Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 122: Overkill

Chapter 122: Overkill

You can read 62 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


Hector had push-started his Cargo transportation business, with the first users being Nova Corps and Sovereign traders. All he needed next was some word of mouth to expand the business. At the same time, he posted a real job for all Ravagers to take. They were given the list of some space criminals and that if they brought him the ship, they'd get some money. It was a much easier job, as hijacking and taking over ships was a level 1 cheap job.

His other business, the shop on Xandar, was doing well. Ancient One had to work harder as the shop needed complete restocking every day. Because of that, Ancient One's order of Sorcerers got richer and KingTech, Hector's company, kept on receiving rare Earth Minerals to keep experimenting and manufacturing.

He didn't make a CEO or such position for his space companies; some managers were tasked with doing some things. Of course, he'd have to put more focus on it later, but he seriously didn't want to. He didn't come to this universe just to work.


"President, are you sure you want to do this? You are known not to be that great of a pilot,"

"Ah, don't fret about it, boy. I can fly this little boy easily. Just strap in your places and relax." Hector continued to steer the ship towards the beautiful blue planet, his favourite one, Earth.

"Ah, there is the beauty. It's the most beautiful planet in the universe," Hector dreamily said.

Yondu interjected, "Beauty is subjective,"

Logan barked, "Shut up, Yondu. That's where your President was born, so that is the best planet in the Universe."

Hector glanced at Logan and gave a nod of approval, "Atta boy. And Yondu, believe it or not, there are beings on this planet that can destroy the Universe."

"Seriously? Then why don't you call them to deal with the Kree?"

"For the same reason, they can destroy the Universe. Most beings who have these powers are either mad or can't control their powers. Hence, it's better to let the sleeping giant stay asleep. Don't worry, my boy. I will whoop the Kree ass sooner rather than later." Hector ensured him.

"B-Boss... may I take the controls back?" Kraglin Obfonteri asked. The man had a face that seemed to be always frowning.

"WOOF!" Moony chimed in, ~Dad, may I fly it? I learnt it by watching already,~

"No and no. I can fly this thing easily. It's just like riding a bicycle." He played with the control wheel.

"What the fuck is a bicycle?" Yondu wondered.

Smartly, Adam answered, "It is a man-powered two-wheeled vehicle for personal use."

"We're going to die!"


A few minutes later, the ship started to fall through the atmosphere, clearing away the clouds like a hot knife on butter. Hector enjoyed his time while his favourite song played. Even Moony was wobbling with it. It was the good old Mr Blue Sky.

"Crank up the volume, son." He ordered. Moony quickly came to the console and tried to roll the turner with his cute fluffy paws. However, he also mistakenly pressed a switch.

"AH! MOONY! That's the button for shutting down the landing pads!" Hector scolded him, but sad for him; the pads had already started to get folded.

"Damn it, just when it was going nice. Strap on, boys," Hector shouted the command.

"We're all going to die! I can't believe this is how it will happen. After so many years of risks." Yondu prayed to whoever god his people prayed to.

Logan and Moony had no care. They couldn't die from injuries anyway. Hector was focusing on the ground at the same time. He had pressed the button to erect the landing pads again, but they would take time, and they were descending too fast.

"This is going to be a rough one, sons."

There was a lot of snow on the surface, for as far as he could see, there was a sheet of ice. But Hector knew he was not over any lake. "Great, a nice place to crashland."

He made the ship gain some speed instead of just falling straight down. Then he decreased the speed and let the ship slowly touch the ground. The Launch Pads were useless in this situation.

"FUCK! It would damage the ship," Hector, shocking all of them, got up, opened the emergency hatch from the control room itself and jumped out. "Adam, come and help me from the back of the ship,"

He jumped straight to the front of the sliding ship and dug his feet into the snow. He tried to lift the ship's front with his mighty muscular manly arm that tried to shred his coat. "Haha, it ain't that heavy,"

But he kept on sliding. The ground was too slippery. So he kicked the ground, plunging his feet into it, giving him more friction than necessary to stop the giant Freedom One.


After travelling a few hundred metres, the ships stopped. They were able to minimise any damage. But one thing was clear. Hector didn't know shit about flying.

"WE'RE ALIVE!" the crew of the clan jumped out of the ship, kissed the ground, and started making snow angels and snowball fights.

"Haha, I told you. It was just a little bumpy landing,"

Peter facepalmed, "Land? WE CRASHED, old man!"

"WOOF WOO!" ~I could have landed it too,~

Hector glared at Moony, "Boy, we crashed because of you. That's it, no ice cream for you now,"

Moony scoffed and ran around to eat the snow from the ground, ~I got unlimited of it,~ he barked.

*SNIFF SNIFF* But all of a sudden, Moony stopped and started to smell something. His nose physically moved. Then he excitedly exclaimed, ~KIDDIE FRIENDS!~

Hector followed the good boy to the other side of the ship, where there was nobody. But, as soon as they arrived, they noticed a young little red-haired girl, looking distraught. She was scared by the barks of Moony and of getting caught.

But then she saw the old man's face and instantly recognised, "Wh... Y-You... I read in the books. MISTER PRESIDENT?!"

Hector walked toward her as he felt she looked a bit familiar to him. He knelt down to her level, "Well, you know me already, so why don't you introduce yourself, little one."

However, she quickly lept at him and wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him. She put her head to his side and stayed silent, not crying. "I am N-Natalia Alianovna Romanoff. Help me... my sister, and..."

Hector tried to remember if he had seen any movie related to this girl but could not remember it, ~Oh no, I have no idea what happened in the movies that came after I died in my past life,~

Still, that didn't mean he'd leave things aside and let this little child be in distress, "Sure thing, child. What help do you need?"

"The Red Room... they have kept my little sisterShe's just five years old. They will... oh no, they will do the same things to her. Please help her," she pleaded to him wholeheartedly. As she had promised her sister, she would bring back help.

She had learnt about Hector in detail when she studied in a school in the United States. Each book had his mention, be it science or history. Each classroom had his posters. There was always one kid dressed as the old president on Halloween. There was always something being talked about the old president on television.

She thought the man was dead, but here he was with a spaceship. So she latched onto the first source of hope she found after wandering for days in the cold. Her hope was the man who was said to have saved the world.

Hector lifted her up and put her on his shoulder. She was small for the age of 11. He reckoned that it must have something to do with the torture she must have faced.

"WOOF!" Moony barked at Hector angrily.

"Haha, calm down, boy. You can play with her later. But, for now, let me help her," he walked back to the other side of the ship and found the Ravagers.

"LISTEN UP! We have a mission. This young child here revealed to me that she, her sister and many more young girls are being tortured by a secret evil organisation not far from here. It's called the Red Room."

Logan grunted in disgust, "Ugh... fucking Soviets."

Hector continued, "So pick your arms, for it is time for PURGE!"








Moony also growled and showed his fangs, "AWOOOOOO..."

The war cry had been made. Weapons were picked up, and the Ravagers armed themselves to the teeth. After spending years with Hector and going on many righteous missions, they too felt like liberators now.

Hector raised his fist, "LET US HUNT!"

A team of 50 Ravagers, Hector, Moony, Logan, Adam, Peter and Yondu departed. It was an absolute overkill, but that's what they aimed to do.

[See Young Natasha on Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

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