Max Talent Player

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

For now, lets try it.

If it worked, great. If it didnt, whatever. I had a lot more breathing room in this fight than I expected, so I could afford to give it a try.

Noahs Helm.

I analyzed its flow. Analyzed, aka deciphered, using Observers Eyes power to see the true nature of things.

The unique ability flowing out of the item is

I couldnt put it into words, but I could feel the gist of it.

And this is how its taking effect.

I had no idea if it would work, but I was going to try fusing one of my abilities with the items effect.

[Using the special ability Mettle.]

Unlike when I normally used the skill, I deciphered the true nature and flow of the skills power, observing and researching it. While I was doing so, one of the zombies buried its teeth into my arm.



Like a hunting dog latching on prey, the zombie went slack, its teeth lodged deep in my arm.


I was bitten, but it wasnt a fatal blow. This much I could handle, no problem. The pain of teeth ripping through my flesh, I could endure. Because there was something more important right now, something that took priority. And more honestly speaking, because I could afford to ignore it.

The flow of Mettle.

I examined how Mettle worked, how this special ability exerted its power on the world.

If I combine that flow with the unique ability of Noahs Helm

The zombie biting my arm flinched.

It works.

It was difficult to pull it off in one try, but I could see that it was possible.

If I focus, I can definitely do it.

It would be perfect if I could pull off the Will Incantation right now, but I didnt feel the itchiness that tickled my heart whenever I did the Incantation. Unfortunately, I couldnt expect the Will Incantations power right now.

With my strength alone

I would make it happen. I would combine the two abilities in my possession to make them a little more special.

I can do it.

I was sure of it.

This flow, and that one. Theyre not incompatible.

They seemed to match well enough. The faltering zombie on my arm returned to savaging my arm, and another clamped down on my leg.

Ive got plenty of HP.

If it came down to it, I could just use the Absorption ability fused into my body. I focused on the flow, ignoring the zombies attacks.

I can do it.

I heard a notice.

[A special condition has been fulfilled.]


[The proficiency of Observers Eye has increased.]

The detailed explanation of Observers Eye automatically popped up.

[Detailed Explanation]

  1. Skill name: Observers Eye (Current proficiency: 2)

  2. Skill effect:

    • Flow Perception: Visualize the flow of nature.

    • Action Duplication: Copy the actions of an observation target (currently cannot be used).

    • Title Duplication: Use the title and similar abilities of an observation target (currently cannot be used).

    • Ability Share: Share an ability with designated observation targets (currently cannot be used).

  3. Conditions for use:

    • Must possess the ability Calm Observers Eye.

    • Must be contracted with the Nameless Observer.

    • Must be in a private area set for Playing.

  4. Innate ability:

    • Unique Ability Fusion

The proficiency went up to [2], and with it, an innate ability was unlocked.

A skill can have an innate ability?

Had that ever happened before? I had a good grasp on publicly known information, but I didnt know much about the World Above that belonged to the highest level Rankers. The longer I Played, the more astonishing truths I uncovered, like peeling an onion. This sort of thing might have happened in the past, but for me, it was a revelation.

An innate ability possessed by a skill itself.

That was what Unique Ability Fusion was. It was the ability to combine two of my abilities into one.

[Unique Ability Fusion]

An innate ability that discerns the flow of all abilities that fall into the unique ability category, thus combining unique ability with unique ability. However, fusion must be preceded by thorough observation.

The ability to combine unique ability with unique ability. And it had to be preceded by thorough observation.

That part, I had already done. I just needed to slot in the last puzzle piece. Instinctively, I manipulated the new, invisible sensation to match the puzzle that was just as invisible.

[Using the innate ability of Observers Eye, Unique Ability Fusion.]

[Controlling the range of the special ability Mettle.]

I was able to control the range of Mettle, setting it to only affect the ten lifeforms attacking me.


The zombies fell over. Some of them were even pressed to the ground, like they were being crushed by a powerful gravity wave.


They trembled uncontrollably, fully dominated by Mettle.

In exchange for limiting Mettles range

By limiting Mettles range, the effect was fine-tuned and amplified on the reduced number of targets. My level was 32, while theirs were 33 or 34. The highest level zombie among them was even 35.

Originally, Mettle applied to those who are of a lower level than the user.


Mettle is the aura of a ruler and the higher form of Pressure. It induces instinctive fear and awe in those who are of a lower level than the user.

Despite that condition, the zombies were fully subjected to the abilitys effects. By combining Mettle with the unique ability of Noahs Helm, I was able to use a far more effective version of the skill.

[The Courageous Lion King is impressed by your Mettle.]

[300 Coins have been sent as a sponsorship.]

The goal here was to display overwhelming skills. I was going to show the Guardians that I possessed the potent power of all things related to observation.

I instantly demolished the zombies crushed by Mettle, unable to resist.

* * *

* * *

I hunted down all three hundred Polluted Lifeforms. A Clear Crystal spawned in the middle of the Gyeonghoeru, but I ignored it.

[Polluted Lifeforms are respawning.]

