MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 208 - Fiery Chariot

Chapter 208: Fiery Chariot

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Girl without Underwear and the others had joined another special Level 25 5-man dungeon called Fiery Chariot.

The five of them entered the dungeon and were greeted by a Fiery Chariot. Karone Foresight the Dwarf appeared and leaped into the Fiery Chariot, dashing at them.

The first half of this dungeon required all members to fight from atop a Fiery Chariot. The battle would only return to normal when they defeated the first boss.

The second half was filled with monsterlings. There tended to be more than ten, all crowded together. This was also why they needed an Archer. Unless they had an overwhelming advantage in level, a main tank of the same level would never be able to pull all of those monsters.

Karone disappeared as soon as he left the Fiery Chariot in front of them. In other words, it was the players’ turn to drive the chariot.

There were two cannon emplacements on either side of the chariot, a temperature decompression valve, and an infinite pile of cannon ammunition.

The five of them got onto the chariot and Girl Without Underwear asked, “Dark Wing, do you wanna shoot or drive?”

“My ATK is terrible, so I won’t get a multiplier if I shoot. I can drive, load the ammunition, or control the decompression valve,” said Li Yi honestly.

“You’re telling me that your ATK’s no good? Don’t kid around, are you making fun of us?” A female Priest called I Love XXX rolled her eyes at him unhappily.

“I’m doing a quest, so my attributes are 99% lower than usual. My ATK really is hopeless.”


“Alright, then you drive and I’ll be the cannoneer.” Girl Without Underwear began to delegate the jobs decisively.

“I wanna shoot loads too!” I Love XXX raised her hand.

They had the two cannoneers, so one of the remaining two was in charge of refilling ammunition while the other controlled the temperature decompression valve.


The Fiery Chariot, all lit with flames, started up amidst a loud rumbling. With the air of an old hand, Li Yi took the chariot to the road.

They were surrounded on all sides by an army of Fire Dwarfs. Unlike the 5-man Entrance-level dungeon, Blazing City Wall, this required close cooperation from all 5 members. If even something went wrong in even one aspect, it could lead to them wiping out.

The driver had to avoid pulling monsters as much as possible, and the two cannoneers had to kill off any Fire Dwarfs that entered their field of vision as soon as possible. The ammunition reloader had to run back and forth reloading the cannon, ensuring that the cannons were never out of ammunition. Controlling the temperature decompression valve was rather easy, though. Whenever she saw that the temperature of the chariot was rising, she would just have to release the valve slightly to relieve the pressure in order to prevent the chariot from exploding.

The person driving the Fiery Chariot could not use their own skills, but they could use three skills that came with the chariot.

[Blazing Barrier: 5 seconds of invincibility. Cooldown: 1 minute.]

[Fire Eruption: Temporarily increases the chariot’s SPD by 200%. Lasts for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 2 minutes.]

[Energy Refuel: Pick up the surrounding Energy Crystals, a power source for the chariot. Slightly recovers the chariot’s HP and increases the damage from the cannons. Cooldown: 10 seconds.]

The Fiery Chariot had 300,000HP. As long as the driver did not mess up, it would be a cinch to drive up to the first boss.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Girl Without Underwear and I Love XXX started shooting at the same time, killing off all of the Fire Dwarfs who rushed at them.

Two waves of Fire Dwarfs were utterly destroyed, and the combo number 21 appeared above their heads.

“Continue driving, quick, the combo’s gonna drop!” yelled Girl Without Underwear anxiously.

Li Yi controlled the chariot with a steady hand without rushing or panicking. He would pick up every Energy Crystal he saw, and when a large group of Fire Dwarfs tossed a bomb at them, he would even be able to dodge most of the damage.

“As expected of a powerhouse. You’re not even using the barrier to reduce damage,” I Love XXX to Li Yi, but no one could tell if it was genuine praise or sarcasm.

LI Yi smiled at her slightly and continued with his strategy.

Of course, using the Blazing Barrier would reduce the damage they took, but every use would eat up all their Energy Crystals. That just was not worth it. Therefore, Li Yi would rather take more Energy Crystals and withstand a few more blasts than activate the Blazing Barrier.

Li Yi’s skills went without saying. If it were not for the fact that Girl Without Underwear and I Love XXX were not that handy with their cannons, the Fiery Chariot would lose even less HP.

“Turn the chariot around, there’s a group behind us!” yelled Girl Without Underwear.

“Turn it back again, there’s a group ahead!” shouted I Love XXX.

Li Yi turned the chariot around quickly, allowing both of them to attack at the same time. Meanwhile, he took that time to pick up an Energy Crystal from the ground.

By the time the Fiery Chariot consumed 10 Energy Crystals, it obtained a new buff called Fiery Energy, increasing the power of the cannons by 10%.

The Fiery Energy buff could be stacked 20 times. In other words, the power of the cannons could be increased by 200%. The buff lasted forever, but if Blazing Barrier was used even once, the buffs would all vanish.

Several hundred Fire Dwarfs rushed at them, throwing the bombs they held at the chariot, one after the other. The four women kept screaming at Li Yi to activate the barrier.

“The chariot only has 200,000HP left. Use the barrier, there are too many this time.”

“We’re gonna die, we’re gonna die. We can’t handle this, use the barrier for invincibility!”

“Superstar, don’t kill us! We’re all low-level players, we can’t afford to die.”

“Relax. If the chariot explodes, I’ll pay for all the losses!”

Li Yi’s words instantly silenced the four women.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The cannons were still firing, but the combo number above their heads had long since disappeared. They were firing randomly without skill, so of course, they would not be able to maintain a high combo.

“That’s too bad. Girl, if only you’d been slightly later just now.” I Love XXX sighed.

“You were the one who was too early just now! If you’d be a little slower, I would’ve been able to continue it,” said Girl Without Underwear, unwilling to give in.

