Max Talent Player

Chapter 84: Laying Bear Bait (2)

Chapter 84: Laying Bear Bait (2)

Mr. Kim Kangchul, I said, trying to remember what his actual title was. Oh, right. It was Team Leader. Team Leader of the Player Scouting Team.

Yes, Mr. Kim Hyukjin.

He wasnt affected by Mettle anymore, but I could feel he was more restrained with me.

Somehow it feels like we are being treated like subordinates.

Surely not. Thats not the case at all. Kim Kangchul shook his head, his expression earnest. It is just that we wish to acquire slightly more precise information about the gate that just formed, as well as confirm Player casualties. We must know what happened in the gate in detail. That is the duty of the Players Association.

Players Association was the grand name for what was actually a private subsidiary of Sungshin. In other words, this was all just a corporations profit-seeking.

For now, I kept up the charade and put it nicely.

It sounds like you intend on building a database.

Yes. We will gather all kinds of data and make a large collection of information. In a way that will help mankind.

It wasnt information that would help mankind, but information that would help Sungshin. But I didnt say that. They were doing what was profitable for them, and I, of course, was doing the same. That wasnt bad. Rather, it was all too natural. It was just that there was no need for me to lower myself for their profit.

And if I dont want to cooperate?

You will have no choice but to cooperate.

He was exuding the same peculiar confidence I had felt last time, too.

Even though hes a team leader

It wasnt like his insight was particularly outstanding.


  1. Ordinary Person Hungry for Success

A lot could be inferred from his summary. Ordinary Person being in his summary meant that he was a regular guy with no special traits.

In ten years, hell become the Players Associations Head of Personnel.

Making it fairly high up despite having ordinary abilities could only mean one thing. He either hugged the right thigh, or made a good impression on his superior. He was good at climbing the so-called corporate ladder.

Thats why he hasnt recognized the worth of Players and is responding like this.

Had President Song really not known that Kim Kangchul would act like this?

No. He must have known.

I had an inkling that he purposefully sent Team Leader Kim. He picked out a person who could act calmly, without a hint of reserve. That was the Presidents tactic to maintain this farce. He was also bound to be curious as to how I would handle his grandson, a long-time sufferer of chuunibyou.

You seem to be very confident.

Because all Players in Korea will become members of the Korean Players Association.

Is that law?

It wasnt. It was just that the Players themselves hadnt realized their own value and were still dazed after the whirlwind of events where several Players died. That was why they were cooperating with Sungshin.

It will soon become law.

I had no doubt it would. After all, Sungshin had an enormous sway over the government.


As enormous and powerful as Sungshin was, the latent power and worth we Players held was just as big.

By soon, you mean that it isnt law yet. I took a step closer to Kim Kangchul. Im not very happy about this high-handed atmosphere, the feeling of being interrogated. I refuse to cooperate with Sungshin in such a situation. I am not an employee of Sungshin.

The prey should be taking the bait around now. I could feel Song Jinchuls body trembling with rage.

And I have absolutely zero desire to kneel to a rude brat like him.

Considering that he submitted to Mettle earlier, his pride was surely well and properly dented.

Summary: Self-Proclaimed Chosen One Whose Pride is Injured

Mister. Move.

My target was never Kim Kangchul. It was always the young rascal named Song Jinchul. Kim Kangchul stepped back.

Did someone shit in your cereal? Is your head for show? Do you not know who I am?

Of course I did. A 3rd generation chaebol spoiled brat. I retorted back, Do you know who I am?


Just why the hell are you kicking up a fuss when you dont even know who I am?

Jinchuls eyes filled with astonishment. He was really easy to handle. This chaebol young master had surely never experienced such treatment before. A delusional edgelord just needed to be treated like a delusional edgelord.

Does being a 3rd generation chaebol kid make you invulnerable to pain?

Y-Youuuu! Jinchuls body quivered, and then he burst out with a stream of hostility. I am Song Jinchul! The person who will one day become the rightful master of Sungshin!

