Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 163: Supreme Intelligence?

Chapter 163: Supreme Intelligence?

You can read 68 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.



The planet was extremely modern. Hector could not even see the ground anywhere, and everything was covered with whatever mix they used as concrete. The place was not beautiful at all; in comparison, Xandar and Sovereign did a much better job.

"Now I can understand why they are so regressive. This place is depressing," Natasha commented after looking around.

"Wait till you see the thing that runs their government."

They all headed towards the biggest building on the planet, as it was not hard to get maps of Hala, not when he had multiple of their ships in his fleet. Though he wished he could fly at that moment.

"Let's take one of their vehicles," he suggested.

But he made sure to let Gamora drive it since he still sucked at it. Flying was no problem, the landing was. Probably a habit from the time of the world war. Sadly, no vehicle on the planet worked; the Supreme Intelligence disabled it. So they still had to walk.

He had no other way but to make small talk with them on the way, "So, Natasha. I think this war is going to take a long time to fix things up. I recommend you and Yelena go to Earth and fulfil your dreams. After all, you're still young and going to college at a later age won't be fun."

"But what about here?"

"Haha, I think I will manage. I've got Moony and even Diana now. You need not tie yourself to what I do. You are the boss of your own life. You said you wanted to study psychology; go and do it. Maybe Yelena can also do good with more friends. She's just 12, after all." he added.

Natasha silently thought about her life without Hector. He was like a safety umbrella on her head. Without him, she would be in more danger, but she had already learnt so many skills that killing her was not an easy task for anybody.

She had turned 17 this year, and it was the age when you start college officially and here she was, a master spy, expert in the art of espionage, silent killing and infiltration. She even learnt about so many hacking technologies from Gamora. So, by all means, she was overkill for the primitive Earth.

"I... I will think about it. Maybe I will go if this mission goes well." She replied, not wholly telling that she was also worried for Hector, the old grandpa figure for her.

"Good, good, what about you, Gamora? What do you want to do in life? You're not a thug under Thanos anymore; you've even got a lover. What about starting your own crew under the command of the Galactic Federation? You can get missions directly from me." he proposed to her. In Hector's eyes, Gamora was the silent alpha in the relationship. Peter was the visible alpha, one who tried too hard sometimes.

"If my records are swiped clean from the Nova Empire, then this plan sounds not so bad," she neither agreed nor denied.

"May God bless the souls of those fools," Hector prayed for the Nova empire silently. Because by the end of this war, they will be a half empire.


Just as they reached the foot of the giant tower building, a few sentry robots fell from the sky and started to shoot energy bullets all around themselves. However, Hector's fighting style was more direct. So, he ran towards the killer robots, not caring about getting hit.

Natasha and Gamora had to jump to the side and take cover, then they started to shoot.

"You can't defeat me, machine," Hector roared and smashed the robots, one on the other. They were like twigs to him, ready to be plucked.

The building was most likely going to be full of various traps and such robots, he thought. But he had to make a way, "You two, cover me as I clear the way forward,"

The central computer of the Supreme Intelligence was stored underground, near the core of the planet, from where it directly took energy to keep working. The entire planet's geothermal energy was just reserved for the computer. The rest of the needs of the surface were fulfilled from the energy harvested from the star.

With no care at all, Hector showed a power he had rarely used in space before. "Don't feel scared,"

His body started to transform into a giant wolf form, a woof taller than a bus. His fangs and claws appeared clear, sharper than a sword. Thankfully, he could speak in this form.

"Stay behind me," he commanded the two shocked girls.


He entered the building and started clawing at various corners; the ambush was in place for him, all from various killer robots and automatic guns on the ceiling.

"AWOOOOO... Argh... damn this urge to howl,"

He made his way downwards towards the basement. The corridors were full of machines ready to stop him. *WOOSH* But Hector simply ran over them, his adamantium claws easily smashing them.

Heck, he was so fast that Natasha and Gamora had trouble following him. But they soon stopped at a dead end, as only one door was present there, and it led to the final elevator. Surely, it wasn't going to come up or open automatically.


Hector destroyed the doors and looked down at the bottomless dark shaft. ~This is somewhat scary,~ he muttered. But there was no other way. He was a wolf, not a badger. He can't dig that deep.

"You two wait here,"

He jumped in, ""

His voice kept on going lower and lower, eventually feeling like a whisper. The two girls silently stared at the depth. "That's frightening,"

Gamora agreed. "I wonder how we are to go down?"


They heard a loud whisper. Now, they glanced at each other's faces, silently discussing if they wanted to jump or not. Of course, they didn't, but won't that make their old man see them as weak?

*Sigh* "There is no choice," Natasha didn't think and jumped in. Gamora also followed, proceeded by the two screams. Initially, they felt no fear, but when they stayed falling even after a long time, they panicked.


But then they felt something and landed on some very soft fluffy thing. "Bwahaha... it seems my fur has many other great uses."

Hector waited for the two at the bottom of the shaft while keeping his tail curled on his back to make it softer. He had calculated the depth from the time it took and the value of the gravity. The formula was simple,

h = (1/2)gt^2

It took them about 300 seconds, and the gravity was similar to Earth, "Girls, we're about 441 kilometres deep into the planet."

"No wonder it feels so hot here. I'm sweating," Gamora muttered and took out some sort of tech from her bag. It was a life support system. She passed them on to Natasha and Hector as well.

"Nope, no need. Your grandpa's lungs are still strong. Let's go and meet this Supreme Intelligence,"

Hector continued his wolf madness by destroying all machines that appeared in his way. First, they had to walk through a long corridor, then a few labs for disinfecting, and finally, the last room that required a safety lock.

"Haha, they made it from vibranium? Sad for them, my claws are stronger,"


Three long streaks of his claws appeared on the door before it slowly fell apart. Blinding white light attacked their eyes at that instant. Hector didn't look away, though. It took them not long to adjust as they rushed in, guns out, and Hector turned back to his human body.


Gamora, too, lacked words to define what they saw, "Is that a?"

Natasha completed, "TOAD?"

"My God, this thing is ugly? Where are the computers? Is this even a computer?" Hector was confused, as the thing in front of them resembled a living being, some sort of a parasite with tentacles, and a face, locked inside a glass chamber.


Originating from the thing, a blast spread out suddenly. It was intense, strong enough to make even Hector move a bit.

"Are you the Supreme Intelligence?"

Its four green eyes shined with light as it opened its human-like mouth. It even had teeth, "I am the living embodiment of powerfor I am the Supreme Intelligence of the majestic race of the Kre-"

Hector interrupted him, shaking his head vigorously, "Nah, you're a big fat ugly toad,"

[See Supreme Intelligence on Discord at OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

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