Max Talent Player

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

When you thought about it, the System wasnt just and unbiased. It just operated for a few Rules, and mankind hadnt been able to completely figure out what those were.

Lets assume that there can be Rules that contradict each other.

If I assumed the Rule applying to the System right now was sacrifices to open the Gran Seoul Dungeon are necessary, then it was a fixed fact that sacrifices were needed.

But what about the method to procure those sacrifices?

Luring and hunting by making a flash scenario that didnt exist in the past.

Was this method really a suitable Rule for the System? Or was it merely a workaround to create sacrifices? If this was a workaround

I recalled a saying.

A problem is a problem because someone thought of it as a problem. If no one takes issue with it, it wont become a problem.

There was some sense in it. If no one had an issue with something, it wouldnt become recognized as a problem. What if the same applied now?

The System isnt a party you can reason with.

If an Intermediate Administrator was using a cheat to make fools of the Players, you could just reason with them. They were a party you could reason with, to some extent. But not the System. Even if you tried to speak to nature, there was no way nature would listen.

Conversing with the System, huh

That was a totally different concept from physical speech. If you wanted to talk to the System, you needed a System method. And I realized what kind of method that was.

Judgment of the Law.

You could talk to the System by using a setting determined by the System.

[Judgment of the Law]

Regulations/laws created by the accord of societys majority.

Actions tacitly and universally deemed good.

The Systems Rule will be temporarily set to Just. The caster will be given the rights of an Arbitrator towards all acts that defy justice. The Arbitrator officially files objections to all acts that contradict justice, can mete out due punishment within set bounds to those who contradict justice, and will be conferred the requisite power and authority.

This was the item the Lady of the Scales had gifted me. I focused on one line in the description.

The Systems Rule will be temporarily set to Just.

Going off this sentence

Temporary justice.

That meant it wasntabsolute justice. That one sentence revealed that the System wasnt perfectly just by default.

The caster will be given the rights of an Arbitrator towards all acts that defy justice.

And if I used this and was given the rights of an Arbitrator, I would be able to talk to the System by way of the System.

I didnt think about it for long.

[Use Judgment of the Law?]

I used it right away.

[Judgment of the Law is taking effect.]

[Setting the target for Judgment of the Law.]

[Please think of the target for Judgment of the Law in concrete terms.]

I thought of it in concrete terms. The opening of the Gran Seoul Dungeon. The inadequate sacrifices to make that happen. Or the workaround, the crooked method produced by the Systems blind pursuit of its goal of creating sacrifices.

[Judgment of the Law has taken effect.]

[Judgment of the Law has discovered a factor that contradicts justice.]

My body suddenly seemed to grow light.

[You have received the rights of an Arbitrator.]

It was hard to put into words. It felt like my level instantly skyrocketedmy body was as light as a feather. It was just a feeling, but I felt powerful, like a wave of my hand could create typhoons and flames would shoot from my mouth when I spoke. Almost as if I had become a supreme being.

In an instant, I realized how I was supposed to think, how I should guide this situation.

I will correct the crooked workaround.

This one premise revealed the Arbitrators authority.

[Proclaim the Arbitrators command.]

[The Arbitrators command will become alive and correct the injustice.]

There was still a little time left in Cognitive Dissonance.

I shall correct the crooked workaround.

At the same time

[The Arbitrators command has been proclaimed.]

[Correcting the injustice.]

The world instantly turned to black and white, like a field with a Pause authority in effect.

[Restructuring the field.]

A Pause authority actually did take effect. The System voluntarily used a Pause authority without the interference of any Guardians or Intermediate Administrators. Id never seen such a thing happen before.

[Reestablishing justice in accordance to the Arbitrators command.]

[The System accepts the justice.]

[The difficulty of the field will be adjusted according to the level of the current Players and the scenario difficulty (Low).]

It was as I thought. The System used a cheat to achieve its objective. I corrected that cheat with Judgment of the Law.

The Players around me apparently heard the same notices.

Wait, the difficulty is greatly decreasing!

The heck is an Arbitrator?

No idea. In any case, the difficultys gone down.

In the meantime, a few Players ignored my warning and went into the D-Tower. Another few paced in front of the doors, some of whom turned and left.

I heard conversation all around me.

Hey, do you remember the face of that insanely strong-looking Player just now?


We should remember him if he showed that much strength, but

Yeah, his face was so ordinary that I dont remember it.

I cant remember his face at all. Kinda like

Like we had a dream?

Yeah, exactly! You know how you can remember what you dreamed right when you wake up but then forget it as time goes on? Kinda feels like that.

Same here. Its really fascinating.

Cognitive Dissonance had played its role well, it seemed. If there werent any Players here with the intuition to penetrate my Cognitive Dissonance, no one would remember me. They would all just be left with a fuzzy memory, a bare recollection of a Player who blocked the door and gave them a warning.

* * *

* * *

The notices continued for me.

[Scenario Outline acquired as per the Arbitrators rights.]

[The Arbitrators rights will last for as long as the current field exists.]

[The Scenario Outline will automatically expire when the current field expires.]

[Scenario Outline]

  1. Korean server scenario #311.

  2. Lives are required for the opening of the Gran Seoul Dungeon.

  • 31,100 Player deaths.

  1. Scenario progression: [Survive for 24 hours] or [At least 31,100 humans die]

All that was bolded. The condition to open the Gran Seoul Dungeon seemed to be the death of at least 31,100 people within 24 hours.

It feels like someone made a rough schema of the scenario.


