MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 230 - The Truth is Out

Chapter 230: The Truth is Out

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The time turned back to the Windstorm Platform in the past life.

Li Yi who was a Cyclone Thief in black, struggled as he took down Varian with only 50 points left on his HP. He was the only one left alive in the dungeon.

He extended his arm out to loot the boss and only one equipment was dropped. The Goddess of Hurricane’s Rage!

“Lil Snow, I... I’ve got an epic sword. The attributes are off the charts, take a look!”

Li Yi was quick to show this epic sword’s attributes to Wind-on-Snow.

Wind-on-Snow was silent for a moment before replying, “Stash it away. Don’t let them see this.”

“This... Er...”

There was a slight hesitation in Li Yi’s actions and it was during then when Xiao Changfeng brought his men into the dungeon. As Li Yi’s hand has yet to leave the boss’ corpse, all party members could see there was a Virtual Inventory Pane.

“Goddess of Hurricane’s Rage!”

“I’m not seeing things, right? OMG, how can this sword’s attributes be so powerful?”

“Roll to see who gets it!” Xiao Changfeng yelled out and ran towards Li Yi the quickest he could.

“Although you were the last to kill the boss, if it weren’t for all our effort, you definitely won’t be able to kill the boss. So I suggest we use the roll method to see who gets this epic sword. Dark Wing, to ensure fairness, as I’m the party leader, please hand over the sword to me.”

Xiao Changfeng argued with confidence and extended his arm out at Li Yi in a boorish manner.

“How stupid, I told you to store it. Ah, you,” Wind-on-Snow grumbled.

“I was about to when they came in. I was late by a few seconds...” Li Yi too was helpless.

Xiao Changfeng yelped at Li Yi, “Dark Wing! You hear me? I told you to hand over the sword to me first. I’m the party leader and only I, am qualified to decide who gets the sword.”

Li Yi countered, “Why do I have to hand it over to you? Why must I roll with you? I didn’t hear you say this when we were fighting the boss earlier? All of you were hung up on quitting, so afraid of wasting your own time. Do you really think of me as part of your party now?”

“No use pointing fingers now. Equipment from party dungeons belongs to everyone. You have no right to hog it for yourself,” One of the party members spoke with disdain.

Li Yi remained silent for a long time before saying, “Changfeng, I can let you take the sword but under one condition — No matter the person that ends up with this sword, everyone gets a bonus. As for the amount, I’ll let you decide. I’ll trust you.”

“Good move, bro. Don’t worry about the bonus, I will not let you down,” Xiao Changfeng’s eyes gleamed with joy. He walked up, in all smiles as he tried to take the sword.

“Let me hold on to the sword,” Wind-on-Snow went ahead of Xiao Changfeng and stretched her arms out in front of Li Yi.

Li Yi saw nothing wrong with that and handed over the Hurricane Sword to Wind-on-Snow. Her avatar then disappeared. She went offline...

“F*ck! WTF? What’s going on?”

“Who’s that woman earlier? Why did she take the sword and log off?”

“That woman’s Wind-on-Snow. Dark Wing’s GF!”

“F*ck, they’re in it together. Cheater! Return my Hurricane Sword...”

“Lil Snow is no cheater! She will never lie to me. Don’t get your panties in a bunch. She must have an emergency at home and will be back online in no time. And, weren’t you talking about rolling? Let’s roll. The sword goes to whoever who ends up with the biggest number,” Li Yi still fully trusted Wind-on-Snow at this point.

“You said so yourself. Right, let’s roll and the winner with the highest points takes home the sword. I don’t care if that woman is a cheater but if you don’t hand over Hurricane Sword by then, I will kill you until you stop playing!” An Orc Thief shook his fist at Li Yi.

“Okay, let’s just roll first!” Party leader, Xiao Changfeng made his position clear.

“Alright, the party leader said so.”

All members of the party agreed to it.

24 dices were thrown simultaneously. In the end, it was Li Yi who beat everyone with his perfect 100 points.

Xiao Changfeng was quite lucky, scoring 99 points. He thought he had it in the bag but when Li Yi’s dice landed, it surpassed his score by 1 point. A perfect 100.

“My points’ the highest, the Hurricane Sword belongs to me!” Li Yi let out a sigh of relief.

“Yeah right, f*cker! The Hurricane Sword isn’t even here. How can this roll count?” It was that Orc Thief again. He was the first to protest.

“That’s right. That item isn’t even here. What’s the point of rolling.”

“You take out the Hurricane Sword then we’ll roll. If you win, it’s yours. Now cut the bullcrap!”

All members of the party suddenly went back on their word, refusing to acknowledge the results.

“Changfeng, you...”

Xiao Changfeng shook his head, “Dark Wing, I do feel that the earlier roll wasn’t proper. The Hurricane Sword isn’t here, how could we just decide its fate?”

“So you were all just taking a piss earlier?” Li Yi was pissed.

“How noble to say the sword goes to the highest roller, yet you guys? Chopping and changing. So you’re saying, even if the next time I roll 100 points, this sword still wouldn’t go to me, am I right?”

Li Yi pointed his finger right up to the Orc Thief’s nose and chastised, “And you, trying to act all cool. You want to kill me until I stop playing? Really? Why don’t you ask yourself if you’re capable of doing that?”

The Orc Thief chuckled and whistled, “The GF takes the sword and logs off. Her man isn’t listening to reason. What shade.”

