Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 167: Best Wishes

Chapter 167: Best Wishes

You can read 68 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


"I'm proud of you, son. You went beyond what I could and brought good change to the Galaxy. A General? The uniform suits you," Stakar Ogord entered the Freedom One ship where all the Federation Generals were meeting, as the fleet had already moved a good distance away from the enemy ships.

Yondu had a faint smile on his face, but he looked happy and proud of himself, "Thanks, old man."

"How is he going to deal with all of them?" Stakar asked him.

Shrugging, Yondu passed him a can of some drink, "Don't know. But he's going to do it. He always does it."


Out in space, Hector stayed put, standing in front of the enemy fleet that had stopped. Initially, they had started cheering, thinking the enemies were running away. But then their biggest enemy stood alone.

"Let's see, killing them with the Soul Stone is pretty easy. What does the Power Stone do?" He put each stone in one palm and made a closed fist. He let the power surge through him.

He knew he'd have died if he was not this strong and had a godly regenerative system. No mortal can possess these stones without special equipment.


Yellow and purple electric currents seemed to be passing through his body, each taking half of it. So he pulled the right fist back and thought about sending a powerful energy wave at the enemy fleet.


He punched towards the enemies. Suddenly, a purple energy beam came out of his fist and travelled straight towards a major flagship of the Kree.

Hector was soon left shocked as the ship got divided into two parts and was engulfed in explosions while all crew members died. It was too fast and too powerful. But understandable. The stone just destroyed a planet while not even at full power.

A small ginn appeared on his face. All those on the enemy warships that had focused on him shuddered at the sight. They quickly started to shout orders. "TURN AROUND! LEAVE! ESCAPE!"

But that was wishful thinking. This war was to end today, right at that moment. So Hector closed his eyes and tried to use the Soul stone to sense all the souls nearby.

~I wonder if I can kill all of them with the soul stone and get rid of their bodies with the power stone without hurting the ships.~

There were thousands of warships, after all, and these could severely help the Galactic Federation add more muscle.

Hector then opened his eyes while they were shining in yellowish-orange light due to the Soul Stone's power surging through him. He then joined both the wrists of his hands and pulled them back towards the right side of the waist, "Here it goes... hmm.. what was it? Kaaa-meeee-haaameee-HAAAAA!"


A wave of purple and yellow energy swept all around him, and then a beam came out from it and travelled towards his targets. They all were trying to run away as quickly as possible.

Soon, the first ship got hit by it, and thankfully, only some paint got chipped off. Then the energy travelled through the walls. The first person to be hit was a soldier relieving himself in the bathroom.

He looked down and suddenly found something missing. His little sausage had disappeared, "WHAT THE! NOOOOO... IT WENT INSIDE ME?"



He felt no pain. His body simply turned into fine dust slowly. The same happened throughout the ship, and then the entire fleet. Some were sleeping, some were eating, and some were just working. They died indiscriminately. Many of them were possibly good people, but they allied with the wrong side, and Hector didn't want to deal with military men who were brainwashed to enslave.

He could possibly change them and rehabilitate them, but what would be the cost? After five years of these two galaxy-wide wars, they needed to focus on rebuilding. And he was no saint to begin with, not in his last life, nor this life.

While the enemies got themselves erased, Hector was amazed at the scale of destruction these stones could inflict. No wonder it is one of the most coveted things in the Universe. But it was also true that holding these stones was more dangerous than using them since all these powerful beings who wish them would go after the current holder.

He thought about what to do next, "But I wish to possess all of them. Earth already has two more stones, the Space Stone and the Time Stone. Asgardians know where Reality Stone is. I got two of them as well, Soul Stone and the Power Stone. That leaves Mind Stone, which probably Thanos has. It seems the best sequence of action is to head back to Earth first."


"Am I disturbing you?"

He looked back, erupting in a calm smile, "If it's you, I wish to be disturbed all the time, Diana."

It was too smooth and straight, she looked away, but the blush on her face did not go unnoticed. However, Hector had a regret, "I don't think we have time left to go to Asgard for now. I hope you don't mind if I arrange the date on Earth, at my home."

She had forgotten about that already, "T-That? Sure, Earth will do. I kinda want to see it again as... well... you know... mine got destroyed. But where do you live on Earth?"

"Mount Vernon,"

She tapped on her forehead softly, "Ugh... why do I keep forgetting that you got Washington as a surname. Whenever I think of you, only the word President or your first name comes to mind."

He chuckled, "It's good to know I have a place in your mind, Diana. Anyway, let's go now. We should declare the end of the war to the Federation. It's time to start rebuilding."