A general description or plan.

The scenario definitely felt like a general description. Underneath the bold text were words in italics.

  1. In the case of a variable related to justice, total scenario revision.

  2. Revised field monster spawns.

  • City Fox: 11

  • City Wolf: 31

  • Lycanthrope: 22

  • Orc: 17

  • (Enhanced) Goblin Soldier: 1 (D-Tower 1st Floor)

  • Orc Warrior: 21 (D-Tower 2nd Floor)

  • Troll: 5 (D-Tower 2nd Floor)

  • Troll Soldier: 3 (D-Tower 2nd Floor)

  • Orc Archer: 5 (D-Tower 2nd Floor)

  • Fanged Mole: random spawn (D-Tower Underground 1st Floor)

  1. Dungeonization of the Gwanghwamun D-Tower.

  • 1st Floor: (Enhanced) Goblin Soldier same as the Tutorial Dungeon

  • 2nd Floor: Hidden Piece Find the Hidden Pathway!

Conditions to find the hidden pathway:

  1. Once found, mana crystal is used on the escalator

  2. Mana crystal: acquired upon destroying the green sedan on the Underground 1st Floor

  • Clear Crystal will be generated upon hunting all monsters on the 2nd Floor. Destroying the Clear Crystal will end the entire scenario.

  • 3rd floor: hidden monster: Black Troll spawn

I reeled back in shock.

What the hell?

I practiced justice using my Arbitrator rights and got this. For an outline, there was quite a lot of detail.

A Black Troll will show up?

A tremor shook through my body. My heart began to thud.

Thats a Grade 4 Exotic.

Later, people would start calling valuable and rare monsters Exotics. Exotics were made up of a total of five grades. Any Exotic was worth tens of thousands of dollars just for the corpse. Even the corpse of the lowest Grade 5 and relatively frequently spawning Leon was sold for $70,000.

But the Black Troll wasnt just a Grade 5, but a Grade 4.

A Grade 4 Exotic. The Black Troll.

Black Trolls had a very high chance of dropping an item called Regeneration Serum. Of the three to four Black Trolls found worldwide every month, one to two of them would drop a Regeneration Serum.

It wasnt in my plans, but even so, that was a monster I absolutely had to kill.

I can see where it is and what Im supposed to do.

The only problem was that I was an Observer and couldnt get the Regeneration Serum if I hunted the troll myself. That meant I would have to hunt it with the Players here.

That would be a bit hard

The overall level of the Players here was simply too low. Someone would inevitably die in the process of trying to get the Regeneration Serum. I missed my Giantgod party members.

Oh, but wait.

I recalled one of the notices that had streamed past earlier.

[The Arbitrators rights will last for as long as the current field exists.]

I was currently the Arbitrator. A sense of vigor was coursing through my veins like I had become a supreme being. Of course, I wasnt saying I was really a supreme being, but it definitely felt like it.

Maybe this sort of thing will work?

I thought of it in my head. If I temporarily had the rights of an Arbitrator within this field and thus held the true power to correct the workaround in effect within this field

[The Arbitrators rights are currently intact.]

Right now, I was an Arbitrator who could not condone this workaround and injustice. I had the power to rectify, or rather, the duty to rectify without fail. I focused on that. I wasnt all that aware of it, but I was probably meditating while standing up again.

[The System acknowledges the Arbitrators duty.]

[The Arbitrators role will temporarily assume the highest priority setting.]

[Based on the highest priority setting, the restriction conditions of the Observer class will be temporarily disabled.]

[The Arbitrators role is valid only while the current field exists.]

I just attempted it with a cant hurt to try attitude because I thought it might be possible, but it really worked.

What was this feeling? This familiar, yet unfamiliar feeling of just trying something and succeeding in one shot?

Whatever, its good for me that it worked.

The restriction conditions of the Observer class disappeared. At least within this field, I wasnt an Observer, but an Arbitrator. And from this situation, I became completely sure of one fact.

The penalties of the Observer class arent permanent.

They werent an absolute that could not be changed no matter what you did and tried. The penalty was bound to go away one day, maybe once I reached level 50 and had my second advancement or made a second contract with a new Guardian. Or when something happened afterwards.

Whatever it is I can get rid of this penalty.

When that happened, I would be able to stand tall and proud not as an observing sovereign, but as an acting sovereign. My heart continued to tremble.

I can become stronger.

That thought echoed in my brain. I could become truly strong. When I first came back to the past, my goal was just to live a happy and harmonious life with my family, to be the smith of my own life, but now, a slightly different goal seemed to have taken root in my heart.

Getting stronger is enjoyable.

It was like I simply came to enjoy Playing more. In this respect, I did indeed seem to have exceptional talent, though I would only be sure once I got past level 40.

In any case, I walked forward.

[Cognitive Dissonance is no longer in effect.]

The duration of Cognitive Dissonance ended. I walked past the crowd towards the D-Tower.

Hey, the buildings supposed to be dangerous.

Dude, think about it. With all the Players here, it might actually be safer here than inside!


A few people tried to stop me, but I didnt respond. I just made my way to the doors.

[Enter the D-Tower?]

I immediately went inside.

[Entering the D-Tower 1st Floor.]

The field changed, and I arrived on the 1st floor. I saw a few bodiesthey were the people who had rashly gone inside without heeding my warning. It was unfortunate, but there wasnt anything I could do for them. There didnt seem to be any survivors in the immediate vicinity. I walked forward.

Curiously, there was something that sparked my interest.

Oh ho.

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