MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 236 - Five Stars of Hell

Chapter 236: Five Stars of Hell

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“You scum, we agreed it would be mano-a-mano, but in the end, a whole bunch of you ganged up on me. And you still dare to announce it to the world like that? Have you no shame?” When the Dark Elf Thief saw that Scumbag Wang was making announcements as well, he instantly flew into a rage.

“Did a donkey kick you in the head when you were young? When did you see our Leader Scum order other people to gang up on you, huh?” Scumbag Wang’s number one general, Lonely Funeral, retorted on the World Channel as well.

The Dark Elf was even more infuriated now. “F*ck, you were one of the people who ambushed me just now! You guys are utterly shameless!”

“You couldn’t beat us, so don’t go acting all cocky, what are you showing off about? If you’re not happy with it then come take me on solo, I’ll even give you a handicap of three hits.”

“If you chase away those dogs of yours, I’ll fight you any day. What can you say for yourself if it’s an entire group ganging up on one person?”

“I didn’t tell them to attack, they were the ones who volunteered. You’re unpopular with that b*tchy face of yours, and whose fault is that? Or do you wanna have Daddy Wang fix up your genetics? Where’s your mama? I’d be willing to help.”

“Hahahaha...” A bunch of Huashan Guild members laughed in unison on the World Channel.

“F*ck you in your f*cking *sshole, you b*stard!” The Dark Elf Thief spewed out another string of censored words, so angry at Scumbag Wang that he nearly coughed up blood.

When it came to these rude b*stards, one had to find another equally rude b*stard to counter them. Li Yi’s tai chi-like act of redirection was working pretty well.

Li Yi watched the war of words between Scumbag Wang and the Dark Elf Thief as he continued to challenge other fighters. With his control skills as well as his unparalleled equipment, the Hurricane Sword and the Ring of Windstorms, he bulldozed through the competition like an unstoppable force.

The point rankings were constantly changing. After Unending Unmatched lost to Li Yi, he somehow lost yet another match, and he fell to fifth place.

To Li Yi, Unending Unmatched was no longer a threat. The one who truly caught his interest was the player who was currently in second place.

The person in second kept accumulating more and more points. While Li Yi collected 700 points, the second place player actually obtained 900. They were catching up to him, rather than getting left behind.

Could it be Yang Xingchen? Lonely Semi City? Confused Fox? Or Flower Underpants?

Li Yi thought it over for a long time but just could not figure out who the person in second place could be.

[Bonecrusher Sark has been defeated. The winner earns 500 Battlefield Points and a Battlefield Honorable Gift Pack in return. Let us all cheer for this hero.]

The red system announcement appeared and repeated three times, stunning all of the players in the Arena.

“No way? That Battlefield Pulverizer was killed?”

“Who could be so bad*ss? Who could kill that thing? It’s crazy, my DEF is 1,100 and I still died instantly to him every time.”

“A true BAMF, truly bad*ss!”

Countless praises flooded the Arena’s Region Channel. That announcement had ignited the fighting spirit in most of the players.

Li Yi was shocked as well. After all, Bonecrusher Sark was an NPC opponent that even he did not dare attempt.

Another glance at the ranking board showed that the person in second place had obtained another 500 points. It was clearly that player who had defeated Bonecrusher Sark.

The person in first place would always have to wait longer before they were matched up with their next opponent. For example, Li Yi was currently first, so he had to wait for at least 5 minutes before he could encounter his next opponent.

This was meant to motivate the players behind him, and allow them to give chase.

[The strongest Orc Summoner, Death Howl, has been defeated. The winner earns 1,000 Battlefield Points and a Battlefield Honorable Gift Pack in return. Let us all cheer for this hero.]

There was another string of red-lettered words. The entire Blade Peak Arena erupted.

“They’re challenging the Five Stars of Hell? That really is bad*ss.” Even Li Yi could not help an inward word of praise.

Aside from the regular battles, the Arena also had an extremely difficult challenge quest, the Five Stars of Hell.

This quest was only available upon defeating Bonecrusher Sark. The player was allowed to challenge the Arena’s past NPC champions, for a total of five matches. Each victory awarded 1,0000 Battlefield Points and winning all five led to total success. However, even one loss would cost the player 5,000 Battlefield Points.

Li Yi ‘s points were almost level with the player in second place. If that BAMF succeeded in their challenge, they would immediately surpass Li Yi and take first place.

However... Could they really succeed? Li Yi was extremely doubtful.

Although defeating Bonecrusher Sark was not exactly easy, Li Yi was still relatively confident he could pull it off, albeit with some difficulty. This was because Sark’s Epic-level weapon had the Death Sentence special effect. No matter how skilled one was, or even if the player had 10,000,000HP, once the Death Sentence special effect was triggered, it would mean an instant kill. That was why Li Yi did not want to fight Sark.

One needed 50% skill and 50% luck in order to defeat the Battlefield Pulverizer.

Compared to Sark, the Five Stars of Hell were even more difficult to beat. Aside from the first one, Death Howl, who was slightly more manageable, the remaining four were all completely OP. Li Yi had challenged them before in the past life as well, but he could only beat the first three. When he reached the fourth Star, he could not defeat it no matter what he tried, not even with a weapon with Drain in hand.

[The strongest Orc Curse Priest, Death Roar, has defeated the challenger. The challenger loses 5,000 points, and fails in their challenge of the Five Stars of Hell...]

Another string of red announcements flashed past, declaring that the challenger had lost.

“Loktar!” The strongest Orc Curse Priest roared in the Region Channel, leaving a huge impact on everyone present.

Winning the first battle had earned them 1,000 points, but losing the second lost them 5,000. It was a huge loss.

