MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 206 - Wolf Soul Bow

Chapter 206: Wolf Soul Bow

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


The Devil Armor Set and Li Yi’s own EVA allowed him to successfully evade Unending Unmatched’s skill that would surely have killed him.

Li Yi’s reactions were extremely quick. Without waiting for Unending Unmatched to pull back his shield, Li Yi leaped backward and used his Chain Arrow Skill.

One arrow missed, but the other landed perfect, dealing [−438] in damage. Unending Unmatched’s HP dropped to zero and he fell to one knee as a sign of submission.

‘That was dangerous!’

With a “whoosh”, Li Yi was teleported out of the Arena, returning to the small path he had entered from.


Unending Unmatched stood in the Blade Peak Arena, frowning as he remained motionless for a while.

Although equipment and luck both played a part in that last hit, Unending Unmatched believed that there was a large difference in power between himself and that archer from earlier.

After all, Li Yi had not even used his pets in that battle.

‘If he can put up such a fight even without his pets, what would have happened just now if he had used his pets?’

That thought had Unending Unmatched feeling rather conflicted...


Li Yi continued on his way, riding the Crimson Tiger King. Just like Unending Unmatched, he was feeling conflicted.

He had eight years of experience in PK from the previous life, and he still barely won by the skin of his teeth. If he had not triggered an evasion just now, he would have already lost.

If he had used his pets earlier, it definitely would not have been such a close call. The Violent Bear King would definitely be able to restrain Unending Unmatched, but if he had resorted to that, he would not be able to grow in terms of his own technique.

The scenes from that battle kept replaying in his head, and Li Yi patiently looked for a breaking point.

There were no natural-born powerhouses in this world. Li Yi was not one, at the very least. He had relied on his own effort, reaching this point step by step, Although his progress came slowly, it was very steady.

Running strategies through his head the entire time, Li Yi arrived at Blood Moon Village.

It was a dilapidated little town, and even the NPCs wore shabby clothes. Compared to Li Yi’s Shattered Frost City, the difference was like heaven and hell.

The Eastern Continent’s legendary character, the Werewolf Archer Uravi stayed here.

She had once fought alongside Augustus and defeated the invading demon army. She killed a great demon general with three arrows and once destroyed a demon army of over ten thousand soldiers all on her own. These were all examples of Uravi’s illustrious achievements.

When Li Yi walked into the straw hut at the very center of Blood Moon Village, he saw the legendary Werewolf Archer, the Blood Moon Village Chief, Uravi.

In the eyes of the immortal Dragon Rider Augustus, Uravi had always been an adorable little girl. However... That was 80 years ago.

Now, Uravi’s hair had all gone white. She had gone from being a young girl to becoming an old woman.

Although she was still carrying a blood-red longbow on her back, Li Yi could not see how she could possibly draw that bow anymore. That was because her back was extremely hunched to the point her silhouette looked like a shriveled-up prawn.

“Archery Omnipotence? Haha, boy, congratulations, you’ve come to the right place.”

Upon asking Li Yi for his origins, Uravi burst out laughing and nodded, indicating that she knew Archery Omnipotence.

“Shouldn’t you show some sincerity when asking for help, boy? The bats outside the village have gotten very annoying recently. They keep harassing the village. Go exterminate the bats and bring me 200 bat tails.”

Li Yi turned around and left the house. 10 seconds later, he came back in and happily gave Uravi the bat tails. There were exactly 200 tails.

Having completed the mission, Li Yi obtained 10,000EXP and 110 points of Reputation Value with Blood Moon Village.

Uravi pinched one of the bat tails, praising him, “That was pretty fast. Hmm, go get me some tasty and rare fish, too.”

Li Yi turned out of the house and returned again, taking out the rare fish Uravi wanted from his Backpack.

He brought 30 types of fish, but Uravi only wanted 10 types.

Li Yi obtained another 10,000EXP and 110 points of Reputation Value with Blood Moon Village.

Uravi put the 200 bat tails and 5 types of the rare fish into a large pot, cooking them. She even licked her lips as she cooked, to Li Yi’s utter disgust.

This old white-haired grandmother in front of his eyes used to be the most beautiful woman among the Werewolves. Now, however, it was clear that time spared no one...

“Archery Omnipotence is a realm to achieve. When you achieve that realm, the arrow is you and you are the arrow. Do you understand me, boy?”

“I do. Li Yi nodded hastily in order to circumvent Uravi’s explanation.


Uravi nodded, taking the blood-red longbow from her back and tossing it to Li Yi.

“Take this Wolf Soul Bow and go bring me back some Soul Crystals.”


[Congratulations! You’ve obtained the Cursed Wolf Soul Bow.]

[Cursed Wolf Soul Bow (orange quality]

[Equipment Level (no level restrictions)]

[Damage 10−20]

[STR +1]

[AGI +1]

[Special effect: Crit Rate increased by 30%.]

[Special effect: Increases shooting range by 20 yards, increases ATK SPD by 20%.]

[Special effect: For every enemy killed, the Wolf Soul Bow will automatically absorb a Soul Crystal. When it has 10 Soul Crystals, the Wolf Soul Bow’s attributes will double. This effect can be stacked. Restriction: This does not apply when fighting monsters above Level 30.)]

