MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 575 - A Forceful Push! A Desperate Plan!

Chapter 575: A Forceful Push! A Desperate Plan!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Meanwhile, at a mountain ridge in the Underworld.

Thousands and thousands of specters crawled all over on the ridge—there were Skeletons, Hellhounds, Zombies and various other kinds of unique specter-type monsters. At the same time, there were also countless Skeletal Dragons and Vampires swirling continuously into the caves in the Specter Gathering Ground below the gloomy sky. Looking from afar, it felt as though there was an enormous ominous cyclone penetrating the ridge!

Ever since the two Liches had been lured away and killed from the Specter Gathering Ground, the specters had been kicking up an uproar over several intruders who stepped into the Gathering Ground.

Countless specters had been flocking non-stop towards the invading human teams, like a huge black meat grinder; it was as though they were to crush anyone who dared intrude their turf into millions of pieces.

“Keep up the pace!”

A powerful reassuring voice bellowed through the tormented wails and howls of the undead.

“Skull Numen, keep up!”

“Priests! Keep an eye on the Warriors HP!”

“We’re charge in again! Everyone, cover us!”

“Dictator... look out for the Boss!”

An Elementalist, radiantly glowing in various shining buffs, took a glance at the Archer who wasn’t a member of their Death Cult, and left a few final instructions. He then spread his Demonic Wings and rose into the air.

Since there were already this many specters surrounding them, it didn’t matter anymore if his wings would attract more specters from the outside. Then, a Steel Berserker, clad a full set of Legendary tier equipment, also activated his Demonic Wings.

They then led over eighty brethren and dashed towards the oncoming specters like a powerful cruise missile ramming into its target!

In a blinding second!

The Steel Berserker sustained massive damage from constant attacks by the Skeletal Dragons and Vampires. Yet, these were all negligible to him. Compared to the Boss’ attacks, these lowly specters weren’t much of a threat.

Ramming deep into the Undead horde, the Berserker twisted his waist and...


Several dozen specters, as though hit by an oncoming train, were thrust to the sky!

The next moment, the Berserker’s massive twin axes started to swing around wildly! As surge after surge of Berserk Auras weaved onto the axes, the Steel Berserker’s “Skull Numen” was spinning like a top in a molten metal hurricane!

As the red spinning hurricane had started to take shape, it then shot up to the sky and engulfed every single specter that was within a ten-meter radius of the area! The low-level ones were crushed almost immediately while the higher tier ones, like the Tier 6 Vampires, were severely injured.

As for the specters that were pulled whole into the hurricane, their bodies were torn to millions of pieces in a mere three seconds as they let out excruciating cries in agony!

While Skull Numen was dealing with most of the specters on the frontline, Sinistress, cloaked in a barrier, rushed into the red hurricane and waved her magic staff...

In an instant, Skeletal Dragons and Vampires had all dropped out of the sky...

AoE Gravity!

Several Priests, Pyromancers, and Solarmancers then tailed her and hurled waves of Purification Beams to the flying specters above...

After a series of powerful AoE Magic Attacks, all the specters that were in their way had all but been eliminated!


Suddenly, an arrow slashed through the air.

As everyone turned their heads to look, a huge Vampire, extending its leathery meaty wings, fell from the sky... they then saw the Archer “Dictator” walk over with a frown.

“There are too many Bosses here. My arrows are running short.”

Sinistress didn’t even bat an eyelid at him and turned to one of her archers, “It’s fine. Use up all your arrows first... Kate, take off the two quivers you’ve got on you and hand them to him.”

Dictator rolled his eyes as he thought to himself.

‘Wow, these rich brats sure live in a different kind of world. These Shadowmesh Arrows cost ten thousand Gold Coins each. And yet, they would just give them away by the quivers! And then, these are going to be used on some Tier 5 and Tier 6 Minibosses. Is Sinistress too rich or what? I wonder if she burns her bank notes at her home’s fireplace.’


“I’ve told you not to bring this many elites into the Underworld. Now you’ve finally panicked?”

After restocking on Shadowmesh Arrows, Dictator seemed more relaxed. He was scanning for the stronger specters in the area while joking and chatting with his fellow teammates.

Unfortunately, everyone was anxiously handling the oncoming specters that came from all directions. No one was in the mood to respond to his jokes, apart from rolling their eyes at him.

Sin City could fall at any time.

Dictator was a Tier 5 Archer who did not join any organization; to him, losing thousands of Honor Points was not something to be frowned at. He could never understand how the members of the Death Cult felt.

To him, he was even eager for the Demon Faction’s Leagues to all crumble to dust!

With his skills and capabilities, it wasn’t hard for him to rise in power after all the Leagues have been disbanded in Demon Faction.


Back in Sin City.

Thousands of “demons” fell to the ground in the western sector of Sin City; their plan to seal the Angel Faction forces in their city had failed. Even the flying pets, while trying to find the two Gravity Field casters, were now ensnared by the Angel Faction.