Li Yi shook his head helplessly and felt the pressure on his heart lighten. Anybody would feel some pressure if they saw someone else persistently giving chase and nearly catching up in points.

The player who had been in second immediately dropped to ninth following this setback. It looked like they would no longer pose a threat to Li Yi.

Although they had overestimated themselves slightly, one needed more than luck to defeat Sark and the first Star of Hell. Li Yi was analyzing the strength of his opponent.

Li Yi waited for quite some time before he finally encountered his next opponent.

“Loktar! The Orcs are the strongest race in this world!” Bonecrusher Sark waved his greataxe and roared ferociously.

Once any player defeated Sark, this NPC would enter a semi-berserk mode and appear in battle at least 10 times more often than usual.

Li Yi summoned the Violent Bear King. Although he did not wish to meet Sark, Sark had already shown up, so he had no choice but to face the battle.

Sure, he could admit defeat, but that was not Li Yi’s style. Not by a long shot.

“I’ll crush your heart to avenge this shame!”

Sark strode up to Li Yi quickly and leaped high into the air, swinging his greataxe.

Activating his Rocket Propellant, Li Yi sprayed a shower of sparks from his palms and instantly shot out flying more than twenty meters away.

The Violent Bear King pounced at Sark, waving its claws to keep him in place, while Li Yi took advantage of the moment to shoot at him rapidly.

The Hurricane Sword’s special effects were extremely powerful. The stun effect was just one of them, the other reduced all of the player’s skill cooldowns by half. What did that mean? Take the Eliminate skill, for example. Its cooldown was 1 minute long, but once he had the Hurricane Sword equipped, that cooldown time was immediately halved, meaning he could use it again after 30 seconds.

It reduced the cooldown of all skills by half. That was the terrifying thing about the Hurricane Sword.

Crippling Shot! Chain Arrow Skill! Eliminate!

Li Yi’s attacks flowed smoothly with no interruption whatsoever. Damage figures kept erupting from the top of Sark’s head, infuriating him into roaring loudly. He also began to swing the greataxe in his hand more violently.

The Violent Bear King could not withstand it, but Li Yi did not summon it here to have it tank for him. All it had to do was give Li Yi a layer of protection and it could consider its mission complete.

“Violent Bear’s Protection!” As soon as Li Yi made the Violent Bear buff him, Sark slashed down with his greataxe and activated the Death Sentence special effect, killing the Violent Bear King who had full HP.

“Punishment Windstorm!”

Before Sark could use Charge, Li Yi used his ring’s special skill to lock him in place.

Sark would be immobilized for 10 seconds and his DEF halved, so Li Yi could shoot to his heart’s content.

Sark had a large amount of HP, so Li Yi could not kill him even after shooting him for 10 seconds. It could not be helped. The guy’s level was adjusted according to the player’s level, so now that Li Yi was Level 63, his level would be 83. He would forever be 20 levels above the player.

“I’ll crush you!”

Sark Charged up to Li Yi.

There were no obstructions in the Arena, so the Charge skill would almost always hit. Li Yi activated Wind Shield’s Protection but was still unable to avoid it. He took the hit head-on.

“Accept this baptism of blood, frail human!”

Sark’s greataxe fell upon his head. Li Yi used Dark Devour to undo the Dizzy effect, but he was still slower than Sark. The greataxe slashed him across the waist.


Thankfully, Li Yi was still under Violent Bear’s Protection mode, which meant he had more than 18,000HP. Without this mode, that single slash would have killed him.

Repelling Shot! Resounding Shot!

Li Yi rapidly created a distance between him and Sark. At this point, Sark only had slightly over 100,000HP.

Eliminate’s cooldown period was ending very soon. Add that to his Chain Arrow Skill, and Li Yi was confident that he could kill off Sark within 10 seconds.


“Cursed human, feel the terror of the strongest Orc warrior, and tremble in fear!”

Sark roared angrily at Li Yi, and Li Yi was immediately dealt [−1,200] in damage. He spun around on the spot, losing control of his body.

This was Sark’s strongest skill, Terrifying Howl, an enhanced version of the Fear Spell.

Damage numbers kept rising from the top of his head, and he had lost complete control of his body. Sark ran up to him, and with a swing of his greataxe, Li Yi was dealt [−9,876] in damage. He fell to the ground, dead.

“What bad luck...” Li Yi lay on the ground, feeling frustrated.

The chances of Sark unleashing Terrifying Howl were 0.1%, and the chances of a player surviving this attack were also 0.1%. The reason behind that was very simple. This move could not be dispelled, not even with a skill like Dark Devour.

To think that he would encounter something so improbable. What else was there to it other than bad luck?

His Battlefield Points fell by 200. Sark roared over and over again, feeling pleased with himself as he left.


[Congratulations! You’ve obtained a Battlefield Honorable Gift Pack.]

Li Yi did not know if he should be glad or sad. He had lost 200 Battlefield Points but obtained a Battlefield Honorable Gift Pack...

Why did all these improbable things have to happen to him?

Li Yi lay there and thought about it for a long while, but in the end he had no choice but to release his soul and allow his character to reappear in the nearest temple.

The Battlefield Point rankings changed quickly and drastically. Li Yi was not the only one who lost points. In general, everyone was losing points.

“F*ck, oy, the moron who challenged Sark, you just made us all suffer! I bump into Sark randomly now, so I can’t even battle properly.”

“Same here, this is the f*cking worst. As soon as that monster swings his ax down, I get instant KO’ed. How can I battle like that?”

Countless players complained in unison, hating the guts of that player who successfully killed Sark.

Li Yi got onto the Crimson Tiger King and left. With Sark’s ridiculous appearance rates, he had no intention of dying again and dropping in rank. While luck seemed to be on his side, he decided to go try out Tidal Throne again and see if he could loot that legendary item.

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