“Return my Hurricane Sword and cut the bull crap!” The others stirred an uproar.

“Return, my ass. Whichever f*cker objects, come at me! You don’t have the balls to f*ck with me!”

Li Yi was cussing the whole group himself and this matter quickly escalated to the official web.

The attributes of the Hurricane Sword was published. That group of people only published the part where Li Yi was swearing at everyone. Not a peep about the dice-rolling incident. Word was out that Li Yi teamed up with his girlfriend to swindle the Hurricane Sword from everyone.

After a verbal battle between two parties, Li Yi killed the Orc Thief but ended up beaten to death by the rest of the party. He went offline in a somber mood.

He immediately attempted to get in touch with Wind-on-Snow the moment he logged off. But, something was off.

Wind-on-Snow’s mobile phone could not be reached. Li Yi tried a couple of other methods he could think of to contact her, to no avail.

“No way, Lil Snow would not do this to me. No way in hell!” Li Yi tuned in to the forums and launched a verbal assault at those that began this slander.


“Lil Snow, just hand the sword over to me, alright? Although our parents have divorced and we were separated since young, have you forgotten who was the one who cherished you the most? Who was the one who stood up for you when you were bullied? Who was the one who stole sweets for you when you wanted them and we had no money to buy them? Who was it for that I was beaten black and blue by others?”

Lil Snow was currently at home and Xiao Changfeng was pestering her to hand over that Hurricane Sword.

“This sword isn’t yours. I will not let you have it. You guys are too much!” Wind-on-Snow stubbornly gritted her teeth.

“You plan to return this sword to that Dark Wing? Silly sister, he’s a little b*tch. He’s not better than your brother. You’re in a long distance relationship and never met, yet you trust him so? Don’t you know how severe this matter is? You’re now a major swindler in the eyes of the public, silly sister.”

“I trust him. He’s worth it. Brother, don’t waste your breath. I will not hand over the sword to you, no matter what you say!”

Wind-on-Snow pushed the door open and left.

“Lil Snow, stop right there, stop! Little c*nt, I command you to stop!”

Xiao Changfeng was furious as he sought after her.

The sibling duo was standing in the streets when Xiao Changfeng slapped Lil Snow.

“You deceitful little b*tch! I was good to you when we were young and now you don’t even want to help me?”

Wind-on-Snow’s hand went to her injured face as her eyes reddened. She turned to run but Xiao Changfeng went after her, viciously kicking her.

“He’s hitting me, he’s hitting me. Help!” Wind-on-Snow crouched on the ground as she cried out loud.

“I’m your brother. I have the right to hit you. Little c*nt, it was a waste being nice to you when we were young. Don’t play pretend there, get up!”

Xiao Changfeng dragged Wind-on-Snow to her feet before forcefully pushing her forward.


It so happened that a passing motorbike rammed onto Wind-on-Snow, knocking her unconscious.

Seeing Wind-on-Snow on the ground, bleeding from the mouth, gave Xiao Changfeng a fright. He booted her a couple of times, “Little c*nt, don’t play dead. Get up, c’mon get up. Don’t pretend.”

More and more people formed a crowd, causing Xiao Changfeng to panic. He left his own sister there and ran off himself...

Wind-on-Snow was later sent to a hospital but due to the delay in treatment, she lay in a coma for half a year. Notices of her condition were even issued in the press...

Xiao Changfeng kept himself busy during this period. He logged on Wind-on-Snow’s account and published news of her coma to the Pantheon web. In the name of seeking money for treatment, he had the Goddess of Hurricane’s Rage transferred from Wind-on-Snow’s inventory to his.

Once Wind-on-Snow recovered and logged onto the game, she realized the Hurricane Sword was missing. The Li Yi she was once familiar with, was gone too. He was replaced with an ultimate swindler that hated her to the core.

Plastered across forums of the web, were the glorious swindling deeds of the infamous Dark Wing. Wind-on-Snow wanted to look for Li Yi to explain everything but the moment she caught sight of the dirty laundry he aired about her, this thought disappeared.

“At the end of the day, you still didn’t trust me. If you were to wait... If...”

There were no ifs in life. Neither was right or wrong. But talking about all this was too late now.

A tear streamed down Wind-on-Snow’s cheek. She deleted her Pantheon account and never did touch this game ever again. She left to go abroad to study.


“Perverted Wing, I wanna see this sword. Can you let me take a look?” Jiaojiao extended her arm towards Li Yi.

This struck a chord in Li Yi. The current Jiaojiao resembled the previous Wind-on-Snow? But why the change this time? Why did it not stir any reaction from Wind-on-Snow?

Li Yi stole a glance at Wind-on-Snow and by coincidence, Wind-on-Snow was looking at him too. The exchange of glances kept the two mesmerized.

Jiaojiao yelled out, “Perverted Wing! I want you to let me take a look at the sword. Alright or not?”

“What are you up to?” Li Yi sent a private message to Jiaojiao.

“Idiot, I’m taking the sword and logging off to piss off those b*tches. What are you afraid of? That I’m gonna steal your sword? Relax, I don’t care for this piece of trash sword.”

Li Yi went quiet at this.

It never crossed Li Yi’s mind that Jiaojiao would lie to him because Jiaojiao would never do that to him. The experience of paying his debt for seven years in the past life served as the best proof.


Li Yi did not hand the sword over to Jiaojiao and announced that they would roll the dice!

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