Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 106: A Dangerous Job

Chapter 106: A Dangerous Job

You can read 62 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


[A/N: A long ass chapter.]

Like good, gentle folks, they put the four in a Nova Corp space-van. Heck, even Moony got his paws restrained with some sort of energy handcuffs that didn't have chains.

They were brought to the cells in the security station and put behind bars. When Hector looked behind, there the rest of his clan was sitting, staring at him dumbly.

"Which one of you fucked up?" He asked them.

"IT WAS TASERFACE! That bitch tried to incite everyone else against Yondu. He said we should kill Yondu and take over the ship and the credits you earned." said Horuz, a member loyal to Yondu Udonta.

Hector glanced at Taserface, anger erupting. He knew these kinds of folks, they never are satisfied with anything. They only want to be at the front of the line even when they didn't do anything. Goals and hard work don't make them work, jealousy does. "The moment you step out of this place, I will kill you with my hands, Taserface. Where is Peter?"

"He hid in the ship," Yondu assured him about Peter's security.

"Good, do not let Taserface escape. You all have got the wrong idea about me it seems. I was acting nice to you so you thought I was a kind, old man. You forgot I was the supreme commander of the majority of military forces on my planet. I have killed people in ways you can't imagine." He ordered Yondu, but his words were for the rest of the clan. They needed to keep their greed checked, or else he didn't mind killing them, they had red markers of hell on their heads anyway.

They all stopped talking about killing people as they saw corpsmen walking toward them. They stopped in front of the transparent energy wall and spoke to Hector, "Boss wants to talk with you."

"Lead the way then, lad." he followed him out.

The man brought Hector to a room, it was empty and lavishly decorated; likely belonging to a high ranking person. He just took a seat and waited.

~What do they want from me now? I don't even have a criminal record.~ he wondered. And the last he remembered, Ravagers was not an illegal organisation.

A few minutes later, his wait was over as the door opened. A tall man walked in first, then an old woman with white hair. She had the air of superiority around here, she sure was a big shot, Hector reckoned from his senses.

He didn't get up to greet her, he was unlawfully detained, after all. But she didn't mind, "Nice to meet you, Captain of the Freedom Clan. I am Irani Rael, the Nova Prime."

He shook her hand, who would have thought the leader of Nova Corps would come to see him. However, he could not help but not stare at her complex hairstyle. Her hair was tied strangelydepicting two balls and a small dick. ~She either has too much free time or has a person dedicated to her hairstyle, and I'm damn sure he's messing with her.~

"I am Hector King Washington, people call me President Washington as I am also the owner of a newly set up cargo company, Moonspeed Corp. Even opened a shop on Xandar, called East Xandar Trading Company(A/N: LOL)." He introduced himself.

She nodded, taking a seat, "Well, President Washington, were you offered any drinks? I told the men not to put your cell but they saw the Ravagers tag on you. I apologise for the unlawful arrest."

Hector knew bullshit when he saw it. He was a politician for decades, he knew that no person of power, such as the one sitting in front of him, would be so kind to a person connected with space pirates. "Why was I even apprehended?"

"That was not our intention. I just asked the corps to find you. I heard about you completing a job for the Sovereign. You successfully extracted a man out of Sakaar, a planet notorious for being inescapable." She started praising him to the skies.

He was just waiting for her to say the words he wanted to hear.

"Considering how tough the job was and you completed it, we would like to hire you."

"First, care to tell me how did you find out about me? Only Ravagers should know who did the job." He questioned.

"You don't know? I will show you." She picked the datapad from the table and started typing on it. Soon, she swiped up on the screen, initiating a hologram.

"I'll be damned!" He exclaimed in surprise. In front of him were four faces on the Hologram. Each had a bounty. For Moony it was 100,000 credits. For Logan, it was 500,000. For Adam, it was 1 million and for Hector, it was 5 million credits. And the craziest part was, there was no Alive written, just Dead.

"Bwahaha... this is great, I am famous now." he laughed it off.

Nova Prime looked at her secretary's face in confusion, but also relief, thinking she found a mad man and that was what they needed for their job.

"These wanted posters have been circulating on all forums across the Universal Information Network. People will soon start coming after you, I'd be careful if I were you. This is a lot of money, enough to make people take risks." She warned him, just in goodwill.

"How can I get rid of the bounty?" he questioned.

"There is no direct way, I'm afraid. You need to resolve the issues with the one who issued it or maybe kill the man who issued it. But the Grandmaster is too protected for even the best of us to kill. I remember the Kree Empire once gave the Tivan Group a hundred million credits to kill Grandmaster for enslaving and killing a Kree woman from a major family in Hala. Grandmaster somehow struck a deal with Taneleer Tivan, the Collector, and the bounty was resolved." She revealed to him.

~I guess I will have to kill him in the future. But first, I need to get stronger.~ he made a mental note. "So, what's the job you were talking about?"

Irani Rael took a long breath, then spoke in one go, "I need you to kill a man,"

An eyebrow raised, he interrogated, "Can't the Nova Corps do it on their own?"

"No, because the level of difficulty is perhaps even more than level five. The man I need you to kill is also a member of the Nova Corps. The most difficult part is reaching him because he's locked on Hala, the home of Kree Empire." She elaborated.

