Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 576 - Adorable Guests

Chapter 576 - Adorable Guests



"Nah, it is fine. You are my guests today. I need to be strong and give you your nice treat. Give me two minutes, I would be back.

The moment she left, Ye Cheng and Li Jing let out a sigh together before hugging each other and taking a seat.

"Do not mind me. I would not bother you again. I just love teasing you, you know."

"I love it too bit your mother was here and I was a blushing mess."

"You are my blushing mess, Li Jing and no one can say otherwise. I love you for all the good that is in you and between us. You are my world, darling. My whole universe revolves around you and is with you."

"Thanks, honey. You are my world too."

"That's my baby." He pressed his lips on hers and smiled before pulling her head to lean on his chest as he relaxed against the chair.

A few minutes passed and Li An finally emerged. One look at the older woman and one would know she had indeed gone to cry.

On seeing her, his heart broke and he was about speaking on it when Li Jing pressed on his palm, making him look in her direction as she shook her head at him.

"No," Li Jing mouthed at him.

Understanding his wife, he nodded. Li Jing knew that more than anything she needed her space and the freedom to shed a tear or two but if he had restrained her and became bothered with her tears, it would have made her start crying and that was not what she needed at the moment.

"So," she brought their attention back to her with a clasp of her hands. "I know you must be starving."

"Definitely mum."

"Good thing I made more than enough sumptuous dinner. I knew you would not come on time," she confessed.

"Oh really. And since when have I not come on time for anything mama?"

"I never said anything like that, recall what happened the last time I visited for the get-together."

He scrunched his nose at her. Before turning his face away to look at Li Jing who by now was beginning to blush.

It was obvious that his mother had gotten a glimpse of what had happened that day and a repetition now only proved what her mind had thought.

"Anyways, you two lovebirds have all the time to do all you want. Now let us move to the dining area and have our breakfast, shall we?"

Both Li Jing and Ye Cheng nodded at her as they stood up and allowed her to lead the way.

Just like the other parts of the house, the dining area was painted with similar colour as the living room with a few portraits hung on either side of the fall, depicting Li An's love for flowers.

"Here we go, breakfast is served. Please take your seats."

Following her, both Li Jing and Ye Cheng sat at opposite sides of the table, facing each other while she sat at the top.

"Say the thanks, son."

He nodded and everyone closed their eyes. "Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to gather like this. Thank you for the food and thank you for life itself. Amen."

"Amen," Li ing and Li An chorused.

"Let's eat."

Opening up the dishes, Ye Cheng served Li Jing first, then helped himself and waited till she put a fork full into her mouth.

He watched as her eyes closed, savouring the full taste of the meal and when they reopened, a brilliant smile was all that remained.

"Mum," she spoke with food in her mouth.

"No dear, eat up, then you can speak up."

She nodded and quickly chewed her food hen swallowed and looked at Li An. "This is, just great. The taste is perfect and the meal, appetizing in itself."

"Thank you. It means a lot that you like my cooking," Li An stated.

"Are you serious mum? I do not like your cooking."


"Huh? You do not?" Instantly, Li An's smile dropped as she looked down at the meal before her.

"No I do not but yes, I love your cooking. It is fantastic!"

Her eyes flew back up as her lips pulled back revealing her lovely set of teeth in a wide smile. "Really?"

"Yes. It is great. I love it."

"Thank you, darling. Dor a moment there, I thought you hated my meal," Li An confessed.

"No. Anyone who doesn't love your meal has a problem. It is either they have taste bud issues or they lack a sense of taste and they are just used to bad food."

"Heh hehe, you are funny you know. I like that, thanks."


"Now, you two should stop talking and actually eat, bad table manners," Ye Cheng scolded, earning himself some smiles and blush in return.

"Leave her alone, Michael. We are having our mother and daughter binding," Li An reprimanded him.

"Sigh! When mother finds her new favourite, the previous fav is thrown away."

"Is someone silking?" She tsked away at him before leaning in Li Jing's direction.

"He is being such a baby dear. Ignore him."

"Yes, I would try. Do not worry love," she turned her head to face him. "I still love you and yu are still my favourite."

"I love you too but then, this meal won't eat itself with our loving."

"Sure. We have heard. Li Jing and I would eat now."

She knew that all she had to do to silence Ye Cheng was to actually do what he wanted, then he would not scold anyone anymore.

By the time they were done, the maid, who was apparently the only person she had in the house, came to clear up the dishes and tidy them up in the kitchen, leaving them to talk over their wine.

"So, what news?" Li An asked, breaking the silence.

"Huh, I do not understand mum. What do you mean?"

"Everything son. You didn't just come for breakfast.. So spill."

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