Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 563 - Negotiation

Chapter 563 - Negotiation



By the time he managed to get himself back, Ye Sheng was faced with another call from the previous number.

This time around he was so sure that he was the one who outdid himself and let his libido lead him.

Letting out a deep sigh, he reached for his phone on the desk but stopped midway.

"Wait. I should try and negotiate and not sound desperate. But then they already know everything about me and they can always use it on me. Besides, if I cause them to take it to Ye Cheng, it might really be bad and I may lose my position and everything I own."

He knew he was in a dilemma here. It was either the sharks who wanted him and his company down or it was his son who would not hesitate in kicking him out. Even if he did not want to do anything, they both had the company's interest to contend with.

Besides, Li An in her good graces would not stand for it that Ye Sheng would bring shame to them. It even made it worse now that she was around.

It would be a huge blow to his face with her reminding him of why she made sure he lost full control of the company in the first place.

His incompetence would be thrown in his face.

After weighing both options, he was left facing the lesser evil. They wanted something from him, now all that remained was ensuring that something was met.

Just as he was about to slide and answer the phone, the call ended.

"Oh come on!"

Deciding to wait so that he doesn't look so desperate, he waited for them to call back and they did


"Ye Sheng, Ye Sheng," another voice called out from the phone.

He knew that voice. It was familiar and he had heard it from somewhere before, he was certain. But one thing he wasn't so sure about was whose?

Taking his time, he decided to filter through the names in his head and figure out.

"So you chose to ignore my call, Ye Sheng?" Even from the manner in which he spoke, told Ye Sheng that it was someone who might have known him.

'Ah! One of my competitors no doubt. But which? It better not be Luo Luiwen and the others. I would suffer them too.' He thought.

"I see that you hate your company and your image so much. If you are not careful, I can release this to the public."

"Then you lose your leverage over me," Ye Cheng refuted.

"Is that what you think? Do you not know that you stand to lose more and I gain most?"

"What? How? You…"

"Do not tell me that till now you have not yet figured out who I am?"

"Luo Luiwen?"

"Hmm, I feel disappointed. I guess I have not caused trouble in your company in a while that is the reason for the rusty memory. How about I remind you?"

"Remind me. You people really have the nerve."

"Why of course. Now you know how it feels to be at the bottom while others are one step ahead of you. Let me make this simple for you. I am one of your biggest competitors in the business world."


"Yes. Sometimes all you have to do is set the trap and the mouse would run into it. In your case, you seductively walked to your doom."

"Now I see why you stated that you would gain more and lose less."

"Well, it is all a game in the business world. The concept of give and take is one that can never stop. Also the strongest survive. It is like that everywhere in the world. Eat or be eaten. We live in a harsh and cruel world."

"Hmm. Only one man can say such."

"Say what you must. Not my business. So what is it going to be? Half a billion dollars or your ruin? Trust me, I would be more than happy for your run but seeing as I still have a shred of conscience in me, I am making an offer."

"Three hundred million dollars, Chairman Zhang. Three hundred million."

"Hmm, I see you figured it out. What took you so long?"

"Isn't it obvious? I had begun to forget you. Tsk."

"Ah, then it was nice that I struck at the right time. It would be such a shame if you actually did forget about me. It would mean my company was doing way less and what is more, would be I am dropping."

"Three hundred million dollars. I believe that is fair."

"Fair. I think at this point, we have passed what is fair and what is not. My price remains five hundred million dollars."

"I am sorry, you would have to drop it. I cannot take such a large amount of money from the company and I wouldn't be found out. Doing so is like also exposing myself and if my son finds out. Things would get ugly."

"Hmm, but that is still not my problem."

'It should be as I no longer own the greater per cent of shares in that company. You caught the wrong fish, Zhang. I am just the Chairman in name."

"Ah, so sorry. I never knew the mighty Ye Sheng had fallen so much."

"Well, thanks to your ploy,? am going to fall so much. Three hundred. That is all and you would erase every bloody copy of that gods damn video. What's more, is the fact that you and she would sign an agreement."

"Are we drawing up terms here?" Chairman Zhang asked. "Tsk, I never asked you to follow the direction of your erection, Ye Sheng."

"Of course not. But I need to be sure that this deal ends. I cannot pay you off with so much money and still have you ruin my life and company."

"You have a point I would think about it and it depends on how fast you can get me the money. Three days maximum is what I give you. If not, we are back at half a billion, else, you know what is going to happen."

"Zhang, how can you do such."

"You talk too much. I did not call to listen to your squabbles or hear you talk gibberish. You know what follows if you cannot deliver. There won't be a company to worry about anymore. Good day, Chairman Ye."


"Damn it! Now I am mega doomed. Fuck this whole shit. Fuck it!"

He threw away his phone and banged his fist on the table as his anger only intensified.

"Where in the world did this old fool think I can get three hundred. Arrghhhh!!!!"

He threw away the files on the table in anger. His head was banging as his heartbeat raced. Never in his life had he fallen victim to such a plot.

He was always careful and now he just did, big time. Now his company, his life, his family or what was left of it all stood on the verge of collapse.

He did not mind going down but his wife and son. He just could not ruin their life with his and seeing how good a job Ye Cheng was doing with the company, he couldn't stomach it.


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