Everything started to make sense to him, ~Isn't the Nova Empire and Kree Empire in a thousand-year war? And this job, damn, I would have kissed that golden High Priestess if I could. Saving Adam established my name.~

"I will not agree unless you give me all the details. I am going to risk my life for nothing. Kree Empire is stronger than Skrulls right now. They can obliterate the entire Ravagers Syndicate if they want to. If they learn of my identity, they won't put a bounty, they'd straight away come after me,"

She nodded her head, understanding his stance. "The reason is simple. I am trying to broker a peace deal between the Nova Empire and the Kree Empire. We are in the middle of signing it, but I received intel that some influential houses on Hala were against it. So I sent two of our best spies there. They got caught, and according to protocol, they were to kill themselves.

"But one of them did not and he is under their possession. He might reveal things he should not under torture. So we need you to kill him."

"I will accept the quest after knowing what's in it for me." He responded.

"Jaka, give me the datapad," she ordered her assistant.

The man handed her the other datapad, she took a glance first and handed it over to Hector, "This is my offer, of course, it's still negotiable."

He knew it was going to be a lot, and he was not let down. But it wasn't an outrageous amount either. "50 million credits to infiltrate Hala, sneak past their highly secured prison and kill a man who's probably being kept under more security? Then I have to leave unnoticed. Do you know what you are asking me? It could very well bring doom to the whole Ravagers syndicate."

"Then let's make it 60 million," Irani Rael took the datapad and tapped on it to increase the amount.

As Hector took it, he noticed nervousness in her eyes, she was also fidgeting her hands. She was nervous and unsure if he would take the job. She was probably on her last option.

~How can I call myself an American if I don't take advantage here?~ he told himself and made the most serious face possible.

"60 million is fine with me. If you wanted me to bring the guy alive, I would have asked for 100 million. But still, killing is not easy. Other than this 60 million, I want two more things from Nova Corps."

"What may it be?"

He started to write on the Datapad, adding two more points to the deal. "See for yourself." he also explained, "I want all the criminal data of my clan to be wiped clean. They should be allowed to venture around as they want to, as long as they are lawful.

"Third, I am a new leader, I do not believe in the criminal activities the clan committed before. I am strictly against harming innocent people. Hence, I am reforming the clan, making it more of a legitimate business. As you can see with my cargo company and shop. So, I want you to hire my cargo company for goods transportation, and also make my new shop permanent. At the same time, I want you to share with me the real-time data of criminals.

"I will be catching these criminals in the future and taking their ship. In return, I want you to remake the ID tag of those ships and let me keep them. You can check the ships to ensure they belong to a criminal."

She took a cold breath and closed her eyes. After what felt like an eternity, she responded, "I accept all these terms as they do not go against our pre-established laws. I just communicated with the Nova Council and they too agree on all but one thing. We will erase the record of only petty criminals. There are a few in your clan that have committed grave crimes that are punished with death."

"Sure, you can kill them as long as it's not Yondu. He's important to me. Actually, just give me the names, I will kill them myself. One of them tried to rebel against me, I will pin blame on them too." He proposed. Honestly, he didn't give a crap about the clan members other than Yondu and the First Mate. They were not soldiers under him, they were violent pirates and this sure as hell was not Disney, where even pirates can be good guys.

"As long as you can prove you killed them, we can proceed with the deal," she extended her hand.

He shook it, "Great. Let's sign the contract."


Back on Freedom One,

Yondu, Logan, Moony and Adam gathered with him in the President's office after everyone was released. "Folks, I just got hired by Nova Corps for an extremely dangerous mission. In return, the clan gets their dirty record wiped and also 60 million credits."

"What's the job?" Yondu asked, alarmed. 60 million was the amount not even level 5 jobs gave.

"We are to infiltrate Hala and kill a man,"

"What's Hala? A knockoff hell?" Logan asked, the guy wouldn't give a shit even if Hector explained how dangerous it was.

"WOOF!" ~Just point the ass, I will bite it, dad.~ Moony was onboard.

Adam was reading the contract, "A marvellous deal you have made, Mister President. The long term benefits to us are astronomical if we manage to pull this job,"

( _ )

Yondu was going crazy however, heck, his blue face looked red, "YOU ALL ARE MAD! BLOODY MAD! That's itI'm retiringI'm out. We are a little clan of a little syndicate, man. It's an unwritten rule not to mess with the big daddies, cuz we know if we get caught they're gonna make us their bitch!"

*KNOCK KNOCK* Kraglin Obfonteri, the first mate knocked on the door, "Mister President, I brought you the Maneater deer,"

*CLAP* Hector walked out, "Great, it's time to chop Taserface to pieces and feed him to these beasts,"

"WHAT?!" Yondu exclaimed. Sure, he agreed to kill Taserface, but this was too much.

Hector stopped in his tracks and looked back, right into Yondu's eyes. Killing intent passed on without him moving. Yondu felt his knees lighter, feeling as if he was an insect an inch away from Hector's boots.

"You saw the kind old President all this time. Now see the ruthless Hell's Inquisitor. I do nottoleratetraitors!"

[A/N: For those who don't know, the Kree Empire is the one that took Carol Danvers(Captain Marvel). Kree Empire is a vastly powerful faction in the Marvel Universe. The deal Hector made is truly dangerous, but also fits with the current political struggles of the Universe. There will be one more major job Hector will do before the events of 1995, 1997 and more happen on Earth. A major character will also be appearing soon.]

[See Nova Prime on Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

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