Minute Mage: A Time-Traveling LitRPG Progression Fantasy

Announcement: Short Break

Announcement: Short Break

Hello everyone,

I'm just putting this here to say that I'll be going on a short break. There will be no chapters from today through Wednesday of next week. Due to a mixture of me going out of town for that period, plus me still needing to do all of my schoolwork during that same time, I do not anticipate being able to find time to write on top of it all. Sorry if this is disappointing to any of you who were looking forward to the next chapters! I promise that I'll try to use any free time I have during the break I'm taking to work through some brainstorming and try to ensure the story is even better when I return.

Anyway, I'll keep this short and won't waste your time. If any of you are at Dragoncon in Atlanta, Georgia, come see me! That's where I'll be for the next week; my publisher is having me come down as an author. I hope you all have a wonderful week, and to anyone else in school, I hope you all have a good semester! Here's to hoping we all get A's :)

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