After revealing his identity, Song Jinchul puffed out his chest. The powerful name Sungshin filled him with hot air.

Whats wrong? Scared?

As if. I gave him an intentional smirk. A middle school student who talks down to a team leader of Sungshin. A young kid with no qualifications who can willfully barge into matters between Players and the Association. A moron with not a single rats tail of respect or manners. Even without Eye of Perception, I would have realized who this brat was. Anyone could tell with their eyes closed that youre most likely a 3rd generation chaebol brat.


Song Jinchuls face flushed red hot.

State: Very Angry

All the other emotions had been pushed aside, making it so that Eye of Perception could pick up only rage. The boy was very mad, it seemed.

Song Jinchul spat out, You. Youre going to regret this.

Do you want me to make you feel regret right now?

I took one step closer. The three bodyguards behind Jinchul stepped in front of him, almost like they were his guardian knights. But it was fine; Id never intended on laying a hand on the kid anyway.

Now, hell run off to grandpa and tell him what happened today.

What President Songs spoiled grandson would tell him would inevitably differ from what Kim Kangchul would tell him. The kid would probably spill the whole story without a filter.

I looked Song Jinchul dead in the eye. The information we have is essentially new culture. That will soon become the driving force for the future.


President Song Kiyoung, please listen up.

I wont sell my worth for mere peanuts. I smirked again. And especially not to a spoiled brat like you.


No matter how young you might be, its clear that youve got absolutely zero eye for things. Do you think a 3rd generation chaebol kid like you could really inherit the company? Is your grandpa really so foolish?

I blatantly attacked the premier chaebol of Korea, as well as Song Kiyoung himself. All of my words would no doubt enter the Presidents ears via his grandson. Without a filter.

[The Merchant of Venice is greatly satisfied by your attitude and guts.]

It seemed the Merchant of Venice liked my response, too.

Considering President Songs personality

I had already met the President once. He might be slightly incensed that I went after a young kid, but he was definitely not one to mix private and work matters. He would actually end up seeing me in a new light. After all, there werent many people who could talk to Jinchul like this even after knowing he was President Songs grandson. At least, not in Korea.

Ill show you that this kind of method wont work on me, on us.

I didnt look kindly to being treated like a criminal dragged to the interrogation room and being made to share each and every thing that happened, rewards and tips included. In this rapidly changing new world, information was essentially money, power, and authority. I couldnt just sit here and let that be taken from me with cattle prods.

And even if I were to give you information, there should be appropriate compensation.

I was sending President Song a message loud and clear through his grandson. Instead of using a method like this, come with a more attractive carrot next time. Something a little better than a pathetic 2 million annual salary contract. Something a little more appropriate for our worth.

If its President Song, hell get what Im saying.

That was enough for using Jinchul as my mouthpiece.

* * *

Alright, Ive laid the framework.

Now, it was time for the slightly bigger picture. There were two reasons why I refused to cooperate with them. The first was that I didnt want to lower our value and asking prices. The second was to make someone witness our quarreling.

Someone in this room. I glimpsed someone with a bulky physique walking over in a rage. Someone like the Brown Bear Kim Taechun.

Taechun had already lost to Yeonseo in a 1 vs. 1 and was one-sidedly beaten by Yoohyun, so his pride mustve been sorely bruised. Despite that, his summary was still Self-Proclaimed Predator. It seemed he was still riding the hero high from destroying the pillars.

Taechun has labeled me as prey.

I had already sensed his gaze stabbing into me. My Eye of Perception continuously picked up a gaze prickly with not-so-friendly intentions. There was no doubt that the Courageous Lion Kings quest was still unfinished.

The picture was all drawn out.

You must be desperate to catch the eye of Sungshin, yes?

If he wanted to do that, hed have to pick a fight with me. He also had decent justification to do so, since I was the only one refusing to cooperate. If he suppressed me, he would look very valiant.


