Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 706

Chapter 706: Ye Sheng’s Apology


CHAPTER 706 – Ye Sheng’s Apology

“Anyways, I must say they brought this upon themselves,” Yi Wang Lei stood up and straightened his suit. “My friend just be safe and if you need my expertise in anything, I am just a call away.”

“Sure. Thanks. I would have a meeting with the guys soon. I think with the heart attack and lawsuit Chairman Zhang would be put in place for a little while. Let us take this time for a vacation. Once we return, my ruthlessness would have returned and the final of our problems can be handled at once.”

“At once? I thought you still have the issue of the man tailing Li Jing that night to settle?”

“Hmm, I would get to the bottom of that as well. I still need to help my mother with her investigation. Someone reopened the case.”

Yi Wang Lei’s eyes flew open instantly. They all knew how that topic was important to Ye Cheng. He took a step forward and he rested both hands on his table.


“You are saying somebody is reinvestigating? Who? Is it the cops?” Ye Cheng rolled his eyes at him and moved out of his seat.

Placing both elbows on his table as his eyes shut briefly. “Do you really believe the cops would be the ones doing that? A case they had no take on for years.” He scoffed and reopened his eyes as he lifted them to look at his friend.

The seriousness emitted from both of their eyes bore into their minds. “Then you mean...”

“It is as you suspect. Someone else from the past is interested. And knowing my mother, she would not rest now until she finds her.”

“What would you do? I do not want this to lead to a dead-end like the others.”

“It won’t. I am pouring all my resources into this case this time around. If we have to collaborate with the investigator, share what we know to aid and make it easier and quicker, then I would do it.”

“Good. Good. I have contacts. I can help out. Just let us all get involved this time and get this finished.”

“Thanks, man.”

A small smile formed on his lips as he patted Ye Cheng’s shoulder. “Bro, I have one problem though.”

Ye Cheng blinked at him. “What issue?” He could almost guess but he needed to ask should in case they were into thinking the same thing.

“What about Li Jing?”

“I am not leaving her. She is both my wife and my life. Sying wherever she maybe would have to understand. I once loved her but now, my heart beats for only Li Jing.”

“Have you told her about this new discovery?”

“No. I just recently discussed it with my mother. I would inform her later.”

“Alright. I do not want this case to cause problems with your marriage. We do not want sister-in-law getting mad and not giving us our cute little porincess.”

“Hahhaaa...” A tearful laughter escaped Ye Cheng’s lips at that moment. Yi Wang lei who was watching him could not help but mirror his smile. “You guys are looking for a child to spoil right?”

“You bet. Just birth her and after one or two years, the guys and I would kidnap her from you guys.”

“Now that’s just cruel you know. I want to dote on my child too. Besides, my mother is there and then Li Jing, Yin Lifen, her grandfather, grand aunty and granduncles... They are just so many. Oh that child would surely be over pampered, wouldn’t she?”

“That is what you get when you have so many magnificent people around you, Ye Cheng. Fell honoured.”

“Yeah. I am.”

Just then they heard a knock on the door and three seconds later, the door pushed open revealing the one person they least expected to see.

“Ye Cheng.”



No one spoke for some seconds. Several thoughts immediately ran through their minds at the same time. Taking in a deep breath, the young heir rose to his feet while Yi Wang Lei turned around and cleared his throat.

“To what do I owe this meeting?”

“I came here to see you,” Ye Sheng stated calmly.

“I can see that, father. You can see me. I meant, for what? The mountain doesn’t go to Mohammed like that. What is up?”

“I came to see how my son is doing.” His lips pressed together into a tight lipped smile as he gestured towards the chairs in the office. “Won’t you offer me a seat?”

“Sure. Please do have a seat.” He averted his gaze to I Wang Lei who quietly observed the situation.

“Um, Wang Lei please excuse us.”

“Sure. My manners. Have a nice day sir. Ye Cheng,” his cheeks puffed up as he playfully raised his brows at him. “See you later.”


They waited first for him to leave. Once the door shut close, the smile on Ye Cheng’s face died instantly. Only boredom gloomed alive in those eyes as his intense gaze fixed on his father.

“What is the matter?”

“I came here to apologize.”


“Because I have wronged you and your mother so much that it hurts me thinking about it.”

Ye Cheng titled his head back a bit in shock. Those words were the last he expected and wanted his father to say. “You just realized that?”

“I...” he swallowed hard and then intertwined his fingers on his crossed legs as he began. “I know you may find my apology stupid or my reason at that but trust me.”

“Trust you?” Ye Cheng cut in. “Did you just say trust you?”

“I know I have done you both so much wrong but I am really sorry. I have been a terrible father and husband. I know it is hard.”

“No. You do not know. You cannot say it is hard or you can feel it but trust me it was hell! Hell watching my mother cry daily and seeing you disrespect her with your flings. Or how about me? How you forgot your son and the love you were to show just to chase after carnal pleasures?”

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