Time was running out...

Every member from the Sixteen Leagues of Demon Faction scrambled in panic while their League Leaders were anxiously leading their elite teams to attack the city’s west walls again and again.

Yet, over hundreds of thousands of Tier 5 champions from Demon Faction were felled one by one by the Angel Faction. After their Winged Champions were gone, there was no way they could turn the tables.

Slowly, the streets near the plaza, especially on the west side, were being chipped away and fell on the lap of Angel Faction. Not only had the Demon Faction been unable to reclaim their lost territories, but they were also losing even more now.


“They’ve finally made a move.”

At one of the streets in the frontlines, Netherclaw, Scarlet Bauhinia and Black God gave each other a nod. Then, spreading their Angelic Wings, they led their strike force and emerged from their hiding spots.

“This ends now!”

“Hey, let’s see who reaches the plaza first!”

Under the leadership of the three League Leaders, all the elites from the fifteen Clans stormed to the frontlines!

Over thousands of Champions, all spreading their wings, flocked over the streets and roofs... like thousands of white jet fighters and bombers swarming over the no-fly zones that were created by the Gravity Fields.

With the full might of both Angel and Demon Faction clashing together, the frontline was now rabid with intense battles!

After losing at least four hundred Winged Champions, the Demon Faction had now lost a huge portion of their strength. The Tier 5 Archers of the Demon Faction couldn’t help but to watch in horror as thousands of “angels” flocked over at high speed under the leadership of three celebrities.

“Scarlet Bauhinia...”

“Nether... Netherclaw!!”

“Oh, Jesus!”

“Quick! Contact the League Leaders! The Angel Faction... they’ve launched an all-out attack!”

“Mayday! Mayday! Requesting backup!”

“Hurry up! We’re losing ground over here, you piece of shit! Holy fuck! So many Veteran Champions! What the fuck!”

“Oh no!!!”

“Their target is the Warp Portal! Stop them!”

“Look sharp, everyone! They’re now getting close to the plaza! For fuck’s sake, where the hell has everyone fucking gone to?!”


All the Five Leagues’ veteran champions had all gathered on the west streets of Sin City. Majestic Hero, Netherclaw, Scarlet Bauhinia, Black God, Snowmelt, Dark Dragon and countless other veterans all led their best men tearing through the enemy lines like a sharp blade.

Several Demon Faction’s League Leaders were slain almost immediately before they were able to flee.

Wherever these “white jet fighters” flow, there would always be lifeless bodies of the Demon Faction players. As they zoomed passed their comrades on the ground, more and more Demon Faction players fell to their deaths...

As the reclaimed west streets of Sin City fell back to Angel Faction’s lap, the Demon Faction players were mercilessly crushed yet again—tide after tide of “demons” started retreating from the frontlines once again.

As they watched the powerful white tsunami flood over from the west, the Demon Faction players couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness and intense irony... like watching a tragedy with a touch black humor.

They thought this attempted siege by the Five Leagues of Angel Faction was nothing but mere amusement.

Yet, in just twenty minutes... a quarter of Sin City had now fallen in their hands. They had even gotten fairly close to the central plaza.

The Demon Faction were not able to accomplish this feat even after sieging Moonrise City three times. Yet, the Angel Faction was able to do it.

They now had only about half an hour to defend the city; and they had now lost every edge they previously had in the battle.

Even though they had hundreds of thousands of Tier 5 players in the city, the Demon Faction still failed to retaliate. Worse still, the leaders were unwilling to work with one another in times of crisis, allowing the Angel Faction to slay even more of their brethren amidst the chaos.

Although Berserker Lord and Death Jesus both held their ground on the frontlines of the west streets, they had already been pushed back towards the plaza by the enemies’ overwhelming forces when they noticed where Netherclaw and the others were heading to. Worse still, even with them being in the scene, they still could not stop the Angel Faction from slitting a crack in their defense of the plaza itself.


“Is there any other way to stop them?”

“No... this can’t go on! If they get their hands on the Warp Portal, we’re all doomed!”

Many League Leaders felt a sense of dread at this final moments—the dreaded impending doom of losing power and influence in the faction. They looked at Berserker Lord helplessly—he was their last hope.

Berserker Lord was fairly nervous himself. Half an hour! If they could not fight back and rid these pesky “angels” of their city, the Demon Faction’s Leagues would all have their Honor Points wiped clean!

Quickly scanning the surrounding areas, Berserker Lord clenched his teeth and announced his final desperate plan, “It would take a little more time before they can break through the plaza’s defense. We’ll bring our elite forces out of the city when their main forces are still in the city’s west side.”

“Bring our forces out of the city?!”


Berserker Lord answered boldly.

“Out of the city! We’ll leave several thousand Tier 5 players to hold them off here while we send the rest to block their rear off with a pincer formation...”

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