But he was hesitating and not rushing in. From the look in his eyes and the energy I could feel from him via Eye of Perception, he clearly wanted to dash over and shout, Whyre you the only one acting out, you bluffing piece of shit! But he was holding back.

Wait, I think its because Yoohyun and Yeonseo are next to me.

I realized the reason.

Yoohyun and Yeonseo, go somewhere else. Naturally. Without making it obvious, I said quietly, turning briefly to the two.

Yoohyun immediately started whistling. There wasnt even music, but he even danced with his shoulders. All of a sudden? Whistling, here? I told him to not make it obvious, but he made it so awkward I nearly withered on the inside. Sung-gu shook his head and followed, muttering, Haah, that idiot.

I shouldnt make him act.

It looked, by all accounts, that I shouldnt make Yoohyun act.

In comparison, Yeonseo slipped away and blended into another group of Players rather naturally. From her noticeably light steps, I suspected she was using her movement skill.

That left just me, Sunghyun, and Sunhwa.

Sunghyun is a thorn in his side.

Sunghyun played a decisive role in the Hill of Blowing Wind clear. Taechun was sure to be unhappy with him.

And Sunhwas easy to underestimate.

As far as Taechun could see, I no longer had anyone to protect me.

Hell come now, right?

Sure enough, the large man approached. This bear was very good at taking bait.

Oi. Ive been listening over there. He came right up to me, looming over me with his massive frame. He lived up to his nickname. Youre being a bit harsh there. Do you think all the Players here are stupid? The folks from the Association are saying we should work together to gather data, so whyre you being so difficult? Are you the only one whos too good for this?

What do you think the folks from the Association will do after gathering the data?

Well obviously, theyll make things way better for later Playing. Cause well have more info.

Once again, I smirked. Perhaps finding my actions amusing, the Merchant of Venice sent me a gift.

[The Merchant of Venice sends you the temporary skill Smiling Provocation.]

Like the name suggested, it was an ability that would make the opposite party feel terrible as you smiled at them. It wasnt some big awesome skill, and later, it would even be frequently used via scrolls. The ability was something akin to a joke.

[Using the temporary skill Smiling Provocation.]

I smirked, knowing that it would greatly irritate Taechun.

Do you truly think it will make things better for Playing? I shook my head, as if telling him he was wrong. Surely you dont think the Players Association is moving for the good of the public? Since when has Sungshin been a charity?

At this time, the Players Association would not act for the good of the public. They were 100% a private subsidiary working for Sungshin.

This is a place where Sungshin, recognizing the value of new tech, invited Players, the people most closely related to new tech.

To say it outright

Its laughable that theyre already treating us like their company employees. Its hard to tell whether theyve invited us or are interrogating us.

Taechuns face reddened a little.

We dont have a superior-subordinate relationship. Raising my voice a little, I said, This is a type of business cooperation, one where our interests must align for us to work together. Do you think that in a business, the other party will give me equal treatment if Im lowering my worth, taking initiative to bow down low, and scrambling to present myself as a slave? Idiot.

I continued to read his mood with Eye of Perception.

Thats right. Get mad. Exactly as I want you to.

Is that block above your shoulders an ornament?

I never intended on having a logical debate with Kim Taechun. That wasnt his role in the picture I was drawing.

Shit like you whos all bark and no bite dares! Taechun fumed. I tolerated you because youre a non-combat class, but theres no second chance for you, you piece of shit.

Thats right. In my scenario, this is your role. Getting whipped into a frenzy, I sneered inwardly. Up to this point, the scene was progressing as I wished.

[The Nameless Observer is observing you.]

[The Courageous Lion King ridicules your articulate mouth.]

[The Whispering Devil is having fun.]

[The Merchant of Venice has a high evaluation of you.]

The next part was already set in stone.

As I thought.

The situation unfolded exactly as I conceived it.

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