“You were clearly too slow...”

“No, you were too early...”

“It was clearly...”


There they went. They had barely begun the battle but they were already accusing each other, going around in circles.

“Focus on shooting! An even larger wave of monsters is incoming!” Li Yi barked loudly, putting an end to the two women’s blame game.

More than 500+ Fire Dwarfs came at them from all directions. This segment was the strictest test of the party’s cooperation. If even one member messed up, they could easily wipe out.

The Fiery Chariot only had 150,000HP left, and the Fiery Energy buff had been stacked up 6 times. The power of the cannon shots had increased drastically. Monsterlings that had taken three shots to kill now required only two.

Li Yi insisted on not using the Blazing Barrier. Instead, he kept turning the chariot around so that the two women would be able to hit their targets. By the time they weathered out this wave of Fire Dwarfs, the Fiery Chariot only had 90,000P left.

“It’s over, we can’t get through. The cannon emplacement boss has 600,000HP and high damage. The strategies on the official site mentioned that we wouldn’t possibly be able to beat it without at least 200,000HP...” I Love XXX grew dispirited.

“You gotta have faith in our Superstar.” Girl Without Underwear had gotten used to disagreeing with her. No matter what I Love XXX said, she would instantly argue against it.

“Stop fighting! If you do it anymore, I’ll jump chariot!” Li Yi put an end to it before the two women launched into another round of bickering.

After the large wave of Fire Dwarfs vanished, they met far fewer monsterlings. Meanwhile, Li Yi was still driving the car forth, picking up the Energy Crystals as he went.

He did not let go of any Energy Crystals he happened upon. What surprised the girls, however, was that Li Yu could even find the Energy Crystals hidden in unassuming corners.

When the Fiery Energy buff stacked for the 10th time, its effects became clear as day.

Monsterlings that had taken three shots to kill now died with just one shot. This greatly helped to relieve the pressure on the two cannoneers, and it also made things easier for the member who carried the ammunition.

“This buff sure is helpful. That’s why I was saying, how could a Superstar make such a rookie mistake?” Girl Without Underwear said as she peeked at I Love XXX, her air of provocation blatantly obvious.

Li Yi said, “Are you guys a temporary party or a party of friends?”

Girl Without Underwear said, “Friends. We were 5 at first, but our Archer can’t make it today.

Li Yi replied with an “Oh” and then continued to advance.

The first boss of the Fiery Chariot Dungeon, the Giant Embattlement, appeared before them.

The Giant Embattlement had 600,000HP and six cannons. Even though it could not move, the party would still need good coordination here, or else there was an 80% to 90% chance that they would suffer here.

Li Yi did not immediately rush up to it. Instead, he looked around patiently for Energy Crystals and only charged in when the Fiery Energy buff had stacked for the 13th time.

Collecting Energy Crystals increased the power of the cannons, but it also recovered some health for the chariot. Picking up one crystal would replenish the chariot with 200HP.


Li Yi barked loudly, and the Fiery Chariot roared as it zoomed toward the Giant Embattlement.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The Giant Embattlement’s six cannons shot at the same time, the explosions covering an extremely wide range. As the Fiery Chariot’s SPD was limited, it was considerably difficult to avoid all of these bombs.

Many players would choose to fight this segment head-on. Taking advantage of how much HP the Fiery Chariot had, they would rush up and exchange shots. Li Yi, however, did not do this. He would begin to avoid the cannon shots 4 or 5 seconds ahead, running straight for the bombs’ blind spots. Even though the Giant Embattlement shot six cannons at the same time, somehow not a single one managed to touch the chariot.

“Attack! Attack with all you got!” When he saw that the four women were staring, Li Yi yelled again.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The cannon fire began. The power of the cannons, augmented by the 13 layers of Fiery Energy, was extremely terrifying. Before the Giant Embattlement could fire off its second round of shots, one of the cannons had already been destroyed.

“There are only five cannons left. Sisters, keep at it!” Girl Without Underwear was overjoyed.

“Hey, there’s an older brother too.” Li Yi laughed and drove the chariot to avoid the cannon shots.

“You? You’re more like my stu... Hmph hmph, my younger study partner.”

Li Yi managed to avoid the second wave of cannon shots from the Giant Embattlement as well. Girl Without Underwear and I Love XXX retaliated with intense fire, destroying another cannon.

“Brr brr brr...”

The alarm rang and the surface of the Giant Embattlement turned red. A debuff appeared above their heads, decreasing their 命中率 accuracy rate by 80%.

A large group of Fire Dwarfs appeared from behind the Embattlement. There were at least over a thousand of them.

This group of Fire Dwarfs did not rush at them recklessly. Instead, they crouched on the ground and set up one mini embattlement after another.

“Everyone, destroy those little embattlements with everything you got!”

As Li Yi spurred them on with his shouts, the two women adjusted their cannons and aimed them at the Fire Dwarf army setting up the mini embattlements.

They must prevent the Fire Dwarfs from completing the set-up at all costs. Otherwise, several hundred and thousands of bullets will come flying at them at the same time. Even a Fiery Chariot with full health would be instantly killed by that.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The two women fired their cannons, but due to the interference from the Giant Embattlement’s debuff, they could not even land one out of ten shots.

Li Yi grew anxious. He activated the chariot’s acceleration skill, rushing forth...

“Bang! Bang!”

The Fiery Chariot went berserk in the ranks of the Fire Dwarf army, pretending as though there was no one around. He did not need the two women to fire with cannons. Li Yi and his driving alone were enough to mow them down...

[Combo 69!]

[Combo 189!]

[Combo 379!]

[Combo 532!]

“F*ck, that works too?” It was rare for Girl Without Underwear to swear, but at that moment she did.

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