Another three hundred monsters respawned. I hunted the whole lot again. I didnt get any EXP or items, but that was fine.

I cant clear the entire Gwanghwamun Dungeon on my own anyway.

The only place I could clear on my own was this field, Gyeonghoeru.

After clearing the Gyeonghoeru field seven times in succession, a crystal to leave the Gwanghwamun Dungeon will appear.

This strategy was extremely famous. Because the Gyeonghoeru was the optimal place for leveling up, the majority of Players learned about it before long.

[Polluted Lifeforms are respawning.]

[Polluted Lifeforms are respawning.]

[Polluted Lifeforms are respawning.]

After seven solo runs, a new crystal spawneda brown Clear Crystal. If I destroyed this, I wouldnt just leave the Gyeonghoeru field, but the Gwanghwamun Dungeon.

Ive shown everything there is to show.

I showed what I could and fully proved my qualifications. I physically showed them Im a Player with this much skill, a feat I was sure had made a deep impression on a lot of Guardians.

Ive proven my qualifications

I wrapped my hand over the brown Clear Crystal. It wasnt a full clear, but in any case, I was cutting my way out of this place via soloing.

To the Guardians, this is the big climax.

They would send messages. Sure enough

[The Nameless Observer is satisfied by their observation of you.]

Although observation wasnt the only thing I did, and I cleared this place by directly hunting, my performance satisfied my contracted Guardian.

Good, next.

I expected the White Hunter to jump forward with a message. They were the type of Guardian who went crazy for single Player battle and overwhelming force.

[The White Hunter is greatly satisfied by your Playing.]

[300 Coins have been sent as a sponsorship.]

If the White Hunter sent a message, the next to step forward would be the Conductor of Sound.

[The Conductor of Sound is impressed by your deeply cautious tactic.]

[400 Coins have been sent as a sponsorship.]

That made three Guardians total.

In order to hide his impatience the Shepherd Boy wont send a message.

I was sure the Shepherd Boy wouldnt send a message so that they could keep up their unconcerned faade. My prediction was spot on.

But little do you know, thats actually proof that youre feeling antsy.

The Nameless Observer, the White Hunter, and the Conductor of Sound. Who would be next?

[The Herdsman of Las Vegas offers a proposal.]

He proposed clearing the Gwanghwamun Dungeon in its entirety instead of destroying the brown Clear Crystal and leaving. It was exactly what I expected from the Herdsman of Las Vegas I knew.

I smiled inwardly, not showing it on my face.

I knew he would do this.

That proposal was one I could not accept. I would refuse.

Regarding the special proposal made by the Herdsman of Las Vegas I deeply apologize, but I do not think I can accept.

As long as I had a valid reason he could accept, the Herdsman of Las Vegas wouldnt be petty and resent me. And fortunately, I had an acceptable reason at hand.

I have realized the utility of the Red Eyes, and have come to need it.

Of course, that was a lie. These words were just bait for the Merchant of Venice.

The Shepherd Boy wants these Red Eyes. He has already given me a quest. Therefore, I need to leave and think long and hard about the quest I was given first.

I was saying that a different Guardian, and a very powerful tamer-class Guardian at that, gave me a quest first. Saying that I needed to focus on that quest first wasnt necessarily wrong.

[The Herdsman of Las Vegas nods at your explanation.]

Herdsman of Las Vegas, dont you worry. You, too, will end up galloping atop my stage. All the pieces I wanted had made their appearance. All except one.

[The Merchant of Venice shows deep curiosity towards the Red Eyes.]

As expected.

In the picture I drew out, the stage I prepared, the final piece made its entrance at last.

I knew the Red Eyes would be useful to me, too. But the Shepherd Boy wanted it. So what choice did I have left? Trade.

What trade would I make with the Shepherd Boy? What kind of trade would be held between a mere Player and a powerful Guardian?

Ive drawn the attention of countless Guardians with the battle just now.

The White Hunter and Conductor of Sound were making gaga eyes at me right now, and I proved that I was a Player with more than enough ability to propose a trade. I had the Guardians attention and interest in my palm, which I achieved through single Player battle, soloing.

In such a situation, even the Shepherd Boy cant do as he pleases with me.

If I asked the Shepherd Boy to trade out of nowhere, he might have accepted if I was really lucky, but there was a pretty high chance he would have refused. Not only that, but I would have likely been inviting his wrath. I might have even incurred a massive penalty the Ruler of the Plains little temper tantrum couldnt even hold a candle to.

But right now, its possible.

I proved myself. I earned the right through the Guardians, the right to trade on equal standing. With so many other Guardians involved, the Shepherd Boy couldnt act as he pleased.

Another Guardian who cherishes me, the Merchant of Venice, is proposing that I make a legitimate trade. In accordance with the Merchant of Venices will, I would like to propose a trade with the Shepherd Boy, a trade related to the Red Eyes.

The drawing was finishedthe dragon was painted in all its splendor. All that was left was to draw in its eye, the last stroke. The finishing touch on my grand scenario. It was time to meet the Shepherd Boy that had been dancing on my stage the entire time.

I heard a notice.

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