Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 180 Like An Empty Shell

As Kira continued driving in the busy street of Golden City, his mind couldn't forget the things he overheard a while ago. Gisel's and Dominique's conversation about the past piqued his interest.

What if Selene truly loved him and she had no choice but to hurt him that night in order to protect him from Dominique?

Kira was thinking about that possibility as he didn't die. He was just put into a deep slumber for one thousand years. Then he woke up in the land of humans.

His heart began to beat rapidly inside his chest. He didn't know whether his assumption was true or not. But deep inside him, he was wishing that Selene didn't betray him for no reason.

Kira began to waver. His heart was now confused. The hatred he had for Selene suddenly lessened upon hearing those words from Gisel.

Kira knew that Gisel and Selene were close friends. But he didn't know that the two women were werewolves. Selene didn't have a werewolf scent which was very unusual.

He wondered if a Witch helped her to conceal her werewolf scent, that's why he failed to notice her real identity.

Kira was still lost in his deep thoughts when Little Lowell tugged his shirt, snapping Kira back to the present.

"Mama! Mama!" Little Lowell was pointing his finger at Marceline's car. The little hybrid boy could smell her scent so he knew that Marceline was there.

Kira could also smell her scent. He realized that his mind had been wandering off somewhere. For that reason, he hadn't noticed that he was finally able to catch up with Marceline's car.

She was now heading to the hospital where Aunt Brianna's body was sent. Xyon told her that Aunt Brianna was found dead inside her bedroom. Xyon heard that she died peacefully in her sleep.

Though Aunt Brianna didn't suffer, her death was so sudden that Marceline couldn't accept it. She didn't even see her last night as she was asleep when she came home with Kira.

Who would have thought that was the last time she would see Aunt Brianna alive?

Marceline's heart was filled with sadness and regret. She had never told Aunt Brianna how much she loved her and how important she was to her.

She regretted not being vocal about her feelings to her. But little did she know, Aunt Brianna could understand her feelings even though she was not saying it out loud.

Aunt Brianna knew that Marceline cared for her genuinely. And she also felt the same way. Too bad, they had to go their separate ways now.

Marceline arrived at the hospital. Kira and Lowell were just following her behind. She hadn't noticed their presence yet.

She proceeded to the morgue where Aunt Brianna's body was autopsied to confirm the cause of her death.

Upon reaching the door, Marceline couldn't proceed further. Her heart was so heavy and her feet were frozen on her spot. She was still in denial.

She didn't have the courage to see Aunt Brianna's lifeless body. She would miss her smile, her meaningful advice, and her words of encouragement.

When she felt alone and lonely, it was Aunt Briana who was reminding her that she was there for her. She was not alone as Aunt Brianna would always be on her side.

When her parents died, it was Aunt Brianna who filled the gap of not having her parents by her side. She took care of her as if she was her own daughter.

Aunt Brianna was the person who never doubted her. She always believed in her. Aunt Brianna was one of her sources of strength in every difficult time of her life.

Remembering those past moments, Marceline couldn't stop herself from shedding tears. Her body began to tremble.

After a few seconds, she finally found the courage to enter the room. She stepped forward until she saw Aunt Brianna's lifeless body. Her body became so weak and her legs trembled.

Marceline hugged Aunt Brianna while saying these words...

"I… don't know how I will start again… All my life, you are beside me. Now… you are gone. I can't imagine the days without seeing you… greeting me with a warm smile… standing next to me inside my office… reminding me of my schedules… taking care of me when I'm sick."

Marceline's tears continued to fall like raindrops. She was in pain. The sadness in her heart was overwhelming and it was suffocating her.

"Aunt Bri…" she called her out with her trembling voice.

"Aunt Bri… wake up. Don't leave me… I can't take this… it hurts a lot… like hell. What  should I do now?" Marceline was clenching her fists, hitting her right chest.

She was about to collapse when a strong arm caught her, hugging her from behind. It was Kira! Little Lowell was also with him, looking at Marceline worriedly.



Both of them called her but she had already lost consciousness. Kira carried her and brought her to his car. He sped off, going back to the Zhou Ancestral Mansion.

He put Marceline down on her bed. Little Lowell was watching him, feeling sad and worried about Marceline.

Kira caressed her face, wiping away her tears. Then he glanced at the young boy who was also with them, holding Marceline's hand.

"Can you watch her over? I will just go and investigate something," Kira asked Little Lowell expectantly.

Little Lowell bobbed his head frantically. Of course, he was willing to take care of Marceline and watch over her while Kira was not around!

Kira smiled faintly before ruffling the boy's hair. "Good boy. Just stay with her and never leave her side. I will come back as soon as possible. Cheer her up once she wakes up."

The young boy nodded his head once more.

Making sure that Little Lowell would be there for Marceline once she woke up, Kira left the mansion, going back to the hospital. He would check and investigate the cause of Aunt Brianna's death.

Ten minutes later, Kira arrived at the hospital. It was a hospital just near Aunt Brianna's house. He went to see her dead body. He didn't see any sign that someone attacked her. No marks and no injuries.

Kira placed his hand over her head, trying to read Aunt Brianna's most recent memories before she died. To his surprise, all he could see was Nothing. It was all blank. No memories at all!

'Huh? What's wrong with Aunt Bri's body? I can't see anything.'

Kira was wondering why he couldn't read her memories. It seemed like her mind and body had become an empty shell.

"Even in your death, you remained mysterious," Kira murmured as he looked at her intently.

He heaved a deep sigh as he couldn't see anything. What would he tell Marceline about this?

"Why is life so unfair to Marceline? I hate to see her suffer like this." Kira ground his teeth while clenching his fists.

Kira felt sorry for her as a series of unpleasant things kept on happening to her lately. Kira knew that she was tired mentally and emotionally.

'What should I do to cheer her up?' Kira asked himself. Then he glanced one last time at Aunt Brianna. He said a few words of goodbye before he left.

He was rushing to go back to Zhou Ancestral Mansion. He wanted to be there with Marceline as she woke up. At hard times like this, Marceline needed him.

Although Kira was dying to know about Selene's whereabouts and to confirm whether Gisel's words were true or not, Kira couldn't leave Marceline right now.

"I have to be there… to comfort her. Why am I thinking about another woman in times like this? Clear up your mind Kira Alaric!" Kira slapped his face using both hands as he scolded himself.


[ Zhou Ancestral Mansion… ]

Marceline woke up at the feel of little soft hands caressing her face and stroking her hair. Little Lowell's charming face greeted her sight.

"Mama!" His eyes sparkled in delight when Marceline opened her eyes. 'Mama is now awake!'

Little Lowell pounced on her immediately, hugging her tightly to comfort her. This was his way of telling Marceline to be strong and just hang on. He was there for her.

Meanwhile, Marceline's expression softened because of the young boy's sweet and thoughtful gesture. She felt glad that Little Lowell was there to comfort her.

Marceline hugged the boy back, stroking his hair. "Thank you, Little Lowell. I really need this hug badly."

The boy couldn't contain his happiness as he heard Marceline's last remarks. He was so happy that he was able to comfort her in some ways.

"I will give you a super hug too," Kira mumbled before joining them on the bed. He had just arrived.

Marceline glanced at Kira with her pleading look. Yes! She wanted to be hugged by Kira right now. Without further ado, Kira engulfed Marceline in a warm embrace.

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