefully drilled his idea into his grandfathers mind.

Others nodded their head and approved it. "Stephen, call your brother and ask his family to visit the mansion before lunch. Scott we will be announcing our decision today evening, call a press conference" he ordered.

"I already did grandfather. We should also discuss if with Sheldon’s...we better call them too" Scott suggested and smirked.

Stephen quickly dialed his brother’s number and started talking with him. Meanwhile Elder Summers called Elder Sheldon and asked him to visit his family.

He could sense how guilty Elder Sheldon is there is no chance that he would decline this alliance.

Scott messaged Ethan to send all the videos to Sianna’s parents and her brother. It also contains the elaborate lifestyle of their daughter...boy toys, drugs, blackmailing and etcetera...

There is no way they would allow these to leak to would crumble their political career and also their business. Scott would leak these the next second they decline this marriage between Sean and Sianna.


Scott tucked her hair beneath her ears and kissed her lips. "How do you know it, baby" he sighed in relief, Jean is not as upset as he thought. For that he is thankful.

"Hmm.. I eavesdropped when you are talking to Ethan about it...Mr. Summers you became to vicious and cunning...but I love it" Jean giggled as he hovered over her and kissed her deeply.

"Then let us play with them. They would be coming this afternoon" Scott said in between his kisses.

"It would be fun" Jean giggled and both of them indulged in their own world again.

As these both are spending a happy and passionate time... Sheldon’s home is in fire for what they have found about Sianna.

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