Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 566 - Worried

Chapter 566 - Worried




"What the heck is he doing in my company?"

"I think you know I can have whichever guest I want, son?"

"Tell him to get out before I ask security to chase him out myself," Ye Cheng commanded in annoyance.

"I know you are the one, Ye Cheng. I am doing quite alright, thanks for asking. Also, I think what I am about to say is something you most like would love to hear. Oh and trust me, you need to come."

"Tell that ingrate to leave Dream Star Corporation before the next two minutes or else."

"I think I have had it with you ordering me about. I am still your father and Chairman of this company."

"I have spoken. He has five minutes to get out."

Beep! Beep!

"The nerve!" Letting out a deep sigh, Ye Sheng cast a cold glance at Hao Huizhhong. "This had better be worth my time."

"Trust me, sir. It would be very much worth it."


~Ye Cheng's Office~

"I am guessing that did not go well from the way you look?" Han Qing Qing asked.

"Affirmative. It did not."

He was pretty mad. As though the nonsense that happened before had been quenched, Hao Huizhong had the nerve to walk into his company.

"Calm down sir. Fussing over him would do you no good."

"Exactly!" He peeled his gaze off what he was looking at and glared at Han Qing Qing who was already swallowing hard from her boss's angry gaze.

She knew that the pain Ye Cheng felt from their broken friendship was still there and God knows how much more he suffered in the hands of Hao Huizhing and Bai Qing Mei.

Now, he had returned? His appearance in the company alone spelt out that something was most definitely wrong and she was not buying it.

Apparently, Ye Cheng himself wasn't.


She was seated behind her desk, working on a document Ye Cheng had requested and needed it to be checked before passing it down to him.

Unfortunately for her, during the days whereby Li Jing wasn't around, she had more work to do.

Although an assistant financial manager was hired, ye Cheng did not put her in charge of most things until he was very sure she was capable and did not have ulterior motives.

In that accord, Han Qing Qing, properly scrutinized every business deal, eery records and the likes being sent to Ye Cheng before passing over to him.

If she found any flaw, she would send it back. Normally Li Jing assisted her greatly with that as the young miss had a knack for easily spotting out a flaw in something.

Now, it was her cross to bear.

While she worked, a message notification appeared on her phone, causing her to stop what she was doing and check.

Her eyes widened when she read the message that was sent by their receptionist.

'What the hell! This cannot be good. I need to warn Ye Cheng quickly before he gets here or else. Thank God I even decided to check my phone. Else how would I have warned Ye Cheng? I better leave now.'


"Come in."

She turned on the doorknob and walked in. "Sorry to disturb you, sir."

"What is it, Qing Qing?"

"I just got shocking news, sir."

"What is it?"

"Well, Hao Huizhong is in the company."

"You said what!"


"God knows what other nonsense he is concocting now," Ye Cheng's voice pulled her back.

"Well, it may not have any business with you," Han Qing Qing tried to reason, taking a step in his direction but his next words halted her in place.

"As if! You saw how last time was! There is no telling what that snake can do and what holes he can crawl up into."

"Yes sir."

'This is why she should be around. If Li Jing was here, she could have better calmed down her husband,' Han Qing Qing thought.

"What is worse is, I suspect he is part of the scheme pulled against Li Jing," Ye Cheng added.

"What?" she blinked severally. "There was a scheme against her?" She was shocked. Never did she expect to hear such a thing.

"Yes, the scandal that Li Xiu was in, it was meant for Li Jing."


"Exactly. Hao Huizhing and Li Xi were seen together that evening. So it cannot mean anything good. I know how many times Qing Mei tried to hurt my wife. I would not let it slide if they are indeed behind it."

"I understand sir. So what would you do now?"

"Get him out, myself. He is not only breaching my agreement now. They have done so a couple more times. I need to ensure that my family is safe from his claws," Ye Cheng explained.

"Well, I suggest going to the Chairman's office would be your best bet. You need to find out still what he is doing with your father."

"I know. Sitting down here wouldn't help. Fine. I am going, five minutes being over or nit."

"Sir, should I call security?"

"No need. I can handle him myself."


"So, are you speaking or I should allow ye Cheng send for security to throw you out?"

"Relax old man. There would be no need for that as in a while, I would be made a member of this company."

"Hao Huizhong, just for the fact that you were once like family, I am still patient and listening but let me warn you, there is a limit to my patience."

"As is there to mine."

"Why you!" Ye Sheng stood up in anger, his eyes blazing with fury, ready to thunder his rage on him.

What he hated most was a waste of time and now Hao Huizhong was delightfully doing so.

"I am sorry sir, but you would need to be of utmost calm to hear what I want to say.. This is a? secret that is going to change our lives and that is why I believe, Ye Cheng should be here."

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