MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 114 The Tree

Chapter 114 The Tree

Looking at the massive tree that just grew from a pile of bones Ava frowned.

[ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 ~𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐟~ ]

Inspecting the massive trunk Ava noticed some branches similar to a staircase circling around the tree, leading to its top.


Ava spoke garnering Eli's attention and pointing towards the staircase made out of wood. She knew that her friend was not keen with heights and was a bit hesitant to force her to do something against her will.

"Ahhhhh.... Let's just go..."

Looking at the staircase made out of thick branches Eli sighed in defeat and slightly paled, not being able to see the true height of the tree.

"You sure?"

Ava gave her a last warning, but seeing Eli nodding her head smiled. Her friend decided to overcome her fear, although temporarily.

Taking the first step on one of the branches Ava tested her strength and even tried to break the forcefully.

Surprisingly the branch didn't even bend. It stood, it felt more like a metal pole more than a wooden branch.

"They'll easily support your weight..."

Ava gave Eli a thumbs up while her friend frowned.

"Are you saying I'm fat?"

Ava felt the corner of her eye twitch and ignored the orc who was rambling around random stuff that would probably make one lose IQ.

'She really did go well with Eric...'

Recalling the guy with whom they've raided the Corrupted King Ava thought about his whereabouts. As far as she could recall, Eric said that he'll go farm alone and level up as much as he can, so Leo wouldn't catch up to him.

'We should do the same...'

As soon as the mission with Leo had ended, Eli and Ava spent their time completing quests and making sure to stay efficient. She was confident that as of right now her level was above Leo's, but Ava didn't know how long it'd last.

Thinking about the unknown guy she felt something annoying rising up within her mind. If the guy in her school was the real Leo, then he has a female alchemist who's going to provide her with potions.

'I wonder if he's treating her the same cold way as he does with us...'

Ava absentmindedly took a step on the next stair and almost fell off the branches.

"You okay?"

Eli, who was now desperately hugging the huge trunk of the tree spoke with slight tremors heard within her voice.

"Yes and calm down..."

Seeing that Eli was close to crying Ava tried to comfort her by reminding her that the game isn't real, unfortunately it backfired.

"Yeah! But the pain is very Real!"

Ava couldn't disagree, she also thought of the Fragmental developers as some kind of sadists, but she didn't plan to stop playing the game. It was becoming like a part of her life and pain only made it more realistic.

Shaking her head she offered Eli a hand and carefully placed her foot on the wooden branch, taking another step forward.


"Huff... Huff..."

Eli was panting while hugging the hard surface of the ground. She and Ava had already reached the clouds, but there was no sight of the treetop.

The only thing they found upon reaching the clouds was a wooden platform, presumably made for adventurers to rest before continuing their journey upwards.

Ava had noticed that the wooden branches left behind them had withered away as soon as their feet touched the platform, indicating that they had no choice, but to go upwards.

Laying on her back the Lightning mage sighed trying to get the gears in her mind moving. She had yet to complete the riddle...

[ 𝐈𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞... ]

[ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠... ]

Ava had already accepted the idea that they have to bring the forest back to life. Killing a guardian was probably the correct choice, but now she had no clue what to do next.

Upon seeing a giant tree becoming to grow out of the beast's pile of bones Ava thought that they've proved the claim wrong, but there was no change within the system.

Right now Ava was hoping that the answer to the riddle would be found at the top of this massive sapling.

"Do you need more time?"

Looking at her friend who was rolling on the ground she spoke with a small smile.


She took a photo and saved it in her gallery. It'll be a good memory to remember and a powerful blackmail material.

"Did... you just take a photo?"

Eli spoke while glaring at Ava with cold eyes.


Feigning ignorance the elf started hopping around the platform, like a bunny, trying to escape from the muscular arms of the orc that was chasing after her.

"Delete it!"

Eli was half screamed half pleaded while Ava giggled avoiding her by jumping to the side. Even though she was inferior in Defense and Strength, her agility was a tad higher than Eli's.

In the end Eli didn't manage to catch up to her and gave up while grumbling in between her breaths.

'Just you wait...'

Ava giggled hearing her friends harmless threats, but bit her bottom, recalling that Eli would be able to take her revenge by tackling her in real life.

Eli's father is a karate teacher and taught her daughter to defend herself. Unfortunately Eli had used the martial art to mainly abuse Ava.

'Maybe I should lock my doors?'

Approaching the staircase both friends were about to begin to ascend the tree once again when a weird sound echoed within the vicinity.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

Two massive stingrays pierced through the thick layer of clouds, their wings beating steadily as they soared above the white sea.

The first stingray, a sleek and agile creature with shimmering blue-black scales, circles around its opponent, a hulking brute with a rough, mottled hide.

The blue-black stingray lashed out with its long, venomous tail, trying to catch its opponent off guard. But the mottled stingray was ready, dodging and weaving through the air as it returned the attack with a powerful swing of its own tail.

The two stingrays continued to fight, their wings flapping furiously as they twist and turn in the air. The blue-black stingray was faster and more agile, but the mottled stingray was larger and stronger, and its powerful blows were starting to take their toll.

Despite its size disadvantage, the blue-black stingray refused to back down. It lashed out with its tail again and again, trying to catch its opponent off balance. But the mottled stingray was relentless, and it continued to hammer away at the smaller stingray with its powerful tail.

Finally, with a mighty roar, the mottled stingray landed a devastating blow, sending the blue-black stingray tumbling to the ground. The battle was over, and the victor circled triumphantly in the air before disappearing back into the depths of the clouds.




Ava and Eli kept silent while glancing at the thick layer of clouds where the mottled stingray had just disappeared.

They both were in shock, because they didn't expect to see an aquatic creature casually flying through the air.

"I wonder what else can fly..."

Eli pondered making Ava shudder. She had quite a good imagination and it backfired, creating some monsters that shouldn't be spoken about.

"'s m..ove"

Struggling to spell the words Ava stumbled towards the wooden staircase. She had lost her cold demeanor and was no longer the Ice Queen the world knew.


Massaging her templates she tried to gather her attention in one place, but failed due to Eli's nudging.

"You really don't like cats do you?"

Looking towards her friend Eli spoke with an expression that spelled doom for Ava. Eli knew her perfectly and was aware of her dislikes and fears.

Ava was really not a cat person and her unnatural fear combined with her imagination was... horrifying?

With a slightly sad expression Eli turned off her chat window and followed after her 13:38

friend. She couldn't proceed to deliver her threat, her friend was too precious.

"Delete my picture~"

With a chilling smile Eli spoke while pointing at her system window, more specifically, a chat window with a certain someone's name.

"You sure are petty..."

Ava spoke while a small smile plastered across her face.

"Write it if you want, he won't care"

Tucking her white hair behind her ear Ava shifted her body and started climbing up the tree.

'She knows I won't do it...'

With a slightly sad expression Eli turned off her chat window and followed after her friend. She couldn't proceed to deliver her threat, her friend was too precious.


Somewhere deep under the ground...

Leo was holding his bleeding chest wound while his eyes glistened with unusual hatred within them.

'Fucking spider!'

Glaring towards the creature that has made its way inside the hall being unnoticed he snorted.

While inspecting the strange altar he was suddenly ambushed and only by creating a Shadow Soldier to block most of the strike was left alive, although barely.

He had no time to cast Shadow Protection and was forced to use one of his summons as a sacrifice.


Calling out his pet he saw light particles gathering to his right and smirked hearing his companion let out a deep dissatisfied growl.

'It's nice to see you too'


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