Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 151: Two Aimless Beings

Chapter 151: Two Aimless Beings

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"I... I pranked god by hiding his glasses." Beelzebub replied with sadness and regret evident in his voice.

Hector's eyes rose, understanding the gravity of the situation, "Boy, that was no prank. That was a death wish. Be happy you only got exiled."

"Wuwoo..." Moony barked, ~Should've spanked him,~

"And why are you in that baby body? Naked, of all things."

Beelzebub answered gloomily, "I... He punished me by locking this as my form until I learned some manners. He sent me here to learn from you, as you're the purest virgin in hell."

Hector was irked, "Once again, you call me a virgin, and I will make sure you live without the peeing tool."

"How can you think of harming a baby?!"

He scoffed, "Babies aren't billions of years old and can destroy universes. Aren't I right, Diana?"

"Agreed, a child is called a child for its underdeveloped brain, this one here... Is possibly overdeveloped." Diana commented.

"What do you mean overdeveloped? I'm cute."

"The fact that you look like this and talk makes it creepy and disgusting." She countered.

Hector silently chuckled, ~Take that, overpower reincarnated story baby main characters,~

"I don't want you to be anywhere near me. I don't trust you, kid. Hence, off you go." Hector threw him away into the Funhouse demonic dimension. Beelzebub can make it his home.

Now, back to the Living Tribunal, "So, what have you decided?"

"You are like the beyonders. They have no need to be here, yet they force themselves in. For everything good, there is evil. For the order, there is chaos. What stands against you three, outsiders? Nothing! Yet, I can not do anything."


Without saying anything more, their bodies started to disappear. No, they were not dying but teleporting. However, as they were about to vanish, the Living Tribunal uttered some words, "The hidden consequences will be yours to face. I shall no longer watch over this Universe."


Logan was talking to the Silver Surfer, already having struck up a friendship as the two cried about their shitty past. Heck, even Jean entered.

"So you chose to become his herald so he may spare your world? That's very noble of you." Jean was amazed at his story.

Meanwhile, Logan was dubious, "I still can't believe that your father singlehandedly created a worldwide utopia devoid of crime, disease, hunger, poverty, and want of any kind. The Old Man hasn't been able to do it yet. How can you folks? Bub, your story sounds too good to be true,"

Silver Surfer nodded, "I can understand. Such a civilisation is hard to develop itself before being destroyed by its own greed. But, if he had the power to even stop Galactus with such ease, then I'm inclined to believe that he simply didn't wish to make your world a utopia,"

Logan agreed with that take, "Indeed, who even wants to live in a utopia? There is always some sin, some vice for mankind to follow. You rid one thing; they develop another kink of madness. The only way to truly make the world a utopia is to take away free will, and that's something the Prez will never do."


"WOOF!" Moony's bark announced the return of the three.

"What happened? Where were you?" Jean rushedly asked.

"Just an omnipotent being wanting to interview me. Let's get this over with," Hector glanced at Galactus' silent soul-less body. He just sighed and returned the soul, ~Who knew even you had feelings,~

The red light reappeared in Galactus' eyes, but he didn't even attack, just started at Hector, "What are you?"

He asked what, not who. Galactus had by now realised that Hector was not a living creature of this universe. Hence, his Power Cosmic had no effect. He was more curious than angry.

"I am... just a simple man, not from around here. But what about you? I never knew the big mighty, eater of worlds also thought about the feelings of other lesser beings? You should have told Silver Surfer. He would have worked for you with no questions asked then," Hector said. The soul stone gives the user the ability to see all memories of one trapped inside it. Hence, Hector saw a great many things in there.

"What? What did he do?" Silver Surfer desperately asked.

"Well, the big guy here silently saved your home planet. Some decades ago, it was destroyed by beings called the Others. Your planet and all its people died. But Galactus brought everything back to as it was, wanting you to have a place to retire when you leave,"

No one even knew about this happening. Silver Surfer didn't know that either. "Why?"

Galactus cryptically answered, "I am nature. I do as I wish to do."

"But not right now. You must go and eat Tarnax IV. I need to instal a new Skrull monarch so they can ally with me in defeating the Kree Empire. There is profit for you as well. Due to this war, many Kree Worlds will be emptied. You can have them for yourself and eat them slowly over the coming centuries. There will be no need for more deaths,"

"Why do you wish to do this as an outsider?" Galactus questioned him.

