Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 154: We Meet Again

Chapter 154: We Meet Again

You can read 68 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


"Thanos? What the heck does he want now?" Hector muttered to himself.

The mad titan didn't seem as threatening to him anymore, as by now, Hector had a much bigger and stronger army. Plus Wonder Woman and Jean.

Even Thanos, by now, knows that fighting Hector was ensuring mutual destruction. He didn't want this.

Then his focus went to his pocket, which had the soul stone. ~No, he shouldn't know this. Not even Gamora know about it.~

"Fine, tell him to come to Zen-Whoberi," he passed the order.

As soon as this name was spoken, Gamora's eyes widened. She stared at Hector, "W-Why?"

He scoffed, "To show his dumb purple ass how wrong he is in his conquest."

The planet he chose for the meeting was Gamora's home planet, the same that Thanos ravaged by killing half of the population and then boasting he fixed all problems.

"This is going to be fun," Logan was enjoying it.

Even Yondu didn't act like a wuss anymore, truly realising that they were not the same old small Ravager clan anymore. Their growth was exponential and too quick.


As the various planets prepared for war, Hector's giant Federation ships got armed to the teeth and loaded up. The aim was to hit all Kree major bases in one go simultaneously to achieve the most benefit.

From the Skrull side, Erskine was Hector's point of contact since the old buffed scientist was dating the Skrull Empress. He was pleased with her since dating her was like dating every single woman in the universe, as Empress Veranke could just take any form. Be it any Hollywood celebrity, Erskine was doing her. He was living the dream. But he still loved her and mostly preferred her original form; the others were just for rare kinky nights. After all, who wouldn't want to enjoy some Jennifer Connelly secretly?

"Are you prepared for the war?" Empress Veranke asked him as she donned her armour.

Erskine fixed his glasses and chuckled, "You call me the mad scientist and ask such questions? Dear, you're getting old, it seems."

She scoffed, "You're the one to talk about age. Anyway, I've received the orders from the President. The Skrull Empire is to hit the Andromeda Galaxy and take over all Kree Assets and even Nova assets if we can without much fighting. He will be handling the Large Magellanic Cloud, the home galaxy of the Kree."

"I have never been in a war physically. I am excited and at the same time horrified." Erskine said.

"Well, this war is a necessity. If we don't fight, the Kree will take everything from us."

"I am alsohorny."




The planet was now in great shape, the crimes and madness were removed from it, and people had food and clothes. It was to be the new headquarters of the Galactic Federation anyway, so there was no harm in taking over. It only brought jobs for the local people.

The planet had thousands of ships docked around, all of them being military. Then even on the planet, star cannons were placed in a formation that covered all of space. They could shoot down any ship.

When Thanos' Sanctuary II arrived outside the planet's orbit, it was immediately surrounded and escorted to a place to dock itself. Then, Kul went to receive the Warlord and bring him to the meeting place.

With no fear in his eyes or nervousness, Kul was very cool. "I am General of the 5th Fleet, Kul. I shall be guiding you to the meeting place."

"Why was this place chosen as the meeting location?" Thanos asked him first thing.

"Mister President will answer all your questions, Lord Thanos," Kul didn't even look at him.

"Are you not afraid of me?" Thanos asked him. He was used to seeing even the strongest of beings showing some level of fear in front of him.

Kul shrugged, "You can kill me, sure. But can you guarantee to win the battle?"

This did shut everyone up. Indeed, even if they kill him, they can't leave unscathed. There were enough ships to obliterate the Sanctuary II. How strong Thanos and his Black Order were didn't matter.

Thanos's smaller craft landed at the port. From there, they all got on a hovering taxi. It was just a platform with side grills to hold on to. It hovered around on designated paths.

"Ah, perfectly balanced, as all things should be. Look around, the finest example of my work." Thanos muttered, looking at the tall buildings, greenery and technology around. The people wearing modern clothes, smiling and working.

Kul tried to hold his disgusted scoff when he heard this. The mad titan was also a fool, it seemed.

After a 3 minute ride, they arrived in front of the most beautiful building in the city. A tower-like structure with greenery everywhere. The large board on the building read, "Zen-Whoberis Genocide Museum."

Thanos stopped right there, even though he felt that this was wrong. He glanced at Kul for a second, but since Kul didn't stop, he followed, as showing weakness was not an option.

As he entered, he saw various images on the walls. All were 3D holographic and looked real. The images were of misery, pain and outright suffering of unimaginable proportions.

"Welcome, Thanos. I believe now we both have the right to call each other by name, so just call me Hector." Hector appeared. With that, Kull and the rest of Thanos' staff left them alone.

He handed him a glass of drink and took one for himself too. Thanos, seemingly in deep thought, nodded, "See this, I removed this misery,"

"Huh, that's where you are wrong, Thanos. These images are from the time I took over this planet. Follow me. I have a movie to show you."

Thanos was left speechless. This was the first time in his life he was coming face to face with the reality of what he does. Never before did he bother to check the planet he just wiped half clean. So he followed, to see what Hector had in defence of such an accusation.

Eventually, they sat in the darkroom and watched a short movie. It was a documentary that Hector's men first recorded the moment they arrived on the planet and started surveying it. All the secret clips of various planetary warlords were there, committing inhuman crimes.


The screen turned off, and the lights turned on. Hector got up and simply walked out of the hall to sit in front of a giant painting hand-drawn by someone.

"All this happened after?" Thanos vocally wondered.

"Indeed, it seems your method for bringing peace and order just caused more damage than good," Hector commented and allowed him to take a seat on the bench.

Then Thanos looked up, and the painting came into view, leaving him speechless for a few minutes. "This is...?"

"Drawn by your daughter, Gamora. Whose parents you killed and took her away, told her you are a saviour. She drew the moment she remembers clearly, the moment you took her in and taught her a lesson. And the painting is also named after that lesson, called 'Perfectly Balanced'."

"Gamora?" the big purple guy muttered unknowingly. It was wrong to say Thanos was completely evil. He was just mad about his goal. Still, Gamora was his favourite daughter.

And this brought some memories, adding on what he saw, he had utterly failed, both as the bringer of chaotic peace and as a... father.

"Where is she?" He asked Hector.

"She has refused to see you again, Thanos. You lied to her, she said. Well, now you know why I asked you to come here. I just showed you the flaws in your thinking. You turned this planet from a ghetto to a fighting pit. Your war should not be against overpopulation, but rather an overuse of resources and lack of them.

"But, let's leave all of this. The bigger question I have is, why have you come finding me?"

Thanos sighed and answered, "To make an alliance. Do you want to end the Kree Empire? I have the means to make it easier for you,"


An alliance was the last thing Hector was hoping for from this Thanos' visit. But since he had already messed up the butterfly effect, he had no idea what even to expect anymore.

But why would Thanos decide to go against the Kree when Ronan is his minion?

~It sure is a weird day,~

[See Zen-Whoberi and Thanos Discord at OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

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