MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 306 - High Tinker Torqa

Chapter 306: High Tinker Torqa

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

They collapsed and kept collapsing. Li Yi and Fire Ice had to leap forward constantly, without any pauses, in order to make it all the way to the boss.

That meant traversing a whopping 100 meters. The trampolines kept moving back and forth too, and the worst part was that the trampolines ahead were all extremely small, and could only just accommodate one person. It was a tight squeeze for two, and if more than two people tried to use it at the same time, they would then have to take turns jumping, or else there would not be anywhere for them to land.


Li Yi roared loudly and moved at the same time as Fire Ice. Most of them leaped forward.


The trampoline behind them collapsed. There was no turning back now, so all they could do was continue to press forward.

“Boing! Boing!”

At first, the two of them could still jump rhythmically, but the 100-meter distance did not allow them any time to catch their breaths whatsoever. The more they jumped, the more they lost their balance, and the harder it became to adjust their positions. At around the 50-meter mark, Fire Ice slipped up. She did not adjust her angle properly before jumping, and was sent flying away from the trampoline...

Fire Ice closed her eyes, certain that it was all over for her...

Just then, Li Yi leaped high into the air and caught up to Fire Ice in mid-air. He hugged her waist and activated his special skill, Fly. Making a graceful turn in mid-air, they glided precisely back to the trampoline ahead.


Li Yi did not put Fire Ice down. Instead, he launched into another jump, and using his cloak’s Fly skill, he pushed his way through, carrying Fire Ice as they leaped and flew until they reached the finish line.

“Guild... Guild Master, you can put me down.” Forget her face, even Fire Ice’s neck was completely red.

Li Yi looked down and was instantly rather embarrassed. He had not realized this earlier because he was single-mindedly trying to save Fire Ice, but he had positioned one of his hands awkwardly. Somehow, he had stuck his hand down her collar and into her bra. Something felt soft and squishy against his hand, which clearly meant that he was touching something he should not.

Li Yi hurriedly pulled his hand back and explained, “Cough cough... Sorry, you were falling head-first earlier, so...”

“Yeah...” Fire Ice turned her face away, too ashamed to look at him.

The truth was Fire Ice had something else she wanted to tell Li Yi, but she was too embarrassed to. What she wanted to say was, “If you say you coincidentally put one hand into my bra, then was your other hand cupping my butt also a coincidence?”

Of course, that was a thought she could only keep to herself. There was no way she dared to say that to Li Yi.

‘Sure, the rumors outside say that the Guild Master is a big perv, but I’ve known him for almost a year now, and he’s never done anything untoward to me. Yeah, maybe, perhaps it really was a coincidence.’

Fire Ice thought that to herself, but felt an inexplicable twang of disappointment...

“Warning, warning, intruder alert, intruder alert.”

The giant robot, Black Steel, kept emitting a warning siren. High Tinker Torqa grew so angry that he gave it a mighty kick.

“The enemy’s right there, I can see them perfectly fine.”

“I order you to stop that!”

“The enemy’s right there, I can see them perfectly fine.”

High Tinker Torqa lost in. Armed with a pair of pliers, he took Black Steel apart and quickly silenced Black Steel.

“Circuits broken... Energy supply... insufficient... Entering hibernation mode in 5 seconds... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1. Procedure complete.”


Black Steel fell to the ground.

Once he was done with Black Steel, High Tinker Torqa waved his iron pliers as he ran to Li Yi and Fire Ice. “This here is my research base. You b*stards, are you trying to steal the fruits of my research?”

High Tinker Torqa activated the traps, opening up the area for the final battle.

Unlike with regular bosses, players had to jump back and forth on the trampolines in order to defeat High Tinker Torqa. If they fell, all that awaited them was a pit of nails. No matter how much health they had, that was still an instant kill.

Li Yi and Fire Ice levitated slightly, and a trampoline brought them into the air. Immediately after that, the ground beneath them began to crumble away, turning into more trampolines that floated into the air. All that remained at the very bottom was a bed of nails.

“Do you see that? That’s the magic of magnetic levitation. I’m such a genius, wahaha!”

High Tinker Torqa took out a blunderbuss and attacked the two of them.

“Bang! Bang!”

The blunderbuss was a product of goblin engineering that did not deal a lot of damage. Although it shot two bullets at once, each bullet only dealt 100 points of damage to the target. In any other circumstances, nobody would use a blunderbuss as a weapon because it was simply too weak. It did not deal nearly enough damage as an arrow did.

Under these special circumstances, however, the blunderbuss was absolutely deadly.

The reason for that was simple. The blunderbuss did not deal very much damage, but its bullets had a very powerful impact. A shot that landed could instantly send someone flying several meters away.

“Be careful to dodge the bullets, and no matter what, don’t get hit.”

Getting hit was almost equivalent to instant death. That was why, before the match began, Li Yi warned Fire Ice again and again to dodge the bullets.

He did not require Fire Ice to join the battle. Ranged classes had it the easiest against High Tinker Torqa, because they could hit him from afar without having to leap to his side.

“Whoosh! Whoosh!”



Li Yi took more than 5,000HP from High Tinker Torqa with just two arrows.

High Tinker Torqa did not have much HP, his health capped at 300,000. However, when his HP reached 0, he would use an engineered product called Cardiac Pacemaker Model V5 to save himself. The chances of him succeeding were as high as 80%. If one was extremely unlucky, they could spend a whole day here without killing him. If they were lucky, though, they could even kill him in one go.