And that was something that even Hector didn't know, "True. I have no incentive to do all this. I don't understand why I want to bring this peace. The fight with the Kree, I honestly got nothing to do with them.

"But here I am, arguing with you. Perhaps, I'm a warmonger. Perhaps, I'm just bored and aimless. Maybe there is a meaning to all this in the grander scheme. But for now, this is all I want to do,"

"Then you are like me," Galactus commented.

Hector smiled, "Perhaps. Well, I shall take my leave now. I mistook you for someone evil. Now I know you are just a natural part of this Universe."

As Hector gathered his folks around, Galactus voiced, "Evacuate Tarnax VI, Hector King. I shall devour it in 10 Earth days."

He stopped and gave him a nod, "And I will forever remember this, so when the time is right, I shall repay with an appropriate favour. Stay alive, Galan. You're one important guy."

Hector then took Moony, Jean, Logan and Diana back the way they came and entered their ship, soon enough blasting off to Moran so that they could initiate the Secret Invasion of the Skrull Empire. This did make Hector chuckle, ~Haha, how the tables have turned,~

But, back in Taa II, Galactus had a change of mind regarding one of his friends and herald, "Go, Norrin Radd. You are free."

Silver Surfer was shocked by this kindness, "Am I to assume this is one of your schemes?"

Galactus stared out of the giant window of his ship, possibly doing what equates to sighing. "You know nothing, Norrin Radd. We have met many times, in the past, in the future, in this universe and in the one before. You may leave and live the life you forever desired. Go, do not test my patience,"

Silver Surfer simply took his board and flew away, passing through the ship's walls. He didn't look back, nor did Galactus look at him. Instead, he stayed seated on his big throne and stared at a closeby planet that was held by the ship's gravitational pull.

It only reminded him of one this, a place long destroyed and forgotten, a place that he used to call, "Home,"


Meanwhile, on Freedom One, Diana sat beside Hector on another chair. They were all in the ship's control room, which was illuminated by the passing worlds as the ship travelled through the jumps.

She asked, "Why did you let him go? He kills beings with no care for them,"

"It's not the right thing to do, Diana. Galactus is not a living humanoid anymore. His role in this multiverse is the same as the role of death, a grim reaper or the god."

"WHAT? He was a human once?" Jean exclaimed in shock.

He chuckled, "I can see why you'd think he was always like this. His size and shape are weird. But the man has suffered through enough. The universe is not eternal, everyone. It goes through multiple cycles of expansion, then collapses, called the great crunch. Then, the universe gets reborn with a big bang, with the cosmic egg in the middle.

"Galactus is someone from the universe that existed before this one. He came from the most advanced civilisation in that universe. He grew loveless as his mother genetically engineered him to be a hero of his planet. Then, the universe crumbled. He couldn't do anything as he saw everything collapse.

"His wife too... died while she was pregnant. But for some reason, Galan survived, and one thing led to another. He got turned into this multiversal entity whose work is to help maintain the universal balance. He can not die from the destruction and rebirth of the universe anymore. He's eternal."

Logan smoked and sighed in pity, "Bastard lost everything and can't even die,"

"He can, but perhaps, the nature of his creation does not allow him to commit suicide. I somewhat pity him, as from what I saw, he considered Silver Surfer more of a friend than just a herald." Hector added.


"Haha, yes, maybe he needs friends."

"Then what did he mean by you and him being similar?" Diana asked him, glaring with narrow eyes.

Hector just relaxed back in his commander's seat, "We're both lost. Aimless. To me, what I'm doing feels like just living, doing a 9 to 5 job. I do not wish to be a hero or liberate galaxies from tyranny. I'm just doing it for some reason. Just like how Galactus is simply eating planets because that's his nature. Why else does he exist? He is probably confused.

"I'm supposed to be hell's inquisitor, then why the fuck am I so kind? My own actions baffle me,"

"Language," and there came a warning from Diana. Yelena was sleeping in her lap, after all.

"Haha, you just reminded me of another funny guy. *Sigh* I'm tired of this space adventure now. Let's go to Earth after ending this war."

"Fine by me. I'm running out of cigars," Logan grunted.

"Woff wowoo.." ~I wanna be mayor again,~

Jean giggled, "And this time, I will be your permanent secretary,"

Moony happily jumped to snuggle with her, "Wa Wuv Wooo..."


[A/N: Galactus is seriously wholesome in some ways.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

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