Max Talent Player

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

If you were to pick the most famous Players in Korea, it would be the 8 Heroes, the Players who achieved legendary feats while clashing against the Demon King Army.

But there were definitely Players who werent heroes, but known to be just as strong or possibly even stronger.

Players who didnt sacrifice themselves for the public or the greater good.

The Player who could be called the apex of them, Divine Archer Hyun Junghwa, was sponsored by the Night of Shooting Stars.

[The Night of Shooting Stars wishes to sponsor you.]

There was something that set the Night of Shooting Stars slightly apart from other Guardians.

A Stage 2 Guardian.

There wasnt an exact line between Stage 1 and Stage 2 Guardians. What people called Stage 1 Guardians were the beings that had sponsored and watched Players from the very beginning. The Stage 2 Guardians were the ones that descended on the scene like comets afterwards, lavishing more wholehearted and lively sponsorship than before.

To put it coarsely

If the Stage 1 Guardians were likened to the established gentry that had possessed their wealth for a long time, the Stage 2 Guardians could be said to be nouveau riche who obtained their wealth overnight.

Nouveau riche wasnt meant in a bad way here. It was actually extremely good for the Players.

Those who suddenly earn their wealth are bound to use their money freely and unstintingly.

In other words, the Stage 2 Guardians were Guardians who suddenly appeared once the intermediate period was well underway and heaped full and enthusiastic sponsorship on a few lucky Players. Of course, there were Guardians among them who disappeared as suddenly as they had come. There were also Guardians who demanded as much as they sponsoredin other words, picky Guardians.

In that respect, the [Night of Shooting Stars]... is like winning the lottery for a Player.

He wasnt very hard to please, heaped nouveau riche-level sponsorship, and enjoyed Playing in itself. He didnt coerce anything from the Player, but derived great enjoyment from raising their contracted Player to the limits.

He only sends messages only to a select few who have excellent talent.

In addition

In the end, there were only two people worldwide who passed the Night of Shooting Stars final selection.

One was the representative of Koreas archers, the top-class Player Hyun Junghwa.

The other was the representative of Americas archers, the top-class Player Mark.

Both of them possessed peerless talent for archery and were famous for shooting up in the ranks faster than anyone. Naturally, that incredible speed of growth was actively orchestrated by the Night of Shooting Stars.

I have to grab him.

Stage 1 Guardians were on the stingy side when it came to sponsorships. No matter how exceptionally you Played, they would give maybe 300 or 500 Coins max. They did occasionally give out good scenario quests, but in any case, it was like interning compared to what the Night of Shooting Stars had to offer.

Senia. Please.

I hoped she would butter up the Night of Shooting Stars a little. With a fish this big in her stream, it would be really great if she would show him a proper reaction for once.


I decided not to expect too much from Senia. Expecting something from her was like relying on luck, and luck wasnt something I could do anything about.

Not with luck, but with skill.

The Night of Shooting Stars valued skill. He was a Guardian who felt enjoyment from a Players growth. Which meant, what I had to do was show him Night of the Shooting Stars-worthy archer talent.

For now, I was given an initial quest.

[You have been given the quest Qualifications of an Outstanding Bowman.]

This was a quest granted by none other than the Night of Shooting Stars. I checked it immediately.

[Qualifications of an Outstanding Bowman]

The Night of Shooting Stars wants to determine your qualifications as a bowman. Display excellent archery. Quest clear or failure will be decided independently by the Night of Shooting Stars.

To be honest, these kinds of quests werent good. They didnt have a concrete goal. It was the kind of quest where you could work your ass off to show something, and the Guardian could just say Yeah no, this aint it, I dont like it and you failed the quest. Superficial and small-minded Guardians pulled such stunts often, and Players called it dine-and-dash.

But the other party is the Night of Shooting Stars.

He was definitely credible. He could be trusted. The Night of Shooting Stars was an extremely generous Guardian, and as long as what you had to show matched his tastes, he would shower you with bona-fide rewards that matched your performance point for point. The proof of that was below:

Reward: Tome of the Divine Archer Physique

A Tome of the Divine Archer Physique, of all things, was the reward.

The scale of the reward

I had really underestimated the scale of the Stage 2 nouveau riche Guardians, considering a freaking Tome of the Divine Archer Physique was being directly awarded by a Guardian.

Its half a notch above the Tome of the Divine Fire Physique.

Not in ability, but in scarcity.

Tome of the Divine Fire Physique.

Tome of the Divine Wind Physique.

Tome of the Divine Water Physique.

And so on. There were maybe ten physique tomes of each element discovered worldwide, at most. Of course, they were obtained by the strongest Players, aka the Rankers, of each element.

But this Tome of the Divine Archer Physique was a little different in nature.

An artifact related not to an element, but a class.

It was an item that maximized ones dormant potential for a class, and rarer than an element physique tome. That, of course, made it extremely valuable.

Ill have to change my plans a little.

