Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 127: Secret's Out!

Chapter 127: Secret's Out!

You can read 62 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


Captain Marvel's eyes flashed in mystery. A flashback appeared in her mind. The memories that were repressed reappeared.


"Who is this, dad?" she asked, watching television.

"That's the president of the country, dear. He's a big hero who brings peace and freedom to those who can't fight for it."

7-year-old Carol stared at the screen, eyes shining, "Dad, I wanna be like him,"

"Oh, he's many things. He was a soldier and then became a politician. Which one do you want to be?"



It was as if a can of soda was opened. She felt the memories reminding her who Hector was and what she did. He was the reason she even joined the Air Force. "Y-You are... but I saw on the news that you..."

"Well, I am still in one piece, as you can see. And I also breath, so not a zombie." Hector was getting tired of being considered dead.


"Moony says he will heal your face. Just close your eyes," He translated his words. Also, he winked at Yondu, so the guy would secretly record the whole scene.


"Just do it," Fury grunted from the side.

She sighed and did as asked. Initially, she expected some energy or magic to be used, but then suddenly, she felt something rough making contact with her skin, like sandpaper. It caressed her face and gave off a warm, wet vibe.

She felt disgusted, and goosebumps appeared on her body. "WHAT THE! NO!..." She pushed Moony away.

Fury already knew that Moony's saliva healed people. He had read about this in an old report. So he reprimanded Carol, "Captain, consider yourself lucky. Colonel Moony is healing you with his magical saliva. I would have killed to take your place if you were not a friend,"

Logan scowled at the thought, "You sick man, why would you dream that?"

Fury puffed his chest out in pride, "Because Colonel Moony is the greatest dog in history and a war hero. Who doesn't want to be licked by a historical figure? I know President Washington won't agree, so I gotta settle for second-best,"

Hector blankly stared at Fury and shook his head, wondering, ~Where is that cool heartless badass Fury?~

*BOOP* Moony finished healing Captain Marvel and walked back to play with his favourite student, Jean Grey. In fact, he dragged Jean inside the Freedom One ship as she was interested in alien technology, and Moony wanted to show her Yelena, his adopted daughter.

Captain Marvel slowly stood up, her wounds were healed, but her teeth would take a few more weeks to grow fully, so now she looked a bit funny. But that old smugness was lost on her. "Forgive me for my impudence, Mister President. I did not recognise you,"

"Why did he beat you in the first place?" Fury wondered.

Yondu shared the same video of planet Moran. "Watch this. This bimbo wanted to save the guy who works for these genocidal enslaving maniacs,"

By the end, Fury was furious, "She tried to save Yon-Rogg?"

"But killing is not right. Who are we to judge?" she argued still.

In the end, Fury was a patriotic man, "Woman, he's the fucking President of the United States, he's the law."

~I'm not the president, though.~ Hector didn't correct him and instead elaborated, "Carol Danvers, Kree Empire is planning to enslave and destroy Earth. The Kree Warlord, Ronan, has joined hands with Thanos. This mad man will take over the Kree Empire, and the Supreme Intelligence will be useless. They have declared me their enemy and will be coming after to destroy 4 billion people of Planet Moran.

"It's either the destruction of the Kree Empire or the death of innocent 4 billion people. Yon-Rogg served Ronan religiously. Do you seriously believe he deserved mercy? You may have shared some moments with him, but that was all for manipulating you,"

"He's right!" a new voice resounded.

Hector looked beyond his ship. A group of Skrulls and a black human woman were coming toward them. The speaker was the leading Skrull.

~This must be Talos,~ Hector's one of the missions for coming to Earth was to meet him as well. The other part was ensuring Captain Marvel wins and he gets her blood. Both were done.

Talos continued, "The Kree Empire has brought Skrulls to the brink of collapse. Our Emperor is a mad fool who only sees his throne. And if what he said is right, we're fucked. Ronan is a mad man and hates the Skrull and Nova Empires."

"Well, I was hired by your Emperor to find out the spy in his inner circle. He's a fool, and I can vouch." Hector revealed.

Talos mumbled something as if he agreed with the evaluation. "You're a Terran, but pretty popular in space. Everyone wants to hire you for their dangerous missions, but you don't accept most of them. Why now?"