Ignoring the first part of his words, she nodded, "Truly, this war was devastating for some planets. I just hope this peace lasts."


Hector and Diana flew back to the Freedom One. He clapped his hand to get their attention and quickly stood on top of his commander's chair. Dozens of generals stood there, focused on him.

Hector chuckled, seeing the desperate faces, "I know, I know what you want to hear. Well, folks, we got 'em. The war is over. All the enemy ships are empty. I removed them from existence. Send men to all of them and bring them along to the main base."



Many of them fell to their knees in exhaustion. Some, who were from Moran planet, cried tears of joy, as finally, they had ended the empire that sought their destruction. Various generals that belonged to the former colonies of the Kree empire also rejoiced.

Then, the word spread through the communicators and soon enough, all of the federation forces found out. To celebrate, a few of the smaller crafts moved away and threw some fireworks, lighting up the space in beauty.

Hector stood in front of the big window screen and stared at it. The various colourful lights illuminated the control room, and the eyes of all those who stood behind Hector shined.

But then, Moony walked over and stood to his right, then Diana walked over and stood to his left. Jean jumped around and sat down on Moony's right, hugging the cute furball. Logan silently stayed behind Moony, feeling envious of Jean.

Behind them, Gamora and Peter stood close, holding each other's hands. On their side were Yondu and Stakar, like son and father. Kul and Phong the Gorilla had moist eyes, they finally saw the destruction of the Empire.

The fireworks were befitting to this occasion. And not just here; they were being broadcast all across the two galaxies. It was like festivals on various planets, from Sovereign to Zen-Whoberi to Tarnax V.

It was a complete victory for the United Galactic Federation.


Nova Empire, Xandar


"THEY WON!" Garthan Saal, the Nova Prime, slammed his fist on the long table, around which, all the 15 Nova Administrators that governed the Empire sat.

"You lost! You said you could handle this. The federation is now the strongest faction to ever exist, and the Skrull Empire has also stopped its advances. This means they were together all this time. While those damn Skrulls kept us busy here, the Federation took over the Kree Empire," Administrator Notta raged.

Others had similar opinions. One, in particular, stood up, pointing fingers at the head of Nova Corps, "What's the use of Nova Corps? Even after we spent trillions of credits, you got defeated. Now the Nova Empire is just half of what it used to be. You should resign. Argh... this mad man, it's useless to argue! WATER! Bring me water!"

The discussion continued, and all slowly came to the conclusion that the new Nova Prime was to be blamed. After all, they were never this miserable under the previous Nova Prime.

"YOU ALL WORTHLESS COWARDS!" Garthan Saal cursed at them.

"What did you call us? THIS IS ENOUGH! I call for a vote. Should Garthan Saal be removed from his position?"



"He needs to go,"




"Remove him,"

All administrators agreed to the removal of Garthan Saal. But this enraged the already angry Nova Prime, who was not as kind of a person as the last one. He stood up, his energy materialising around his body. "You all are fools, genuinely believing that you run the empire?

"The moment I remove my support, the moment I order the Nova Corps to stop protecting you and your interests, the Empire will collapse. Do you wish to remove the strongest link just for your own lack of vision? UNACCEPTABLE!"

"You want to remove me? I WILL REMOVE YOU!"


Nova Prime suddenly struck the administrator closest to his right and broke his neck with his Nova Force. Then he sent a few beams at the others, making holes in their heads. They were all old to begin with. It was a fast and straightforward massacre. In 10 seconds, he was done.

With no regret, he smiled, "Now, the fools are out of the equation. Time to expand the Nova Empire and start the war machin- mmm... ugh... *cough* what?"


Suddenly, Garthan Saal lost his balance and fell down on his back. He felt something wet on his lips, so he checked by touching. "What? B-Blood? Why?"

Just then, the door opened, and a man in Nova Corps' uniform entered. He looked at Garthan Saal on the floor with no visible expression of worry. In fact, there was excitement.

Garthan Saal tried to reach for him, "M...Muk-Bang... help me, call the doctors,"


The Nova Prime was dying. He quickly threw away his helmet, revealing all the veins on his face popping out. His body ached from inside, "AAAA... what is happening?"


The first vein on his arm burst open, releasing all the more blood on the floor. He cried, "CALL DOCTORS!"

But, even now, when he didn't hear any reply, he looked back at his assistant, Muk-Bang. The realisation hit him suddenly, a betrayal? "W-Why?"

Muk-Bang simply said five words and turned around to leave, "President Washington sends his regards,"


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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

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