I was planning on hunting the Black Troll my way, but I would need to tweak the process a little. A big fish had graced our pond, and one so big he could hardly be compared to others. A generous Guardian who doled out sponsorships to Players by the bucket.

I have to grab him, whatever it takes.

It just so happened that good prey was waiting upstairs. A Grade 4 Exotic Black Troll.

Itll be the optimal monster to show the Night of Shooting Stars.

I would show my precious VIP how an archer who had picked up a bow for the first timeI decided to act as an archer for nowwould hunt a Black Troll.

* * *

* * *

Song Junghye was furious.

Kim Hyukjin

As a 3rd generation daughter of a chaebol family, she had lived the high life. But for some reason, nothing seemed to go her way whenever Kim Hyukjin was involved.

Oppa has changed ever since he met that bastard, too.

That was both good and bad. She liked that her brother had risen to suit the Sungshin successor mantle more, but she didnt like that he was becoming a hopeless dreamer.

Oppa is too weak, anyway. Hes an idealist.

In the end, Sungshin belonged to her. To that end, she had to bring down Taeguk Shield and break her brother.

My plan to use the Fire Giants also went up in smoke.

Shed had a plan. She was in the middle of silently preparing to use 30,000 people as sacrifices when suddenly, Kim Hyukjin and her brother appeared out of nowhere and ruined everything.

Bring down Taeguk Shield, and

What method could raise the status of the guild Song Junghye had established, the Blue Spearhead? And how could she obtain the Red Eyes?

Her thoughts twisted and turned. Just then, she heard a knock. It was the explorer she had met in the past, Jackson.

I have come bearing a piece of good news. Well, its a trade, so to speak, Jackson said.

What kind of information?

Jackson pointed to a part of his phone screen.

This place. Do you know it?

It was marked as the Gran Seoul.

I do. Its a building near the D-Tower.

A dungeon should have formed here.

How do you know that?

My class can tell. Im an Exploring Baptist, after all.

Song Junghye nodded. The reason he knew wasnt important. The only thing that mattered was that a dungeon would appear there.

By my guess, it will become an extremely important dungeon. A dungeon that everyone must clear, no matter what, without fail, and by all means.

Youre saying that

That the early bird gets the worm.

Song Junghye looked Jackson right in the eye. He didnt seem to be lying.

The groundwork to open the Gran Seoul Dungeon is currently underway.

I know. The field has been isolated.

Like with the Tutorial Field, it was impossible to go inside. No one on the outside knew what scenario or quest was happening inside.

The fun thing is that Player Kim Hyukjin is inside.

Song Junghyes brow twitched. Jackson quickly continued.

Knowing him, he will probably breeze through the scenario there and come out.

He left the possibility that Kim Hyukjin might have grown once again unsaid. He concentrated solely on relaying the information.

Once the scenario is cleared, the Gran Seoul Dungeon will open.

Jackson figured that was enough for Song Junghye to get the point, and she caught on.

Very well. Ill trust your information.

If you examine the records in the Players Associations database, you will find that there are people with the ability necessary to lay claim on gate and dungeon entrances.

After hearing that much, Song Junghye closed her eyes for a moment as if thinking about something. A very brief moment later, she asked, What do you want from me, Jackson?

Jackson responded with a merry smile.

I need the head of Player Kim Hyukjin.

Whether he was serious or joking, it was impossible to tell.

* * *

The Grade 4 Exotic Black Troll was a monster endowed with immense physical strength and massive regeneration abilities. However, it was also a monster with a very fatal weakness.

Englands famous guild, Imperialism, once shared this weakness of the Black Troll.

The Black Troll is a troll with black skin. Notably, there are black spots on that black skin.

Black spots on top of black skin. They couldnt be seen by normal means. It was almost impossible to distinguish them with the naked eye.

Those spots can be linked into a single line. If you succeed in making that line with attacks, the Black Troll will lose its regen ability.

Basically, you had to attack the spots all over the trolls body in a set order, spot by spot. The strategy required not just random hacking and slashing, but a careful and measured approach.

I was going to use my quick movements and my special skill, Flash Step, as well as Isabels Sword of Insight to slowly bring the troll down. Because as long as I could get near somehow, Sword of Insight would carve a path.

I can afford to take a hit or two.

It was a fact that a Black Troll felt like nothing after facing the Fire Giants. Though of course, it was still a monster with an average level of 40, so it couldnt be underestimated.


But my plans changed. The Night of Shooting Stars, of all Guardians, was watching. I had to satisfy them. That was my first priority right now.

Another notice came in as if to echo my conviction.

[The Night of Shooting Stars is very expectant.]

I was determined to meet those expectations in full.

But somethings missing right now.

I was just a little short of being able to fulfill those expectations, so I opened my mouth. As always, it was high risk, high return. How you controlled the risk you were to undertake in order to gain that return was purely up to the individual. I would control the risk.

Because this stage was a stage being built by my hands.

In order to draw a more perfect picture than before, I spoke.

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