“Ice, jump upward and don’t worry about me. When I yell for you, all you gotta do is come down.”


Fire Ice nodded. With a few leaps and bounds, she reached the highest trampoline and hid herself there.

Li Yi’s arrows rained down, each shot faster than the other. He was completely unconcerned by the blunderbuss, shooting High Tinker Torqa like a target.

“Cursed intruder, I will never give you the fruits of my research. Give it up!”

When High Tinker Torqa’s HP fell to 100,000, he grew infuriated. Throwing away the blunderbuss, he began tossing all sorts of bombs at Li Yi. Engineered Bombs, Freeze Bombs, Fire Projectiles, Disorient Bombs, Flash Grenades...

Li Yi leaped back and forth, and the special skill, Fly, came in handy here as well. Even if he made the occasional mistake, all he had to do was make a turn in mid-air and he would be safe again.

When High Tinker Torqa’s HP fell below 50,000, his fury boiled over. He gave up on throwing bombs and started chasing Li Yi around instead. Wherever Li Yi jumped to, that was where he would follow. Any trampolines that he stepped on would collapse immediately, so the pressure was mounting for Li Yi.

Thankfully, Torqa only chased players when his HP was lower than 50,000. When Li Yi shot him as he jumped around and finally reduced Torqa’s HP to zero, the latter stopped chasing Li Yi and took out the Cardiac Pacemaker Model V5. After he placed it on his chest, he fell to the ground, dead.


An electric current ran through his body, and the Cardiac Pacemaker Model V5 worked. High Tinker Torqa stood up with full HP.

“F*ck that!”

Li Yi swore once and reluctantly returned to his shooting.

He had no choice. As long as the Cardiac Pacemaker Model V5 worked, High Tinker Torqa could be resurrected infinitely...

A success rate of 80% was just too much.

Everything was repeating itself. High Tinker Torqa picked up his blunderbuss and shot at Li Yi.

“Chain Arrow Skill! Eliminate!”

Li Yi kept drinking those Fury Potions and shooting at full strength. Soon enough, he reached the second stage, then the third, until he put High Tinker Torqa down once more.

An electric current ran through his body, and the Cardiac Pacemaker Model V5 worked. High Tinker Torqa stood up with full HP once more.

“That motherf*cker!”

Li Yi felt a headache coming on.

In the previous life, Li Yi had also encountered many players who could use the Cardiac Pacemaker. However, be it in saving themselves or others, those pacemakers barely worked once out of several dozen tries. There was a limit to their usages as well, as they could only be used once per hour. Those ones were definitely trash.

So why was it that the same piece of trash became so powerful in the hands of a boss?

By the time Li Yi took down High Tinker Torqa one more time, his mana had run clean out.

An electric current ran through his body, and High Tinker Torqa stood up once more...

“F*ck me, there’s no end to this.”

Li Yi smacked his own head hard and switched to the orange bow.

Could the orange bow’s Soul Bind skill bind a boss as well?

There was only one way to find out!

Perking up, Li Yi asked Fire Ice to boost him with a Spring of Mana, so that his mana was regenerating slowly. With that, he launched a new assault on High Tinker Torqa.

With the orange bow in hand, Li Yi cut through High Tinker Torqa’s HP even faster than before. When its HP was approaching the 50,000 mark, Li Yi summoned the Violent Bear King and used Violent Bear’s Protection, attacking with everything he had. It only took 10 seconds for him to bring Torqa down once more.

High Tinker Torqa placed the Cardiac Pacemaker Model V5 on his chest and died again. This time, however, there was no current of electricity, and after about 20 seconds, the spinning trampolines came to a stop.

“Is it over?” asked Fire Ice, confused.

“Sure is!” Li Yi laughed.

Black Steel, who had had its power supply cut by High Tinker Torqa, stood up suddenly and enunciated clearly, “My master is dead. Activating self-destruct. 10-second countdown. 10... 9... 8... 7...”

“Ice, when the countdown ends, use Hand of Salvation on me immediately!”

“Countdown complete. Destruct... Self-destructing...”

Their surroundings began to explode. Fire Ice waved her staff slightly and cast Hand of Salvation on Li Yi.


There was a huge noise, and the entire area was drowned out in explosions. Fire Ice was killed instantly, and only Li Yi, who was under the protection of Hand of Salvation, managed to survive.

The dungeon was not complete with the death of High Tinker Torqa. Players had to survive the intense explosions before they could pass the dungeons. Wizards could use Freezer, Paladins could use the Holy Shield Spell, and the classes who did not have any invincibility skills had to come up with other methods, such as utilizing the Light Priests’ Hand of Salvation or the Contract Summoner’s Shot in the Dark.

“In the name of my ancestors, what happened here?”

After the explosion, the dwarves’ ancestor, Karone Foresight, ran over to them. He was covered from head to toe in dust, and when he saw the debris on the floor, he could not help but gasp.

“Karone Foresight, come save my friend.” Li Yi waved at Karone from afar.

“In the name of my ancestors, I can’t believe you managed to survive such an intense explosion. That’s unbelievable.”

Karone sighed in admiration and ran up to Fire Ice, reviving her.

The requirements for passing the Super Trampoline 250 Instance Dungeon only needed one survivor from the party. It did not matter if everyone else died. Anyone revived by Karone would not lose any EXP either.

The system decided that both of them had passed, so both of them received the I Got Tramped... achievement at the same time.

[Congratulations, you have achieved the first kill of the Super Trampoline 250 Instance Dungeon. Announce first kill to the world?]

The system notification appeared before their eyes.


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