"He's famous in space?" Fury exclaimed, excited to hear this.

Captain Marvel nodded and added, "Not just famous, he's a known enemy of Sakaar and the Kree Empire with a large bounty on his head. In addition, he belongs to a space pirate group."

Hector raised his fingers to shut her up, "An ex-space pirate group. I have not done anything illegal or hurt innocent ever since I became the president of my clan. I even own a major Cargo delivery business now. All my money is legit. It's Kree Empire and Sakaar who are the bad guys."

"I agree,"

"Fury, you don't even know what he does," she snarled.

"So what? This guy has single-handedly made America the strongest faction. He created the SHIELD! And... he gave me a medal," Fury proceeded to show his wallet, and the medal of honour was still there.

Talos frustratingly commented, "That's a bias right there. Anyway, can you give me a lift to my command ship? I'm still a Skrull General,"

~Is he loyal to his Emperor?~ Hector wondered, as he was looking for a new Skrull to replace the Emperor with.

"Sure, let's go. I need to head back to Xandar fast. Oh, Fury, I need you to keep your mouth shut about me. Nobody should find out I'm alive and am roaming in space. Don't write my name on that Hero Initiative you're thinking about too." He ordered the poor guy.

Fury quickly held his head in panic, "FUCK! Get out of my mind!"

Hector ignored him. The guy needed some more character development first. His eyes were already messed up, though.

He turned to Captain Marvel, "I know you've been brainwashed, and it won't be easy, but try not to be as stuck up as you were before. Be humble and see things from a neutral eye. Then, if you decide to deal with the Kree menace one day, contact me through this."

He handed her a chip and didn't take another glance. She was worthless to him right now, though he had her blood, and it was nice.

"MOONY! COME!" Hector shouted.

"WOOF WOOF!" Moony's cute barks came soon after. These barks always rejuvenated Hector's heart.

However, what he saw next made his brows furrow. A ginger cat was sitting on Moony's back proudly.

"GOOSE! There you are," Fury ran to her to tickle her.

"MEOW!" Goose didn't leave her place and instead scratched Fury's hand.

"GLANPA! NEW FRIEND!" Yelena came out, skipping, with Jean holding her hand. She jumped and picked Goose, hugging the furry kitty to her chest. The cat didn't even react and looked as docile as a tired puppy.

Just then, a staff member of the Ravagers came out running, looking happy, "President! Keep this Flerken. It ate all the trash. The ship has never been cleaner."

~I adopted her too.~ Moony barked.

Hector was not happy to hear that. He knocked Moony's furry head, "Son, don't become like the old man up there. You don't have to adopt everything that moves."

"Meow!" Goose said something.

~Goose says hello, grandpa.~

"You clearly told her to say that. *Sigh* Fine, keep her. But if she poops, you're cleaning it."


Moony translated it to Hector, ~She said no worries, she will eat it.~


Hector, now traumatised, sighed and ignored what he heard. "Everyone, get back into the ship. Time to move out. Jean, do you want to join this old man on space adventures?"

Jean looked eager, but also reluctant. She stared at the magnificent ship, "I never believed aliens are real when you used to say it. Now here I am, seeing a real-life Smurf. But I can't. I'm nearly done with my PhD."

"What the fuck's a smurf?" Yondu protested with a question.

"Nothing, just a fictional character, I will show later. Go inside, boy. Prepare to take off." Hector sent him away and continued to talk with Jean, "Is everything okay? How is Scott treating you?"

She grinned, "He's a good boy. Oh, I'm also going on a date with him tonight."

Hector nodded. He can't force her to come along, "Good, but don't forget to use protections,"

"Argh... Grandpa, NO! Don't say such things. It's so awkward. And I'm not that easy. We've only kissed. I'm not letting Scott get close before he truly commits." She clarified, looking smug.

"I feel bad for the kid now." Hector sighed, knowing the pain of virginity.

Just then, Fury blurted, "Ah, I remember now, President Kennedy wrote in his book that Mister President has always been single and virgin. Is that still true?"

"Kennedy wrote fucking WHAT NOW?"


[See Talos and Yelena on Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]


[A/N: Yesterday, you failed, so another limited Offer: Get me to 1369 stones, and I'll post a bonus chapter.]


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

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