[Note: This is the Werewolf Uravi’s most prized weapon, with several tens of thousands of vengeful souls trapped within the bow. (This bow has been cursed by Uravi.)]

When players equipped this bow, their attributes would decrease. The longer they held it, the more their attributes would fall, and this effect remained when the bow was placed into the Backpack as well. The only way to have the player’s attributes return to normal would be to throw away this bow.

A new quest had appeared in Li Yi’s Quest Pane, titled Collect Souls.

[Collect Souls: Equip this seemingly OP bow and try your hand at defeating monsters outside. Once you have collected enough Soul Crystals, return it to Uravi.]

The quest did not state how many he had to collect. In other words, chance was a deciding factor that would determine how many crystals he needed to complete the quest.

Every time he killed a monster, there was a possibility he would obtain a Soul Crystal (to be automatically added to the Backpack). If he killed an elite or a boss, those chances would be drastically higher.

There were only these random scattered monsterlings around Blood Moon Village, such as bats. Li Yi ran out of the village and farmed for half an hour but could not even obtain one Soul Crystal.

Li Yi rubbed the Return City Stone and returned to Shattered Frost City.

If it was not working, he might as well go for a change of scenery.

Uravi had placed a restriction on the Wolf Soul Bow, so it did not work on targets above Level 30. Hence, Li Yi had to choose lower-level targets.

It had only been slightly over half an hour, but Li Yi’s attributes had already decreased by a tenth of its original value. At this rate, Li Yi would become useless before long. Of course, if he did not want to continue this quest, he could throw away this bow whenever he wanted and have his attributes return to normal.

While his attributes had not decreased too much, Li Yi ran to the Aegean Forest and farmed the Heroic-level Frost Labyrinth.

It posed no difficulty for him at all. He bulldozed his way through, and when he reached Ordas, the latter was shot to death before he could even rise into the sky and use Flurry of Dancing Snow.

After completing this dungeon, Li Yi obtained a total of 3 Soul Crystals. Unfortunately, though, he did not receive the ‘quest complete’ notification.

His attributes had fallen by 30%. Li Yi completed Pinnacle of the Fire as quickly as he could, soloing the small 5-man dungeon.

He completed the Heart of the Fire Dungeon, obtaining 10 Soul Crystals. The quest still was not over, however, and his attributes were 70% lower by then.

It was not just his attributes, even his pets’ attributes had decreased as well. Take the Violent Bear King for example. It initially had 6,000+HP, but now, when it was summoned, it did not even have 900HP.

He could not solo this anymore...

No wonder they said epic-level quests were a pain. This was just the beginning, too, so what would it become later?

Li Yi frowned. He initially wanted to call someone over to carry him, but just then, he saw a few people at the entrance of another 5-man dungeon hollering that they wanted an Archer, so he ran up to them.

There were 4 people standing outside the dungeon entrance, namely a healing paladin (Holy Paladin), a main tank (Holy Shield Paladin), and two Punishment Paladins. They were all melee armored classes. When the captain saw Li Yi’s request to enter the party, he approved it without even looking.

“The Archer’s here, let’s go, let’s go.”

The captain hurriedly entered the dungeon, and Li Yi darted in as well.

They had gone into a small 5-man Entrance-level dungeon in the Pinnacle of the Fire, called Blazing City Wall. As the drop rates and EXP awarded were both low, Li Yi never ran it, not even once.

“Archer, separate those monsters.”

The leader of the casual party, Mari, sat on the ground and pointed forward. Two Fire Dwarfs were sitting together in front of them.

‘I have to separate even those two monsterlings?’

Li Yi was slightly taken aback, but he cast Mislead on the team’s main tank and then released an arrow before using Pseudocide.

One Fire Dwarf ran toward them, and the leader of the random party said, “Good technique.”

“...” said Li Yi.

The main tank pulled the aggro and Li Yi dealt damage to complement them.

It took them quite a while before they could finally kill the Fire Dwarf. That main tank got the short end of the stick and even died once.

“Archer, your DPS isn’t very high, is it?” The casual party leader gave it quite some thought before he finally figured out why.

“Sorry, my equipment’s pretty lacking. You guys can find someone else if you wanna.”

“Nah, it’s good as long as you can pull aggro to split them monsters up. Leave the rest to us.” When he saw that Li Yi was going to leave, the casual party leader quickly waved his hand.

“Sure, don’t worry about my luring skills,” said Li Yi with a smile,

“Then what are you waiting for?” The casual party leader pointed at the lonely little Fire Dwarf.

“What, do I need to lure a single monster too?” Li Yi gulped.

When he saw that Li Yi was still wasting time, the main tank grew agitated. “If you don’t, won’t it OT? We’re telling to lure it, so just do it. Hurry.”


These two sure were in a hurry. He might as well do as they said since he was just looking for a party as well.

Li Yi used Mislead on the main tank, shot an arrow, and then used Pseudocide, falling to the ground.

The Fire Dwarf rushed at them, wailing...

Soon enough, the Fire Dwarf had been taken down. The casual party leader touched it, and with a “ding”, he received a blue-quality longbow.

“Blue equipment!”

All four of them chose Need without exception.

Li Yu was stunned...

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